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Review Sheet for Exam 3 Lecture 23 Homer s Odyssey Books 1 16 Homer s Odyssey epic poem about Odysseus return to Ithaca after war in Troy Opens in medias res in the middle of things Telemachy story of Telemachus becoming a man to live up to his father Odysseus Telemachus visits Nestor and Menelaus to find out about his father s whereabouts and he is aided by Athena to escape the castle in disguise Nestor and Menelaus teach Telemachus proper rules of xenia to set rules for suitors back home Xenia recurring theme shown group of suitors for Odysseus wife eating all their provisions Odysseus and Calypso on Ogygia He is a captive of her Odysseus washes ashore Scheria home of the Phaeacians Due to beef with Poseidon he washes ashore and young girls find him naked Odysseus and Nausicaa He begs her to help him but does not supplicate because he is naked She gives him clothes and tells him to follow them to the palace King Alcinous and Queen Arete Odysseus was welcomed with xenia very kindly Alcinous asks where he is from which brings the stories of his wanderings Demodocus Sings to impress Odysseus about Trojan War and god stories The Apologoi Books 9 12 tales yarns tales of Odysseus travels Cicones and Lotus Eaters Cicones are nasty people that he gets into a fight with and they beat the snot out of the Ithicans and many of his men die Lotus eaters eat a magical plant called the lotus that makes them very high and Odysseus men want to stay but he doesn t because he wants to go home to his wife Polyphemus the Cyclops orb eyed His men invade a Cyclopes cave and Polyphemus comes home and gets pissed that they violated the rules of xenia Polyphemus is a one eyed giant represents anti civilization because cannibal despiser of Zeus and does not follow mankind s rules of xenia Odysseus gets him drunk and tells him his name is Nobody while passed out drunk they blind him with a spear Polyphemus claims to everyone Nobody attacked him Men use sheep as transportation out of the cave and Polyphemus curses him anger of Poseidon Polyphemus dad Circe island of the witch Witch turns Odysseus men into swine and Hermes gives Odysseus antidote that will make him immune to her powers and she lets him stay with him She tells him to visit underworld to see Tiresias to get info on how to get home The Nekuia rights of the dead The Sirens term for siren a woman who is dangerous and desirable Bird women who sing to lure sailors into a ship wreck Scylla and Charybdis Scylla is a six headed monster that eats people off decks of ships versus Charybdis which is a whirlpool that sucks ships down into a vortex Helius cattle Tiresias told him not to touch the cattle of the sun Odysseus falls asleep and his men eat the cows Storm winds from Zeus and Helius kills all the men except Odysseus Phaeacians return Odysseus to Ithaca Athena alters his appearance into a beggar and informs him of the mess at home Eumaeus loyal swineherd While making his way to his farm he visits Eumaeus and there are frequent apostrophes direct addresses as if Eumaeus and Homer are talking to each other Telemachus returns to Ithaca Athena tells Telemachus to return from Sparta helps him avoid the suitors he goes to Eumaeus hut where Odysseus is they are reunited and begin to make plot against suitors Books 17 24 Odyssey Lecture 24 Homer s Homer s Odyssey Odysseus as beggar goes to palace dog Abuse by Suitors Odysseus vs Arnaeus aka Irus errands for money Odysseus and Eurycleia Eurycleia recognizes Odysseus scar The Contest of the Bow Eumaeus takes Odysseus and they have an encounter with Argos Odysseus old The battle of the beggars Arnaeus is the masculine form if Iris the messenger of the gods because he runs Penelope announced her desire to establish the contest of the bow Whoever can string Odysseus bow and fire an arrow through 12 axe handles wins Penelope Telemachus fails to string the bow as well as suitors Odysseus finally strings the bow and shoots an arrow through the axe handles The mnesterophonia killing of the suitors Odysseus Telemachus Eumaeus and Philoetius fight the suitors and kill them Forces the disloyal servants to clean up the mess and are killed as well The Test of the Bed only Penelope and Odysseus knew about this bed This is the reunion of Penelope and Odysseus where they retire to the bed that Odysseus has made with his bare hands carving it into the tree that was growing through their house End of epic Odysseus goes to find his father Laertes Penelope revealed to be the soul of loyalty Reunion of Odysseus and Laertes Lecture 25 Perseus Hero from Argos Zeus and Dana Acrisius Dictys on Seriphos Parents of Perseus he is a demigod Zeus goes in as a shower of gold and has sex with her Danae s father gets oracle that if his daughter has a child itwill overthrow him and take over Argos so he locks Danae up in a basement forever Acrisius banishes Danae and child in a chest thrown in the ocean Dictys takes the chest and saves them Polydectes king of Seriphos taxes all the men to bring him a horse because he wants Danae Perseus is too poor and tells him he will bring him the head of Medusa Polydectes Brother to Dictys Quest for the head of Medusa Athena and Hermes guide him Graeae old women steals their eye and tooth 3 old women with one eye and one tooth they give Perseus info he seeks when he Perseus gets a cap of invisibility winged sandals to fly to gorgons and a kibisis for the head of the gorgon from the nymphs Athena and Hermes Hermes gives him a scimitar sword of unbreakable steel Medusa She is a gorgon with snaky hair and one look and you turn to stone Perseus slays Medusa using cap and scimitar using shield to see her reflection puts head in kibisis Pegasus winged horse Sprouts up from Medusa s dead body Perseus and Andromeda Andromeda is Cassiopea s hubris daughter that claimed she was more beautiful than every nymph Poseidon punishes them by flooding the city and asking for her sacrifice to a sea monster the Kraken Perseus rescues her and marries her Return to Seriphos Returns with Andromeda Rescues Danae and Dictys from Polydectes cruelty Turns Polydectes into stone with Medusa Names Dictys king of Seriphos Returns with wife and mother to Argos Snakes and coral Dripping blood of the gorgon s head is cause of snakes in Libyan Desert and coral in the sea Athena and the aegis He gives Athena Medusa s head and she puts it on her shield the aegis Medusa s head is apotropaic symbol Perseus returns to Argos Accidentally

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