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Exam III Study Guide CLT3370 08 Spring 2012 Note that a study guide is just what it says a study guide to aid you in preparation for the exam It is not all encompassing and you are responsible for all assigned readings and material covered in class even if it is not on this guide This exam covers all assigned readings from March 22nd through April 19th as listed on the course syllabus and content of Lectures 16 23 Primary Texts We Have Read Aeschylus Oresteia Agamemnon Libation Bearers Eumenides Seven Against Thebes Aristotle Poetics Bacchylides Odes Euripides Electra Medea Homer Iliad Odyssey Homeric Hymns various minor sections Ovid Metamorphoses Pindar Olympian Odes Pythian Odes Plato Myth of Er Seneca Thyestes Sophocles Antigone Electra Vergil Aeneid Book 6 Mortals Gods and Demi Gods We Have Encountered Achaians one of the collective names used for the Greeks in Homer s Iliad Achilles Son of Peleus and Thetis Greatest Greek warrior More about him below Aeetes he possessed the Golden Fleece that Jason had been sent to obtain gave Jason many impossible tasks Aegeus King of Athens and father of Theseus thought that Theseus had been killed by Minotaur Theseus forgot to change boat sail drowned himself Aegean Sea Aegisthus became the lover of Clytemnestra Agamemnon s wife and helped kill Agamemnon when he returned from Troy Aeneas escaped from Troy as the Greeks were sacking the city and went off in search of a place to establish the new Troy settled in Italy where his descendants founded the city of Rome Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag of winds to aid him on his journey home from Troy but when Odysseus men opened the bag and released the winds Aeolus refused to help the Greeks again Aeson rightful king to thrown that Pelias stole has child Jason sends Jason to be raised by Chiron Agamemnon Brother of Menelaus Powerful king of Mycenae Helps Greeks in the fight against the Trojans Ajax both the greater and the lesser greater contended unsuccessfully with Odysseus for the armor of Achilles He committed suicide when the armor was awarded to Odysseus lesser son of Oileus and leader of the Greeks from Locris in the Trojan War he desecrated the temple and statue of Athena by raping Cassandra during the sack of Troy Alcino s King king of Phaeacia father of Nausica aided Odysseus in his journey back to Ithaca Amycus compelled all visitors to compete with him in a boxing match killed all of his opponents before Jason and the Argonauts arrived at which time Polydeuces boxed with and killed Amycus Andromache wife of Hector Anticlea Odysseus s mother died of grief while Odysseus was fighting at Troy Antigone Daughter of Oedipus gave brother symbolic burial and condemned to death by Creon Antino s one of the suitors of Penelope attempted to kill Telemachus Apsyrtus brother of Medea Medea cut him up and threw his body parts into the ocean to slow the pursuit of Ae tes Arete Queen wife of Alcinous and mother of Nausicaa and Laodamas Argus built the ship that Jason and the Argonauts used in their travels Astyanax prince who was the son of the Trojan prince Hector and his wife Andromache Atalanta participated in the Calydonian boar hunt refused to marry anyone who could not beat her in a footrace Hippomenes outraced her by throwing golden apples to the side of the course they had sex in a place sacred to Zeus and were turned into lions Athamas Ino his new wife tricked him into sacrificing Phrixus and Helle but Nephele saved them by placing them on a flying ram with golden fleece Atreus Son of Pelops and Hippodamia had feud with brother Thyestes over kingmanship of Mycenae Whoever has fleece of Golden Ram can rule has sons Menelaus and Agamemnon Briseis young woman was the prize of Achilles for his raids on villages around Troy when Chryse s was taken from Agamemnon the Greek king ordered that Achilles surrender Brise s she was later returned to him by Agamemnon Cadmus Built city of later Thebes city built where cow laid down married Harmonia and became the father of Ino Semele Autono Agave and Polydorus Calias one of the heroes who accompanied Jason on his journey Calypso she lived on the island of Ogygia where she detained Odysseus for seven years promising him immortality if he would stay with her Cassandra Daughter of King Priam of Troy promised gift of prophesy by Apollo if she slept with him refused and Apollo spit in her mouth has gift but no one believes her Castor he and Polydeuces were known as the Dioscuri killed in a quarrel with his cousins Chiron Centaur teacher of Achilles Peleus Heracles etc skilled in medicine music archery and use of plants herbs accidentally wounded by Heracles poisoned arrows exchanged immortality for mortality of Prometheus so he could die Charybdis name of a whirlpool in the narrow strait between Italy and Sicily that sucked ships down to the bottom of the ocean Chryses Priest of Apollo Has his daughter taken by Agamemnon Prays to Apollo to send a plague until he gets his daughter back Chryseis Daughter of Chryses Agamemnon s geras Cicones people who lived in the Thracian city of Ismarus Odysseus attacked them on his way home from Troy Cicones regrouped and attacked Odysseus men while they were feasting and enjoying the spoils of the conquest six men from each of Odysseus ships were lost in the counterattack Circe sorceress Odysseus spent an entire year with Circe on his way back to Ithaca after the Trojan War directed him to go to the Underworld for a consultation with Tiresias Clytemnestra wife of Agamemnon when Agamemnon was fighting at Troy Clytemnestra became the lover of Aegisthus the two of them killed Agamemnon when he returned home later killed in revenge by Orestes Creon King of Corinth Medea sent a crown and robe to his daughter that would burn her to death as daughter was dying he embraced her burning to death as well Cyclopes tribe of giants Polyphemus a son of Poseidon encountered by Odysseus De damia daughter of Lycomedes king of Skyros one of King Lycomedes s seven daughters with whom Achilles was concealed De phobus Athena in disguise as a Trojan brother of Hector Tricks Hector into fighting against Achilles Demodocus famous bard of the Odyssey who according to the fashion of the heroic ages delighted the guests of king Alcino s during their repast by singing about the feats of the Greeks at Troy of the love of Ares and Aphrodite and of the wooden horse Diomedes one of the leading Greeks in the Trojan War one of the men who hid inside the wooden

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