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Classical Mythology Study Guide Key Terms Divine Punishment Ovids Flood to scourge the earth of humans Divine Birth Being pregnant and giving birth to someone while being a virgin o Example Gaia giving birth to the mountains nymphs hills nature Saga legend Perceived to be historical may have been embellished with Folktale fairytale Short fantastic tales with high moral sometimes magical o An explanation for why something may be called what it is in modern day fantasy during the retelling Gegenesis Earthborn o Armed mortal beings content Etiology Cause Apotropaic Designed to ward away Theogony Birth or Genealogy of the gods Cosmogony Birth of order Didactism Lifted to the realm of poetry o Example Gloomy Tartarus Hieros Gamos Sacred Marriage Chaos o Zeus and Hera Epiphet A descriptive adjective usually associated with a god or place o Gaia and Ouranos were the first Hieros Gamos and they both came from o Aphrodite and Hephaistos Parthenogensis Virgin Birthing Bi Naturalism When a god can be both a god and an physical thing o Example Okeanos is both a god and the freshwater river encircling the Hubris When a god hero has too much pride which eventually leads to their Euhemerism Worship of the Dead Syncretism Reconciling Combing of different beliefs or explanations Bard Semi professional or professional class Told stories often relating his audience their ancestors with past great deeds Titanomachy War of the Titans Gigantomachy The struggle between Zeus and the Olympians and the nether Earth downfall forces of chaos led by the giant Alcyoneus o Metaphor for civilization vs barbarianism Delphi Found to be the naval of the world by Zeus Chthonic Having to do with underworld spirits or spirituality Heroic Ideal Concern with kleos o Literally what is said about an individual Tragoidia Goat Song o Refers to form and not theme Aeneid A cultural poem Metamorphosis Written by Ovid as a very influential series of short stories about well known characters all revolving around the theme of change Allegory Metaphor for a theme o Good VS Evil Impious Did not hold proper religious observances Eponymous People putting their name on something Statue Clay Tablet Palladium A wooden statue of a god goddess Attributes Words someone would use to describe someone or something o Example Sex doves swans roses Apothecary A place where medicine comes from and is kept Hermaphrodite A fusion of the nymph Sameleis and the love child of Hermes and Aphrodite Hermaphroditus in water Enthousiasmos Filled with the God Pan Common to all Pomegranate Symbol of fertility Elusian Mysteries Super exclusive and secret cult in Greece Succession Myth The idea that no one should overthrow Zeus because they themselves will just get overthrown Apotheosis Elevation to divine status of a person or concept Intertextuality Shaping of meaning through allusion or quotation of anther text Hetaera Highly cultured talented courtesan THE GODS Chaos Yawning Void thought of by Hesiod o Ovid describes Chaos as an unformed mass o No features or epiphets Gaia broad breasted epithet and in more solid terms o Described as a binary opposition to Chaos o Seat of all gods who inhabit Olympus o Children of Gaia Cyclopes The Maker of thunder Brontes What is heard Steropes What is seen Arges Keraunos What hits you 100 handers not titans Incredibly Violent Tartarus Separate realm in a part of Gaia o Living entity o The deepest region of the world beneath the underworld Erebus Dark and Gloomy o Mixes with black night to produce opposites brightness Aither and day Eros Desire and love o Eventually becomes Cupid o Cosmic force as described by Hesiod o Is countered later by Eris strife and together they are the two forces necessary for the development of the cosmos Mnemosyne Memory o Mother of the muses 0000 Ouranos Exists to be overthrown and provide a good example of a succession myth o Overthrown by his youngest son Kronos The Titans 12 children 6 boys and 6 girls who basically exist to be overthrown Created through the union of Gaia and Ouranos o Okeanos Freshwater River that encircles the entire earth o Mnemosyne Mother of the muses Bi Natural Memory o Iapetus Most titan like after Kronos Father of Atlas and Prometheus o Rhea Mother of Zeus o Kronos Youngest and most fearful of the titans The Oceanids o Oceanus and Tethys 3 000 sons rivers and 3 000 daughters springs Styx Most prominent daughter The River Styx is the river of the underworld Helius Sun God Phaethon Shining and Bright Son of Helius Selene Moon Goddess Eos Goddess of the Dawn Aphrodite Goddess of love o Genital Loving o Roman Name Venus o Etymology Creation of foam o Consort Ares o Golden Aphrodite o Controls the hearts of all gods and goddesses except the virgin goddesses o Pandemos Other name for Aphrodite Mother of lost children o Graces Aphrodite s Daughters Represent beauty personified and are usually 3 in number Adonis Handsome hunter who Aphrodite falls in love with o He fights a wild boar who Aphrodite warns him not to and is killed o Aphrodite cries onto his blood and the blood turns into a flower anemone o In Ovid s Metamorphosis o Hyacinthia Dying vegetation god Horae Daughter of Zeus and Themis Eros Abstract god of attraction sexual desire o Romans believed that Eros eventually turned into cupid o Male counterpart of Aphrodite Phallic Prapus Fertility God Son of Aphrodite Zeus King of the gods o His animal is the eagle o Wields Lightning o Roman name Jupiter o Usually morphs into a swan mostly when raping people o Is Supreme meaning not to be outwitted or thwarted o Attributes Lightning Bolt Beard Aegis Shieldor Breastplate Scepter Staff held by a king Hera Lady of Grand Temples o Wife Sister of Zeus o Goddess of wrathful and malicious rage o Roman Name Juno o Attributes Polos Crown Sceptor Staff Athena Symbolizes everything good and just o Represents the noble heroic aspect of warfare o Daughter of the union of Zeus and Metis o Born from Zeus head fully formed o Roman Name Minerva o Epiphets Warlike girder in armor worker grey eyed maiden o Attributes Helmet armor shield spear aegis o Animal Owl Wisdom o Brought humans the olive tree Symbol of hope o Tamed the wild horse Leto Mother of Apollo and Artemis Prometheus Forethought o Trickster and Craftsman God o Steals fire and gives it to humans o Is punished by Zeus and strapped to a rock in the Caucaus Mountains where each day Zeus would send his eagle to eat out his liver Themis Daughter of Kronos and Rhea o God of

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