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CLT 3370 06 Spring 2014 Midterm Study Guide Underlined Terms make sure you can identify all of these Etiological Myth an explanation of the origin of some fact or custom o Example creation of the world evil vs good feelings names of plants Dactylic Hexameter is a form of meter in poetry or a rhythmic scheme It is traditionally associated with the quantitative meter of classical epic poetry Ovid Roman poet o Wrote in Latin 1st century BC to 1st century AD o Wrote metamorphoses Metamorphoses stories about transformations written by Ovid o Human into plant human into constellation The Muses in the Theogony o 9 muses daughters of Zeus Mnemosyne goddess of memory o Act as inspiration o Most important was Kalliope epic poetry o Mt Helicon is tradition home where their shrine is Hesiod o 2 works Theogany Works and Days o Wrote in dactylic hexameter o Ethiological myths didactic literature Theogony set on Mt Helicon o The birth creation of all the gods o from Chaos the gods that were born were Gaia Tartarus Eros Erebus and Night primordial Primordial gods protogenoi the 5 original gods who were born from Chaos o Gaia Ge earth o Tartarus underworld o Eros Cupid love o Erebus darkness at center of Underworld o Night night Mother Earth goddess fertility agriculture o Nurturer guardian but also destroyer o Triple goddess birth death regeneration o Gaia is main first one Parthenogenesis the process of giving virgin birth no father o Borth from Gaia from this were Ouranos Uranus Pontus and mountains Ouranos Uranus sky god o Weather sky o Rain seeds was his semen Pontus the sea Hieros Gamos sacred marriage o Ususally between a sky god and earth mother goddess Titans 12 of them 6 males 6 females o Born from Gaia Ouranos o Cronos is most important Cyclopes strong one eyed creatures o Born from Gaia Ouranos Hecatonchires 50 headed 100 handed creatures o Why Peacocks are sacred to Hera Oceanids 3 000 daughter ocean nymphs o Daughters of the Titans Oceanus Tethys o Sisters of Potamoi Potamoi gods of the rivers o Sons of the Titans Oceanus Tethys o Spirit of river and streams o Brothers of Oceanids Selene Luna goddess of the moon o Daughter of the Titans Hyperion Theia o 1 3 faces of Artemis Helius god of the sun o Son of the Titans Hyperion Theia Eos dawn o Kid of the Titans Hyperion Theia Rhea sister wife of Cronos o Earth mother goddess o Children Hestia Demeter Hera Hades Posiedon Zeus Hestia Vesta goddess of the hearth o Oldest Olympian o Virgin goddess vestal virgins is her cult Demeter Ceres goddess of the grain o Kids Persephone Ploutos o Mother fertility goddess o Attributes cornucopia Hera Juno goddess of marriage childbirth o Wife of Zeus always jealous of his affairs o Helios gamos union between sky god and earth goddess o Epithets ox eyed white armed o Attributes golden crown on a throne veiling notion o Sacred animal peacock o Town of worship Argos o Hated heroes Heracles Ageneas o Like heroes Jason Poseidon god of the sea o Also rivers flood and drought earthquakes and horses o Always depicted with beard and trident o Son of Cronos Rhea Hades Pluto Dis Pater god of the underworld o Chthonic god of the earth not on Olympus o Agricultural wealth fertility o 3 headed dog Cerberus o Hades Pluton version of fertility agriculture wealth cornucopia Zeus Jupiter god of the sky ultimate progenitor o Also god of storms lightning justice punishment o Has power of prophecy o Epithets cloud gatherer o Attributes lightning bolt bearded aegis o Sacred animal eagle o Sacred plant oak o Town of worship Olympia cult site Cronus one of 12 Titans o Eventually becomes ruler after overthrowing Uranus Omphalos the stone Cronus swallowed instead of Zeus o Kept at Delphi Greek sanctuary Kouretes Curetes guards of Zeus when he was an infant o Danced crashed their shields to hide Zeus noise from Cronus o Etiological myth for dancing music Titanomachy the war between Zeus siblings vs Cronus Titans o Lasted 10 years myth wars always last 10 years Typhoeus Typhon horrible many headed monster with wings Mt Othrys the stronghold of the Titans o Titans put in Tarturus when lost Mt Olympus stronghold of Zeus o Where all the Olympians now reside Gigantomachy Zeus siblings vs Giants o Giants were born from Gaia o 10 year war Zeus victorious o Battle between Zeus Typhoeus o Last child of Gaia Prometheus creator of man o Fashioned humans out of clay o Son of Titans Themis Iapetus o God of forethought o Trickster god Trickster God trick other gods to benefit themselves or man o Prometheus o Hermes Mecone Mekone the meeting place between mortals gods to decided which part of sacrificial animals would go to gods and which mortals would keep o Prometheus tricked Zeus to help humans and got fire taken away from them then took back and hid fire to help humans again Aeschylus writer of Prometheus Bound o Says after tricking Zeus Prometheus was chained to a rock at the Cauccasus and everyday an eagle comes and eats his liver it grows back during night happens all over again o Play against tyranny Pandora a beautiful woman made as a punishment to man for fire Anthropomorphic a god that possesses humanlike traits looks like a human o Made by Hephaestus Athena Aphrodite Hermes o Wife of Epimetheus o Given Pandora s Jar pithos filled with evils Epimetheus god of afterthough o Husband of Pandora Pithos jar filled with evils Pandora s jar o Only hope remained in the jar o Good or evil o More beautiful o More intense passionate o Quicker have more faults Nectar sacred drink of the gods Ambrosia sacred food of the gods Ichor substance that makes up the bodies of the gods o Their blood o Cleaner more clean o Can suffer mortal pain wounds Sybil a female prophetess o Another name for an oracle Sybil of Cumae in Italy o Most famous prophetess Cassandra of Troy received divine sight from Apollo but when she refused to sleep with him he cursed her with foretelling the truth but no one would ever believe her o Knew the outcome of Trojan War but no one believed her Io one of Zeus affairs o Hera found out about the affair Zeus turned her into a cow Hera sent giant fly after her to always bother her Hyacinthus a Spartan price who was loved by Apollon and the West winds The West Winds grew jealous and a dicus hit his head and he died o Larkspur flower Adonis god of beauty and desire o Loved by Aphrodite o Killed by boar of Artemis who was jealous of his hunting skills Hebe Iuventas goddess of youth cupbearer to gods immortal wife of Heracles o

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