CHD 2220 Test 2 02 10 2015 Chapter 2 Theory Research and Practice in Child Development Freud we seem to have themes that govern our lives Some people just have to be right Some people are the haters the human mind exists at 3 distinctly different levels Upper level consciousness what you are thinking about right now at this very minute o It comes and goes Middle level preconscious accessible retrievable memory Deepest level unconscious an enormous part of our mental life that we have no access to it is not accessible o According to Freud this is where all the action is our morality basic motivations drives and all the major themes of our personality Freud s theory on human personality the way our emotions and drives are fulfilled Id Completely unconscious structure of personality o Can be thought of as a storage of energy o This energy will drive our behavior and our emotions o Libido is this charge energy We are born with a ton of this and it is stored in the id We have more libido than can ever be stored Some energy can be stored but some has to be invested We invest it in order to get pleasure Pleasure principle at any stage in development you must invest libido in objects people etc o Waking fantasy day dreaming o Sleeping fantasy do whatever you want in this unconscious fantasy dreaming You can invest energy in one of two ways You can fall in love You can fall in hate Eros about life construction and creation When we fall in love we take eros and we invest it About survival and sexuality Fanatose 2nd instinct that is the exact opposite of eros It is about destruction and hate hurting etc It is present at birth and you HAVE TO INVEST IT BOTH EROS AND FANATOSE CAN BE PLEASURABLE If we do not invest love and hate this build up will lead to mental illness according to Freud Second structure of human personality Ego part of us that negotiates with the real world pick out objects that we invest our energy into o All about finding things to love and hate o Reality principle deals with people o Ego has conscious part and an unconscious part making information processing o Conscious ego cognitive problem solving decision Also contains social cognition understanding people s interest in you their feelings and availability o Unconscious ego part of our mental life that deals with real life but it is unconscious Motivating what we do directing what we do but IT IS UNCONSCIOUS this is where the themes are in unconscious ego Super ego entirely unconscious and is our MORALITY o Inaccessible to us o We have a superficial conscious morality that you learned from family friends etc but this is erroneous according to Freud o Don t get this until 5 or 6 years old it comes on suddenly weeks or months o 2 components Unconscious conscience unconscious rules that are stated positively things I can or should do and rules stated negatively things I should not do Some people have an enormous amount of rules and some have none at all Psychopath someone who does not have an unconscious conscience they have no rules Freud says theirs did not develop Sometimes the rules we make do not make a lot of sense we have conflict built into our morality Ego Ideal unconscious made up of a bunch of psychological and emotional traits Some traits may be very positive share easily care for people donate to charity Some traits may be negative selfish and self Some traits may conflict you share easily but you involved are selfish in nature You will strive to fulfill the image you see of yourself unconsciously in everything you do some traits may be positive and some may be negative This comes from our parents from traits we see around us people we were intimately involved in in our early experiences Early childhood emotions try to push out and present themselves during parts of our lives WE PASS TRAITS ON AND WILL MOST LIKELY EMULATE ACTIONS OF PEOPLE THAT AFFECTED OUR CHILDHOOD o You are acting just like your mother Basic dynamics of personality are formed in great detail and are present the rest of your life at ages 6 or 7 ID ego superego consciousness etc By the 3rd and 4th year the ego is established and deals with reality and the id invests energy into objects Unconscious anxiety when no pleasure is coming in and the ego is failing to invest energy in love and hate this is unconscious This destroys your thinking and perception Catch partner in bed with someone else you can t think you can t study you are receiving no pleasure Unconscious guilt you are overwhelmed you cannot do anything Defense Mechanisms unconscious when anxiety or guilt really wells up you are disintegrating These mechanisms are like little programs that kick in and can temporarily short term reduce anxiety or guilt Repression you ve lost this sex object and take the libido invested in the other person and you put a lid on the Id o Id cannot handle this long term it can only repress it short term Displacement guy leaves without a trace Go to the bar and place all the libido on the first guy you see o AKA rebound o Completely irrational o Unconscious Denial take emotional history with the person you were involved with and delete it taking the pleasure out of activities you did with your ex Rationalization your mind destroys the lost love object It is mental character assassination making that person seem unworthy o Distort your perception of reality o You can do this over and over to various people o You do not know you are doing it Identification child identifies with same sex parent as an alternative to opposite sex when they get too old to be clinging onto other sex parent boys with dad and girls with mom o Take traits personality of same sex parent and emulate them This comes from the ego ideal to solve oedipal ideals Ex A girl never gets over this stage she meets a boy and falls in love but that boy will always be 2 behind dad And vice versa with boys and their mothers Trauma a sudden loss of pleasure and the anxiety that immediately builds up from this CHD 2220 Test 2 02 10 2015 Chapter 5 Perceptual and Physical Development in Infancy Transition to parenthood Personal thing that happens to you and your spouse partner the first day you have a baby Physical and psychological set of changes Period in confinement they thought of the mother as a health issue and she needed a week to recover from giving birth and needed time to get ready to deal with the baby Insurance will only pay for 48 hours of hospital bills 2 days When the baby is born they
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