Classical Mythology Final Exam Review Packet Completed 1 Europa 2 Minos 3 Cadmus 4 Thebes 5 Cadmeia 6 Spartoi 7 Actaeon 8 Dionysus 9 Pentheus 10 Labdacus 11 Antiope 12 Laius 13 Xenia 14 Jocasta 15 Oedipus a Raped by Zeus as bull on Crete Mother of Minos a Son of Zeus and Athena king of Crete a Brother of Europa sowed dragon teeth into ground and Spartoi emerged Built Thebes after following a cow a Found by Cadmus after he followed a cow there Known for being the location of bad things a Citadel of Thebes named after its founder Cadmus a Emerged from the sewn teeth of the dragon of Ares Fought each other until only 5 were left The remaining five helped Cadmus build the city of Thebes a Saw Artemis while she was bathing He was turned into a stag and killed by his own hounds a God of Wine and parties Grew in Zeus leg Raised by the Bacchantes a King of Thebes Opposed Dionysus Killed by the bacchantes a Grandson of Cadmus Killed by the Bachae after disrespecting Dionysus a Mother of Amphion and Zethus by Zeus Herdsman raised her sons and they killed her captures a Father of Oedipus Killed by son to fulfill prophecy a Ancient Greek philosophy of hospitality Guest friendship a Mother of Oedipus and wife of Laius Marries son Committed suicide a Marries mother kills father Saves Thebes from the Sphinx Blinded himself 16 Polybus 17 Sophocles 18 Aeschylus 19 Euripides 20 Dionysia a King that Oedipus thinks is his real dad a Classical Greek playwright Wrote Oedipus a Classical playwright wrote seven against Thebes and Agamemnon a Last of the great playwrights Wrote Andromache and Hecuba a Festival where comedies and tragedies are shared In honor of Dionysus Aeschylus spoke there 21 Oedipus Tyrannus 22 Oedipus at Colonus a Story of Oedipus portrayed by Sophocles Kills dad Marries mother a Part of the Oedipus trilogy by Sophocles Chronicles the end of Oedipus life 23 Antigone 24 Polyneices 25 Eteocles 26 Antigone 27 Ismene 28 Creon 29 Tiresias 30 Sphinx 31 Bacchae a Third of the Theban plays Chronicles the story of Creon and Antigone a Son of Oedipus and brother of Eteocles Fought with brother over rule of the city and killed each other a Brother of Polyneices and because of curse put on them by Oedipus they end up killing themselves over control of the state a Daughter f Oedipus and Jocasta Served as guides to Oedipus when he blinded himself Was given to Haemon so he could kill her but they ended up getting married a Sister of Antigone Also guided Oedipus a Uncle to Antigone Ismene Killed Haemon a Blind fortuneteller Prophesied the Seven against Thebes a Plagued city of Thebes Asked riled to travelers and killed them when they failed Defeated by Oedipus a Play by Euripes Dionysus visits Thebes expecting to be worshiped Pentheus the young king tries to arrest him he is driven mad and killed by the crazy women of Thebes a Excessive pride Cornerstone to many myths a Female deities of revenge Correspond to the Furies 34 Seven Against Thebes a Written by Aeschylus Third play in the Oedipus trilogy 32 Hubris 33 Eumenides 35 Adrastus attempt 36 Tydeus a One of the seven against Thebes Overtook Thebes on his second a Son of Oeneus Exiled for murder and died on the voyage of the seven against Thebes 37 Menoeceus 38 Amphiara s a Grandfather of Oedipus a Father of Alcmaeon Commanded his son to kill is wife He joined the seven against Thebes knowing it would be fatal to him 39 Epigoni a The second generation of the seven against Thebes 40 Alcmaeon 41 Eriphyle 42 Haemon 43 Tantalus 44 Pelops 45 Thyestes 46 Atreus a Killed his mother by his fathers Amphiaraus last wishes Had to find land where sun hadn t shined when he killed his mother so we lived on a newly formed island a Bribed by Polyneices with the necklace of Harmonia Wife of Amphiaraus and mother of Alcmaeon a Married Antigone and was killed by Creon Other versions say he committed suicide a Feeds son to gods Punished in the underworld between puddle and low hanging fruit neither of which he can consume a Fed to the gods by Tantalus Demeter ate his shoulder When revived his shoulder was replaced by ivory Wed Hippodamia and killed her father Oenomaus a Son of Pelops and brother of Atreus Driven from Megara after seducing Atreus wife Sent Atreus his own son whom he killed unknowingly a Son of Pelops and brother of Thyestes After killing his own son fed Thyestes flesh of his own son Father of Agamemnon a Daughter of Agamemnon who was sacrificed for fair winds to Troy 47 Iphigenia 48 The Oresteia a Work by Aeschylus Trilogy including Agamemnon and Eumenides The Libation Bearers and 49 Libation Bearers 50 Eumenides a Play by Aeschylus Orestes kills his mother Clymenestra Tries to justify his action but fails and is pursued by the furies for his matricide a Orestes takes sanctuary from the furies Apollo defends his but Athena cast the deciding vote for his acquittal The furies are mad at Athena but come to an agreement with her and bless the city of Athens and reside there as the Eumenides Kind Goddesses a Twin deities who shipwreck sailors and received sacrifices for favorable winds 51 Dioscuri 52 Helen 53 Priam 54 Andromache 55 Paris Alexander a Most beautiful woman of Greek and indirect cause of the Trojan War Married Menelaus Agamemnon s brother but fled to Troy with Paris a Last king of Troy Father of Hector and Paris a Wife of Hector Bore three sons with Achilles son Neoptolemus a Prince of Troy Brother of Hector Kills Achilles by shooting him in heel Judgment of Paris 56 Hecuba a Wife of Priam and mother of Hector and Paris 57 Judgment of Paris 58 Agamemnon a Chose Aphrodite as the most beautiful goddess and earned her favour and was given Helen as a reward a King of Greek forces against Troy Sacrificed daughter for fair winds to Troy Killed and betrayed by wife Clytemnestra 59 Menelaus 60 Diomedes 61 Nestor a Brother of Agamemnon and Husband of Helen Trojan War was started when Helen abandoned him for Paris of Troy a Seized the palladium from Troy Harmed Aphrodite so she made his wife unfaithful and turned his friends into birds a Brothers killed by Herakles but he escapes He is an advisor to the Greek in the Iliad Persuades Petroculus to fight as Achilles 62 Ajax the Greater Telamonian a Second best warrior to Achilles Retrieved Achilles body after he was killed Killed himself after losing the competition for Achilles armor a Main character in the Odyssey Tries to return home to Ithaca Takes 20 years to get back home a Best warrior for the
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