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Michael Theise 11 7 13 Persuasive Test Review Outline Persuasion Monroe s Motivated Sequence MMS Seek to influence the audience s o Attitude general evaluation of people ideas objects events o Beliefs way we perceive reality o Values ideas of right and wrong Argument articulating a position with support or evidence Elements of MMS 1 Attention motivate audience to listen 2 Need the problem pointing at audience 3 Satisfaction the solution 4 Visualization helps us see into the future 5 Action tells audience exactly what to do Body Need satisfaction visualization Conclusion reviews the main points Ethical Persuasion Goal reach a desired end through ethical means Persuasion symbolic non coercive language Persuasion as enlightenment opportunity to view a different perspective Communicative action argue to create understanding Elaboration likelihood model process information differently depending on motivation Central or peripheral Peripheral processing persuaded by factors that are not the central idea 3 factors of responsible persuasion 1 Context equal opportunity to persuade critical receivers 2 Agent takes communication seriously fosters informed choice appeals to positives 3 Receiver aware of attempt to be influenced informed know biases Michael Theise 11 7 13 Persuasive Test Review Outline Credibility and Integrity Argument articulation of position with support or evidence Aggressiveness winning by inflicting psychological pain through attacks Goal is to communicate ethically vs communicate to win Enlightened self interest idea that we all want our own way Harvard Negotiation Project by Fisher Ury Goal is to reach desired end through ethical means Aggressiveness vs Argument Fallacious reasoning attack on another person rather than the issue Lie deliberate attempt to hide the truth Motives for lying 1 Save face 2 Avoid tension 3 Guide social interaction 4 Achieve power Aristotle pistos proof Logos logic Ethos initial credibility Pathos audience emotions Our word is the most powerful disposal impeccable with our word Integrity wholeness Gap in integrity difference between who we are and who we think we are Behave in ways congruent to values and beliefs Responsibility cannot be delegated Michael Theise 11 7 13 Persuasive Test Review Outline Developing ethical fitness engaging intellect and compassion in 3 ways 1 Credibility character 2 3 Civility respect self sacrifice Integrity wholeness soundness Dignity and Respect Pillars of character 1 Trust 2 Respect 3 Responsibility 4 Fairness 5 Caring Ethos Pathos Logos Syllogism Aristotle s argument 1 Major premise obvious statement 2 Minor premise extension of major premise 3 Conclusion All humans are mortal Socrates is mortal Things to remember 1 Persuasion as enlightenment 2 Act w enlightened self interest 3 Remember MMS 4 Seek to build relationships 5 Avoid fallacies 6 Use appeals ethos 7 Act w integrity 8 Seek desired end through honest means Enthymeme rhetorical syllogism that allows audience to fill in the blanks Persuasive Test Review Outline Michael Theise 11 7 13 Special Occasion Speech Goals entertain celebrate commemorate inspire Use all that you have learned up to this point Commemorative speech pay tribute to a person Eulogy someone or something that no longer exists 1 Short eloquent organized 2 Commemoration 3 Bring speech to life through language 4 Effective use of Vividness bright strong clear PUT LIFE INTO IT Andre Agassi paints a picture w words 5 things 1 Employ imagery 2 Stylistic devices a Anaphora antithesis b Alliteration same consonant sounds c Assonance same vowel sound d Personification turning an item into a person e Simile like or as f Metaphor a Avoid outdated language 3 Fresh language 4 Vary Rhythm 5 Use humor Humor laughing is great 1 Devices of humor exaggeration irony 2 Analyze your own 3 Avoid humor pitfalls offensive irrelevant overused material Look for humor in everyday experiences be selective Persuasive Test Review Outline Michael Theise 11 7 13 Synchronize our language to address our audience Acceptance speeches should be brief Toasts should be meaningful Meaning created in the nexus Adopt an attitude of preparedness RFK eulogy on MLK uses ethos credibility New Orleans speech

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FSU SPC 2608 - Persuasive Test Review

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