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CHD2220 Exam 2 Study Guide Freud s Psychoanalytic Theory Studied patients suffering from mental disorders Found success with hypnosis o Psychological processes rather than physiological processes were the cause of mental illness o Basis of mental illness could be found in early development of the child especially first 5 years of life Structure of personality o Born with biologically based sexual and aggressive instincts Instincts unconsciously motivate everything humans think say or do thru out their lives Expressed in the form of libido o Libido form of energy which drives all thinking and behavior Personality is made up of the id ego and superego The Id Where the libido is stored reservoir of libido Place in the mind storage battery w relentless need to discharge it s energy All activity is unconscious The pleasure principle an approach that demands instant gratification The ego Infants invest libido according to it Component of personality that uses conscious perception and intelligence to find pleasure in our world where needs are typically not met on demand Functions on reality principle o Recognizing the frustrations inherent in living in The superego the real world Emerges during the 5th or 6th year of life Morality 2 components conscience ego ideal o conscience a collection of beliefs attitudes and rules for behavior that function as internal standard for appropriate behavior o ego ideal internalized image of distinctly human form that the child and later adult unconsciously strive to become features can be positive negative or both psychodynamics system o id ego and superego interact in a dynamic psychosexual development o ego s failure to satisfy the id s needs results in unconscious anxiety undermines ego s ability to function o if ego does it s job too well it results in unconscious guilt also impairs ego s functioning o ego is in constant state of internal stress and conflict o ego can fight back using defense mechanisms defense mechanisms unconscious mental strategies that provide temporary relief from anxiety and guilt types include repression denial rationalization o personality emerges over first 5 to 6 years of life in progression of psychosexual stages of development each stage defined by presence of libido which creates an erogenous zone highly sensitive to sexual stimulation and pleasure oral stage first 18 months pleasure derived form variations of sucking behavior ends when infant is weaned from sucking to sipping anal stage child experiences pleasure in the act of defecation ends when child is potty trained phallic stage btwn 4th and 5th years child selects parent of opposite sex as a love object latency stage massive repression of sexual and aggressive drives during middle school genital stage experience of a rebirth of sexual and aggressive strivings and return to unresolved conflicts from earlier stages extends thru adulthood o trauma extreme experiences of anxiety during the first 5 years of life may cause individual to be permanently vulnerable to psychological maladjustment Piaget s Cognitive Developmental Theory Structure define two ways o all aspects of the real world are structured entities o cognitive structures the way the child knows the world the mental unites that children use to represent reality to think about the objects events and relationships in their experience the strategies they use to solve problems o adaption the process by which cognitive structures are applied to and are modified by the child s experiences assimilation child uses an existing cognitive structure to interpret some experience ex assimilation to rattle when infant grabs and shakes it to make the sound accommodation child modifies an existing cognitive structure to conform to some new aspect of reality ex infant can now distinguish btwn rattles and non rattle objects o stages of cognitive development sensory motor stage 0 24months action oriented problem solving infants actively touch taste and visually scan the world around them to develop schemas simple cognitive structures that regulate the infant s body movements and the effects of those movements on objects milestone using fork or spoons preoperational stage 2 6 years old though is mediated by words and images symbolic reasoning children can organize mental images of events and objects both present and absent into primitive concepts used to solve simple problems limitations to this stage centration irreversibility children have a tendency to focus on isolated parts of an event rather than seeing the whole picture centration o ex of centration child meets teacher and is unable to remember what she looks like but remembers her earrings in great detail illogical thought unable to keep correct sequence of events irreversibility preschool children can literally think their way into a problem but are unable to reverse their thought process o can take objects apart but are unable to put o concrete operational stage ages 7 11 things back together concrete operations new form of cognitive structure where child organizes thought into logical systems thought is reversible allowing child to think his way into problems and back out of them o formal operational stage age 12 ability to consider general propositions and principles and to think about hypothetical events capable of abstract thought for the first time able to think about thinking both their own and other people s Chapter 5 changes in body proportions progress according to o cephalocaudal principle growth of the head and upper body precede growth in the lower body o proximidistal principle body grows form the center outward torso develops prior to the arms and legs arms and legs develop prior to the hands and feet principle reverses just before puberty when hands and feet immunological protection can be transmitted to the infant in the colostrum o think yellowish fluid secreted by the breast for several days before grow rapidly milk is produced colostrum contains antibodies that can t be duplicated by formula o evidence suggests that breast fed babies are less likely to be hospitalized in the first 18months of life and less likely to become obese later on also less likely to develop ADHD o benefits to breast feeding for mother less likely to have breast and ovarian cancer lose baby weight faster neurons o synapse microscopic gap formed by the axon of one cell and the o neurotransmitters chemicals that transmit impulses across the dendrite of another synapse o

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FSU CHD 2220 - Exam 2

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