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CLT3370 Exam Review Section1 Underlined words defined throughout the lectures Know the definitions and relative information for these terms Many will come from Perseus Heracles and Theseus 70 of test Perseus and the Argold Perseus Appear in Perseus and the Argold Hermes gives him scimitar Athena leads him to the gorgons Slayer of Medusa Son of Zeus Danai Wife of Andromeda Favorable gods Athena and Hermes Danae Appear in Perseus and the Argold Wife of Zeus Mother of Perseus When Zeus falls in love with her he comes to her in the form of golden o Arcissius locks both in a chest and floats them down the sea shower Refuses Polydectes Graeae Appear in Perseus and the Argold Athena and Hermes tell Perseus to go see them for information on where the gorgons live o They don t tell Perseus steals an eye and a tooth They tell him to go to Hesperides for pariphenalia The grey ones Sisters of the gorgons Scimitar Appear in Perseus and the Argold Given to Perseus by Hermes Cuts Medusa s head off with it Winged Sandals Kibisis Appear in Perseus and the Argold Appear in Perseus and the Argold One of the tools given to Perseus from the Nymphs to defeat the gorgons Allowed him to fly around and transport quickly One of the tools given to Perseus from the Nymphs to defeat the gorgons Bag used to carry Medusa s head once severed o At one point leaked and creates poisonous snakes coral Cap of Invisibility Appear in Perseus and the Argold One of the tools given to Perseus from the Nymphs to defeat the gorgons Allowed him to turn invisible Appear in Perseus and the Argold God on Perseus side Aids him by giving him a scimitar to help cut off a gorgons head Lends him winged sandals as well Hermes Gorgons Appear in Perseus and the Argold Live in the extremes Perseus is led to where they stay by Athena Severed Medusa s head Perseus and Medusa Appear in Perseus and the Argold Perseus severs Medusa s head o With the scimitar given by Hermes o Uses reflective shield to see Medusa and cut off head From severed head Pegasus and chysaor are formed Andromeda Appear in Perseus and the Argold Daughter of King Cepheus Her mom shows Hubris by saying she is prettier than the Nereids o Zeus sends monster Andromeda s father sends person to Oracle Oracle says to offer daughter as a sacrifice o Perseus comes to save the day cuts her down from rock o Kills her fianc with Medusa s head o Has a son with Andromeda named Perses Heracles Heracles Herakles Greek or Hercules Roman Appears in Heracles Birth name Alcides Associated with Argos Thebes and Tiryns Son of Amphitryon and Alcmena Easily identified by lion skin and club Demigod Alcides Appears in Heracles Original name of Heracles Given the name Heracles Glory of Hera later in life Amphitryon Son of Alcaeus who is the son of Perseus Appears in Heracles Adoptive father of Heracles Husband of Alcmena Father of Heracle s twin Iphicles a mortal Alcmena Appears in Heracles Mother of Heracles o Natural mother o Had sex with Zeus to create While Zeus is in the guise of Amphitryon Extends the night 3x it s normal rate Zeus seduces Alcmna Appears in Heracles In the guise of Amphitryon Extends the night 3x its normal rate Creates a son with her to stop the potential evils he has forseen Alemna conceives twins one by Zeus one by Amphitryon Appears in Heracles Amphitryon Iphicles Zeus Heracles Appears in Heracles When seeking oracle at Delphi Heracles is told to serve Eurystheus 12 years and complete a series of labors o Reward immortality Eurystheus Megara Appears in Heracles Wife of Heracles Daughter of Creon king of Thebes They have three children together Hera and Herakles Greek Hercules Roman Heracles Kills his wife and children o When hera afflicts Heracles with madness Exiles himself against Thebes Gets the name of Heracles glory of Hera to appease her TWELVE LABORS OF HERACLES The Nemean Lion Travels to Nemea o Makes his club kills the invulnerable lion Host of Nemea offered to sacrifice animal for good luck Heracles tells him to wait 30 days o Heracles comes back w lion 30 days later they sacrifice The Lernaean Hydra Swamp of Lerna 9 heads 1 immortal o Iolaus helps Iolaus Heracles dips his arrows in the Hydras blood poisonus Held a flame up to the dead heads to make sure they would not rejuvenate Nephew of Heracles Helps in many of Heracle s labors The Cerynean Hind Deer at mt Cerynea Must bring it back alive Sacred to Artemis o Hunted it for a year Artemis not happy o But heals Dear after Heracles shoots it when Heracles tells story The Erymanthian Boar Must bring it back alive Side quest entertained by Pholus a centaur o Opens wine all centaurs come rushing in kills them all Finds bull carries it back in a net The Augean Stables Must clean the stables in one day Tore large openings in walls on opposite sides of area Dug trenches to the Alpheus and Peneus o Flushed out all the mess The Stymphalian Birds Lake near the city of Stymphalus Has no clue how to clear birds out o Athena helps rattles bronze rattle o Scares them out o Shoots them The Cretan Bull Minos king of crete Beautiful bull supposed to be sacrificed to Poseidon by Minos o Refuses to Bull goes crazy Heracles captures it The Mares of Diomedes Diomedes Son of Ares Four man eating horses o Heracles brings them back dedicates them to Hera The Girdle of Hippolyta Hippolyta queen of the amazons Was the magic belt of Ares o Gave supremacy and power to the wearer Kills Hippolyta and brings back The Cattle of Geryon Eurytion giant herdsman and Orthus guard dog kills all three Geryon three bodied monster Heracles shot him down with arrows The sun helios gives him a golden gup The Apples of Hesperides Heracles must fetch the golden apples Hesperides the three daughters of Night o Tended a tree with golden apples far into the West o Apples were a wedding gift to Hera guarded by Ladon Prometheus tells him to get Atlas to retrieve the apples Cerberus Three headed guard dog of Hades Must bring cerebrus to Eurytheus o Athena and Hermes help him traverse into and out of Underworld Hades agrees to let Heracles take Cerberus if he can outmuscle him o Does takes him back to Eurytheus Deianira Unintentionally kills Heracles by dipping his tunic into poison o Thought it was a love charm LEGENDS OF ATTICA Cecrops Serpent shaped first king of Attica Contest between Athena and Poseidon happened under Cecrops Erectheus Son of Pandion Sacrificed daughter s with wife s approval Successfully defended Athens in earliest war Died in battle

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FSU CLT 3370 - Perseus and the Argold

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Exam 3

Exam 3

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Exam 2

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Exam I

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