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Classical Mythology Final Exam Review Date Wednesday April 30th Time 12 30pm 2 30pm Place Regular classroom MON 004 Underlined Terms make sure you can identify all of these Europa daughter of King of Thebes Tyre o Zeus goes to her in a friendly bull form abducts her when she rides him swims to Crete as a bull o Child Minos Minos child of Zeus and Europa o King of Crete o Given perfect bull by Poseidon to sacrifice but doesn t Cadmus son of Aegenor king brother of Europa o Sent to find Europa when abducted goes to oracle of Delphi told to find cow and follow it till it lays then form city there o Founds Cadmeia renamed Thebes Thebes founded by Cadmus o Name changed from Cadmeia to Thebes Cadmeia original name of Thebes o Founded by Cadmus Spartoi the soldiers that sprang up from the planted dragon snake teeth from Cadmus o Killed each other because rocks thrown at them o 4 lived ancestors of noble Thebean families Actaeon transformed into stag o Saw Artemis bathing naked accident while hunting his dogs ate him afer changed into stag Dionysus god of wine o Son of Zeus and Semele o Born from Zeus thigh Pentheus the king in the story Bacche o Didn t worship Dionysus so the god drove his aunts mad o Went to search for them in forest and they ripped him apart Laius 6th king of but should have been 4th o Kidnapped Chrysippus and raped him then Chrysippus killed himself o Zeus placed curse on Laius royal family o Will have son then die at the hands of son Xenia guest friendship must behave respectably towards one another o Zeus controls this Jocasta queen of Thebes o Son Oedipus o wife of Laius o Then wife of Oedipus once he kills his father unknowingly Oedipus son of Jocasta Laius o Raised by King Polybus Queen Merope in Corinth o Receives a prophecy that he will kill his father and marry his mother Polybus king of Corinth o Raised Oedipus Merope queen of Corinth o Raised Oedipus Sophocles great writer 1 3 of great tragedians o Wrote 123 plays 7 intact o Writer of Oedipus Tyrannus Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone Aeschylus great writer 1 3 of great tragedians o Wrote Prometheus Bound Euripides great writer 1 3 of great tragedians Dionysia the festival where Sophocles won many writing awards o Wrote Bacchae o After he was dead Oedipus Tyrannus written by Sophocles o Thebes guarded by Sphinx kills it o Finds out he s the murderer of Laius Jacosta hangs herselfs Oedipus blinds himself Oedipus at Colonus written by Sophocles o Written last 2nd in order though o Staying at Colonus with two daughters sons come disowns them dies mysteriously Antigone written by Sophocles o Third of the three plays but was written first o Antigone wants to bury her dead brother s body Polyneices so does it against Creon s wish he finds out she gets in trouble hangs herself Haemon Creon s son finace of Antigone stabs himself to death and Eurydice Creon s wife kills herself Polyneices son of Oedipus o Goes to visit father complains about life how his brother Eteocles is the king and not him gets disowned by Oedipus Eteocles king of Thebes o son of Oedipus o brother of Polyneices Antigone daughter of Oedipus o Goes into exile with him Ismene daughter of Oedipus o Goes into exile with him Creon brother of Jacosta o Relayer of oracle message advisor Tiresias blind prophet o Descended from Spartoi alive for 7 generations o Blind from Hera prophet from Zeus Sphinx strangler o Guarding Thebes with riddle kills anyone who answers wrong o Killed by Oedipus with answer man o Doesn t worship Dionysus drives aunts mad he goes to find them they Bacchae play written by Euripides rip him apart in the forest Hubris extreme pride or arrogance o Committed when someone thinks they are better than a god and challenges them or boasts usually they re killed and or family is cursed Eumenides The Furies new name o Got the new name after Athena chose to pardon Orestes even though it o Name changed so that they would have a kinder name and would be was going against them worshipped Seven Against Thebes seven champions who were all killed fighting against Thebes after the fall of Oedipus o Happened because Eteocles Polyneices were going to rule alternate years Eteocles refused to give up throne and caused the battle o They killed each other fulfilling Oedipus curse Adrastus king of Argos o Daughter Argeia who married Eteocles Menoeceus oldest son of Creon o Sacrafices himself to guarantee victory of Thebes Amphiara s a hero of the war of the Seven Against Thebes o Swallowed by the earth and transformed into a spirit o Has an oracle at Oropos Epigoni the sons of the heroes who fought in the Seven Against Thebes o Also the name of the second Thebean War because the sons attacked Thebes again wishing to avenge their fathers deaths Alcmaeon son of Amphiaraus o Avenged his father s death to slay his mother Eriphyle o Driven mad by Erinyes Eriphyle wife of Amphiaraus o Son Alcmaeon o Was bribed with a necklace of Polynices and told her husband to fight in the Seven Against Thebes war Haemon fianc of Antigone o Son of Creon o Killed himself Tantalus served Pelops for dinner at Olympus o Punishment is near lake in Tartarus and whenever thirsty water recedes beyond his reach and whenever hungry the tree s branches would rise beyond reach Pelops married to Hippodamia because beat father king in chariot race cheated o Two sons Atreus Thyestes Thyestes son of Pelops o Married to Pelopia o Son Aegisthus Atreus king of Mycenae o Son of Pelops and Hippodamia o Father of Agamemnon Menelaus Iphigenia daughter of Agamemnon Clytemnestra o Agamemnon had to sacrifice her to please Artemis and to allow his ships to sail to Troy The Oresteia written by Aeschylus o 3 plays Agamemnon Liberation Bearers and Eumenides Agamemnon part of The Oresteia o Deaths of Agamemnon and Kassandra Libation Bearers part of The Oresteia o Orestes was away during murder but aveneges death o kills Aegisthus and Clytemnestra with help of Apollo o furies come up from Tartarus Eumenides part of The Oresteia o Apollo Artemis team up to make trial for or against Orestes with Athena o Jury of 10 split 5 5 on decision Athena has final say votes for him to be as judge pardoned o Furies mad name changed to Eumenides now worshiped Dioscuri Castor Polydeuces Pollux immortal o Steal cattle fight with sons of Apharius Castor and sons die Polydeuces prays to Zeus for Castor s revival wish somewhat granted o Castor Polydeuces alternate day in Hades day on earth half immortal Helen daughter of

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