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1 27 14 2 Main Components Content words that we use Delivery How we convey those words Methods of Deliverance Impromptu Speaking w limited operation o Don t make best choices in language style Manuscript reading a script in front of us o Sound mechanical or robotic Memorized same as full manuscript but speak it from memory o Able to make eye contact Extemporaneous Speaking from an outline after research planning o Organized coherent o Conversational spontaneous Best extemporaneous speech I have a Dream MLK Consider Before you Begin to Speak 1 Audience Have to be audience centered a Speak to them Make sure it makes sense to them b Analyze the audience you re speaking to 2 Does your speech demonstrate good content a Is your subject clear 3 Does your speech have clear structure Intro Tell us what you re going to tell us a b Body Tell us c Conclusion Tell us what you told us 4 Delivery a How you deliver message orally visually through use of voice face and body b Delivery is conveyed through the non verbal channel i Everything other than word ii Effective delivery is conversational 1 Natural 2 Enthusiastic 3 Confident 4 Direct Principals of non verbal communication It is inevitable Always sending messages non verbally 1 2 Non verbal messages have a better tendency to be believed 3 Non verbal cues are seldom isolated Types of non verbal cues Proxemics the way we use space distance to communicate Chronemics The meanings we attach to time 2 3 14 Eye Contact the most expressive source of non verbal communication 90 look at audience 90 of the time Body language the body communicates in several ways Facial expressions Gestures Posture No slouching leaning Motivated movement Voice o Vocal quality What distinguishes our voice from other s voices o Rate speech at where we speak o Volume How loudly or softly we speak o Pitch Highness or lowness of our voice on musical staff o Pronunciation o Enunciation Act of speaking distinctly and clearly Vocal variety All elements of vocal quality and stress pausing Conversational style Communicating with our audience rather than presenting to them Primary recency effect We are more likely to remember the first and last items said in a series than the items in between Get attention w Questions Quote Story Startling fact or stat Action Humor Provide a sense of closure Reinforce the main ideas Reiterate thesis topic Restate the main point 2 10 14 Queen Elizabeth Clip Queen Elizabeth practices her speech in the mirror multiple times before going out and presenting it to hundreds of men She begins a little shaky but eventually successfully delivers the speech Strength of Deliver Macrostructure Introduction Body Conclusion Microstructure Language style o 3 Key Elements Appropriateness Clarity Vividness Oral communication I less formal As speakers we should Use simple language and sentence structure Use repletion Use personal pronouns Use appropriate language and strive for clarity Language is symbolic and arbitrary The word is not the timing Meaning changes 9 Things to Ensure Appropriateness Clarity 1 Accuracy Use words that must precisely convey the meaning we intend a Denotation dictionary definition of a word b Connotation what the word suggests or implies or the meanings we attach to words based on experiences Use words correctly Use standard English o Slang a meaning that is arbitrary assigned to a word by a social group or subculture c Jargon a particular terminology of a trade or profession that is not generally understood by outsiders 2 Be specific concrete 3 Be economical 4 Be respectful inclusive bias free 5 Have verbal immediacy use language that will reduce psychological distance 6 Suit level of formality to the occasion 7 Omit vocal litter 1 17 14 Audience Listening Skills Be audience centered Don t be ethnocentric others Don t pander To assume that our cultural norms and perspectives are superior than Abandoning our convictions to cater to the whims of the audience Dr Eric Kandel In consciousness we can only focus one thing at a time Hearing the biological process Listening making a conscious effort to hear Listening the process of giving thoughtful attention to another person s words and understanding what you hear Components Hearing Attending Understanding Remembering Functions Information Reception Empathy Criticism discrimination Other affirmation Types Discriminative Comprehensive Appreciative Empathetic Critical Barriers Hearing Problems Amount of input Personal Concerns Rapid thought Noise Poor Listening Habits 1 Pseudo listening an imitation of the real thing 2 Stage hogging only interested in what we have to say 3 Defensive listening taking innocent comments as personal attacks Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech Appeals to millions of people o Many whites o Many Christians USES Symbolism word choice metaphors alliteration repetition Emphasis racial reconciliation

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FSU SPC 2608 - Methods of Deliverance

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