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Test 3 Review Terms Hero male whom the gods take interest in have some sort of immortality but it s limited they aren t gods Heroine Female version of a Hero hero cult worshipers of Heros Heronies Iodama Iodama was a sister or priestess of Athena Serving in her priestly role she chanced upon the goddess Athena Athena was wearing the head of Medusa attached to her garments Athena had punished Medusa with the power to lithify mortals The power hadn t diminished when Medusa died so innocent Iodama was turned to stone at the moment Iodama looked at the goddess Ino boils her son in a cooking pot because she is tricked by Hera She jumps off a cliff once she realizes she killed her own son and ends up being a heroine from this action Leukothea Ino is renamed this once she is a heroin because even though they are dead they can still protect that area around the river where they died Semele got destroyed by fire because she saw Zeus real form Hera takes revenge on the family of Semele because she is mad at Zeus for not being faithful Libyan Heroines the wave washes the Argonauts up on the dessert and they are stuck there can t get their ship back to the water and expect to die there The Libyan Heroines then appear to the Argonauts and tell them that they are local heroines Argonauts the Argonauts are looking for the Golden Fleece They leave Greece and take an very indirect rout and they run into a storm on the way back that takes them into the dessert of Libya Both the nymphs and heroin s want to help the Argonauts Nymph women Dryads most common type of nymphs they seem to be or represent trees They live as long as their tree when the tree dies the nymph does too Oreads nymphs of the mountains wilderness and nature Often seen sitting on a rock Naiads nymphs of streams usually depicted in a marshy environment water plants or streams or rocky banks Nereids ocean nymphs salt water the name means daughters of Nereis who is one of the Greek sea gods We see them in art with fish around them or holding a fish Even riding on sea monsters holding armor is most common way to see them Nympholepsy being seized by the nymphs Often times it s a romantic thing and the nymphs fall in love with you Hesperidean Nymphs Daughters of Hesperis they live at the boundary of the western world on the island of Hesperides Guard the tree of magic apples Ladnon is the serpent who lives with them Saga myths legends folktales all defined by different tenses and characters legends are in the past folktales are somehow in the future Also defined by the types of characters in each of these Most stories don t fall into just one category but usually multiple Cadmus Begins the family with Hamonia they are the parents of the royal family he Wanders all over the world searching for Europa his sister and the gods tell him to stop and his destiny is to find a city where the cow lies down So he gets a special cow and follows the cow throughout Greece until it lies down and that s where he will build a city Thebes Greek city ruled by Oedipus Founded by Cadmus who had consulted the Delphic Oracle while searching for his missing sister Oedipus swollen feet meaning of his name His feet are pierced with chains to keep him in the woods when his parents abandon him Delphic oracle Told lais and jokasta never to have a child but they have Oedipus and try to kill him Laius Meets Oedipus along the way but Oedipus still doesn t know that this is his father they get in a battle and Oedipus kills him Sphinx The monster at Thebes Creature that kills innocent citizens body of a lion and wings and a head and breasts of a woman Jocasta Marries his mother who he doesn t know is really his mother and they rule Thebes together Sophocles Famous ancient playwright who scored the most wins in dramatic competitions Dionysia festival of Dionysus where he is worshiped It s a religious festival Hamartia fatal flaw Something like a mistake that you make Tiresias blind prophet who tells Oedipus to stop trying to solve the play Fibula pins that held Jocasta s dress together Oedipus uses them to cut out his eyes and blind himself Tragedy part of the story Oedipus at Colonus tells the story of what happens after Oedipus leaves Thebes he s homeless and blind and wandering around the gods have really struck his down Only has his daughters there with him Tantalus Son of Zeus and king of Sipylos Favored among the mortals since he was invited to share the food of the gods However he abused the guest host relationship and was punished by being tantalized with hunger and thirst in Tartarus he was immersed up to his neck in water but when he bent to drink it all drained away luscious fruit hung on trees above him but when he reached for it the winds blew the branches beyond his reach Pelops The Greeks need his bones because he s a hero and hero s power after death has to do with their remains of their body their bones Oenomaus Son of Ares King of Pisa chariot racer Holds chariot race for suitors to win daughter Hippodamia s hand in marriage Myrtilis helps Pelops defeat him by compromising the integrity of his chariot Hippodameia Oenomaus daughter that created a chariot race for suitors to win his daughter s hand in marriage Pelops one her with the help of Myrtilis Pelops then went back on his deal to let Myrtilis sleep with her 1st and Myrtilis cursed him Atreus Son of Pelops and Hippodamia brother of Thyestes His wife Aerope gives golden fleece to her lover Thyestes so he becomes king until the sun rises in the west Fed Thyestes his sons Married Pelopia pregnant with Thyestes son Aegisthus and later helped raise Aegisthus Sent Aegisthus to kill Thyestes but recognized sword got away and Aegisthus stabbed Atreus in the back Thyestes Son of Pelops and Hippodamia brother of Atreus Slept with Atreus wife Aerope so she gave him the golden fleece and he got to be king until the son rose in the west Atreus fed him his sons in a banquet so he cursed Atreus and his line Raped his daughter Pelopia secretly producing Aegisthus Imprisoned at Mycenae Aegisthus sent to kill him but recognize sword and Pelopia kills herself with shame Thyestes gets away and Aegisthus stabs Atreus in the back Agamemnon Son of Atreus brother of Menelaus He and Menelaus fight against the Trojans in order to bring back Helen Returns from the Trojan war with concubine Cassandra and they are both killed by his wife Clytaemnestra Clytemnestra Conceived on same night as twin Helen was fathered by Zeus in

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