SPC2608 1 13 14 Communication the process of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages to create shared meaning Dynamic process o Communication is NOT linear Two types of messages verbal and nonverbal Verbal messages o Consist of the words we use Nonverbal messages o Consist of everything else the signals we send through our body hands face and voice o 67 to 93 of all communication is nonverbal Perceptual Lenses we all have perceptual lenses that are defined by our life experiences These lenses process how we interpret communications and perceive a message being delivered Intrapersonal communication with one s self Interpersonal communication between people with an identifiable relationship Impersonal communication about general topics with strangers acquaintances elevator talk Small Group communication that occurs in groups of three to ten Computer Mediated Communication communication that occurs when using technology that facilitates communication and interactive sharing through networks emails texting etc Public communicating to an audience of ten or more public speaking lecture Intercultural Communication communication that occurs whenever two or more people from different cultures interact Mass communication produced and transmitted via media t large audiences this instinctive human response to fearful situations causes magazines TV movies blogs music etc Fight or Flight individuals to have anxiety towards public speaking anticipated communication with others Glossophobia Communication Apprehension the fear of public speaking the fear or anxiety associated with real or o Trait like Communication Apprehension CA when a personal feels apprehension about speaking in most situations o State like Communication Apprehension short lived anxiety that s associated with or during a specific encounter o Three formal approaches of dealing with CA 1 Systematic Desensitization getting used to the idea of the fear 2 Cognitive Restructuring aims to start thinking about things differently 3 Skills Building the more we do it the more skills we build leads to less apprehension the focus of this class o Relaxation preparation deep thinking meditation breathing all help Unconscious Incompetence things we aren t aware of doing reduce and relieve CA o Saying like or umm Conscious Incompetence becoming aware of the things we are doing Conscious Competence communicating effectively by thinking about these Unconscious Competence communicating effectively without thinking about things likes and umms it 1 27 14 2 main points that we must focus on when giving a speech Content Delivery 4 Methods 1 Impromptu speaking with limited preparation Conversational and spontaneous Thoughts don t flow as smoothly as we d like to 2 Manuscript speaking from a manuscript that s written down in its entirety Reading from a text which results in a lack of personality and Saying all of the words and phrases how we would like eye contact 3 Memorized speaking from memory Saying all of the words and phrases how we would like Lots of eye contact Biggest problem can be our memory because we get stuck 4 Extemporaneous requires that we carefully research plan and write our words so that it appears to be spontaneous and conversational but at the same time professional and eloquent Best method of delivery Ultimate goal of delivery Well prepared and carefully crafted What do we have to consider before we speak 4 things 1 Have we considered our audience Must be audience centered crafting a message that s meaning and makes sense to them This always comes first 2 Does our speech demonstrate good content What s the purpose of our speech Answer to convey knowledge Have we researched our topic well enough so that we are able to convey a Is the subject topic clear to the audience strong understanding of it s meaning o We must clarify and explain our topic in a credible way through credible sources 3 Does our speech have clear structure Intro body conclusion Aristotle thought that a speech needs three things a head body and feet We are taking the audience by the hand and walking them through our speech Doing this allows the audience to follow us and not get lost 4 Are we delivering our speech effectively Delivery through the use of our voice face and body the way that we communicate our message orally and visually Delivery is conveyed through the non verbal channel Non verbal communication is communicated through everything other than our words Non verbal channels reinforce our verbal channels Natural enthusiastic confident and direct Principles of Non verbal Communication It is inevitable o 67 93 of communication is non verbal o We can not NOT communicate o We must use non verbal communication to our advantage o We communicate a lot without saying anything o Let them reinforce our message Culturally and situation bound o Non verbal can mean different things in different environments and Non verbal cue s are believed o Listeners tend to believe or non verbal message over our verbal cultures message Non verbal cue s are seldom isolated o We convey several non verbal cue s at a time Different types of non verbal cue s Proxemics the way we use space and distance to communicate o Consider the density of the crowd and the amount of control you have over a space Arrangement of the audience o Differentiate between too close and too far personal space Chronemics the meanings we attach to time o Honor the time limit that is set for us o Allocate time to arrive early on time Appearance professional appearance and neat grooming emphasis and confirm creditability o Our personal appearance is a direct reflection of us o Grooming proper physical and dental hygiene o Our appearance communicates more loudly than our actual words o Avoid extremes in our appearance Eye Contact the most expressive source of nonverbal communication o A speaker should look at the audience 90 of the time during the delivery of a speech Body Language the body communicates non verbally in several ways o Facial Expressions one of the ways we bring things to life We want our facial expressions to be natural and spontaneous Proper facial expressions during a speech are necessary so it s ok to practice o Gestures these help us emphasis an important point We need to make sure that our gestures are meaningful and not distracting o Posture good posture means that we don t want to be slouching or leaning Practicing good comfortable posture is important o Motivated Movement ex
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