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Final Exam Review Answers 1 Aeneas Makes a journey to the underworld to visit his father Anchises Roman source that can be found in The Aeneid by Virgil Mother is Venus Marries Creusa first and together they have Ascanius Marries Lavivia later Founds city of Lavinium Trojan warrior 2 Agamemnon Brother is Menelaus Marries Clytemnestra who is Helen s sister Live together at Mycenae Have many children but most important daughter is Iphegenia King of Mycenae 3 Alcinous King of the Phaeacians Daughter is Nausicaa Takes Odysseus into his house after he washes up on the shore where he lives and his daughter takes him to the palace 4 Amata Queen of Latium Husband is Latinus Daughter is Lavivia Very affected by a fury that is sent to her by Juno to get her mad at Aeneas Seen in the Aeneid by Virgil 5 Anchises Roman story Prince of Dardania that is seduced by Venus She makes him swore to secrecy because he is a mortal but he boasts and commits hubris so Venus cripples him Produces a child with Venus named Aeneas Visited in the underworld in the Aeneid by Virgil 6 Antigone Parents are Jocasta and Oedipus Mentioned in Sophocles s Antigone Very womanly character that wants to promote family unity and stop all the fighting between her two brothers Eteocles and Polyneices 7 Ascanius Iulus Son of Aeneas and his first wife Creusa Accidentally shoots a sacred stag of Latinus and starts the war against the Latins and the Trojans Founds the city of Alba Longa Found in The Aeneid by Virgil 8 Calypso Can be seen as a temptress and a witch Traps Odysseus on her island for seven years until Hermes comes and tells her that Odysseus needs to go home Seen in The Odyssey 9 Camilla Leads the Volscians which is an all female nation They are on the side of the Latins Killed by an Etruscan Arruns Diana gets very mad and sends Opis to kill Arruns in return Seen in Virgil s The Aeneid 10 Circe Minor goddess of magic Aunt of Medea eastern woman who had children with the hero Jason Lives on the island Aeaea Turns men into animals like wolves and lions Sleeps with Odysseus under Hermes s orders Daughter of Helios the sun god Seen in The Odyssey 11 Colonus Important city where Oedipus travels to when he s exiled Featured in Oedipus at Colonus Only Theseus knows the location in Colonus where Oedipus dies 12 Creon Brother to Jocasta who is the Queen of Thebes Goes to the Delphic Oracle to see how they can stop the plague against their city and it tells him that they need to find Laius s murderer Mentioned in Sophocles s Theban Saga 13 Creusa Aeneas s first wife Together they have the child Ascanius When Aeneas is running out of Rome he forgets his wife and she dies Found in Virgil s The Aeneid 14 Demodocus Blind poet that seems to have a connection with Homer Recites oral poetry and the feasts and banquets thrown in the palace at the Phaeacian island and at a contest thrown in Odysseus s honor Found in The Odyssey 15 Dido Queen of Carthage Together with her deceased husband they founded Carthage Falls in love with Aeneas and then kills herself when he leaves Found in Virgil s The Aeneid 16 Diomedes Hero in Greek mythology known for his participation in the Trojan War In Virgil s Aeneid he is one of the warriors who entered the Trojan Horse shortly before the sack of Troy 17 Eteocles Child of Jocasta and Oedipus Fights with his brother Polyneices over ruling the city of Thebes Agree on ruling for a year and then changing power back to the other brother Eteocles rules for a year but does not want to switch rulership back to his brother 18 Eumaeus Loyal friend to Odysseus that is a swinehearder He is featured in the Odyssey and is seen as an extremely righteous and correct character that follows the rules of xenia and makes proper offerings to the gods 19 Eurycleia Nurse that takes care of Telemachus Also took care of Telemachus s father Odysseus Lives in Ithaca Notices Odysseus by a scar on his leg Featured in The Odyssey 20 Eurydice Marries Creon and produces a son Haemon with him In Sohpocles Antigone when she finds out that her son has killed herself takes her own life as well 21 Evander King of Arcadians Gives Aeneas troops for fighting and gets neighboring Etruscans to help the Trojans fight Gives him his son Pallas to help in the war but makes Aeneas promise to keep him safe but he dies Featured in Virgil s The Aeneid 22 Haemon Featured in Sophocles Antigone Said to be the son of Creon and Eurydice Was engaged to Antigone Oedipus s daughter Commits suicide after Antigone hangs herself 23 Helen Lived in Sparta Considered to be the most beautiful woman Father held a marriage competition for her hand Chose Menelaus in the end who was the brother of Agamemnon Together became King and Queen of Sparta 24 Ismene Child of Oedipus and Jocasta Travels to Colonus where Antigone and Oedipus are to tell them about the family problems with Eteocles and Polyneices Found in Sophocles Theban Saga Counterpart to her older sister Antigone 25 Ithaca City in which Odysseus and Penelope ruled over Great city that s mentioned in The Odyssey by Homer Son Telemachus would be next in line 26 Jocasta Queen of Thebes Married to Laius King of Thebes Have son Oedipus Later marries him after Laius dies and has four children with her son Featured in Sophocles s Oedipus the King 27 Laertes Father of Odysseus Wife was Anticlea who Odysseus sees in the underworld Kills all the suitors that come for Penelope while Odysseus is gone Old ruler of Ithaca Seen in The Odyssey 28 Laius Father of Oedipus and King of Thebes Prophecy that he will be killed by his own son Killed at a crossroad outside of Thebes Married to Jocasta Featured in Sophocles Oedipus the King 29 Latins Goes to war with the Trojans mainly Aeneas Included the early inhabitatnts of the city of Rome Inhabited a small region called Latium near the Tiber River Eventually ruled by Latinus and Amata Discussed in Virgil s The Aeneid 30 Latinus King of Latium Married to Amata Has a daughter with her named Lavivia Featured in Virgil s The Aeneid 31 Latium Central city in Italy Anchises tells Aeneas that he is destined to land here King and Queen of Latium are Latinus and Amata Discussed in Virgil s the Aeneid 32 Lavinia Small role in the Aeneid Daughter of the King and Queen of Latium Latinus and Amata Thought to marry Turnus but actually marries Aeneas over a prophecy that she should marry a non Latin Has a son named Silvius 33 Menelaus Brother of Agamemnon Participates in the competition to

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