Final Exam Study Guide Terms to know 10 elements of a hero s quest plenty of examples in heroes section 1 Birth child hood often royal birth or conceived by a god 2 Opposition rejection 3 Quest 4 Help by a god or human 5 Obstacles Labors 6 7 Observes Taboos 8 9 10 No pain no gain Katharsis Fight imaginary Beings Katabsis Success 1 Girl leaves place of safety 2 Girls is secluded beside river in tower ect 3 Made pregnant by a by a god 4 5 She suffers punishment and rejection She is saved and her son born a Alcmena Heracles mother 5 elements of a heroines quest hardly a quest unless you consider getting violated by a god a quest 1 Goes with Amphitryon into exile in Thebes 2 Amphitryon leaves her alone in Thebes while on a campaign against the Telleboans 3 4 5 Heracles just after birth strangles the snakes The day before Amphitryon returns zeus disguised as him lays with Alcmena She doesn t suffer anything herself however Hera sends snakes after the newborn Heracles b Danae Perseus Mother Predicted to have a son that would kill the king her father 1 2 Acrisius the king of Argos her father Locks her in a tower of bronze 3 4 Acrisius hears Perseus playing locks the two in a wooden trunk and throws them into the Zeus comes into the tower as a shower of gold sea They are rescued by fisherman 5 Autochthonous 1 Athenians descendants of the half snake king Cecrops 2 Thebans who descend from the 5 Spartoi Planted by Cadmus The curse as a concept The Wrath of a god on a family or an individual Usually one older member of the family did something to offend the god or someone who then prays for a curse from a god Often the cursed knows they are cursed and is told by an oracle what will come to be And they then try avoiding the fate of it usually creating an ironic fulfillment of the curse It often reoccurs down the family line Epic Poetry Originally done by musicians In their original language epics rhyme Writing them down has changed a lot about them they were never meant to be wrote down They usually tell stories of heroes Odysseus Beowulf ect Homeric Question Birthplace of homer Where is he from When is he from Is he even real No one is sure about any of these questions Some people his name was extracted from the name of a group of poets Or that his name could have been synonymous with Bard Arete Virtue and Excellence fulfilling ones purpose think about heros Odysseus shows this by being faithful to his wife Kleos Glory in its highest form Its obtained by falling in battle or being victorious and reaping rewards Achilles dies in troy other Trojan heros make it home Odysseus get kleos after killing the suitors and fighting other monsters Nostos A heros home coming Usually full of Kleos Odysseus takes a very long hard journey home Agamemnon Gets home safely however he s not safe at home Katabasis Journey to underworld Think Heracles and Odysseus Katharsis Is a cleansing or purging Odysseus goes through this when he is on his way home and washes up in the land of the Pheacians Here he basically regains his ability to be in human society He is cleansed of the Trojan war and his terrible trip home Oikoumene The known greek world This is out lined by heroes like Heracles and Odysseus Jason does this to although he has no reason to Athloi A contest for some kind of prize usually athletic In heracles case his 12 labors are a contest for immortality Roman Pantheon They are far different it isn t right to just translate them over but if done you get this list There are numerous differences 1 Less anthropomorphic Less human like Saturn the equivalent of chronus Represents a good harvest and purification of the spirit They have a festival for him called Saturnalia Genius Is spirit that was present in everyone it was that little voice telling you right from wrong 2 More abstract Concordia harmony Venus fertility Janus thresholds and crossroads Anna perenna Goddess of the year and seasonal changes Zeus Hera Hestia Athena Ares Demeter Artemis Aphrodite Hermes Poseidon Hades Apollo Jupiter Juno Vesta Minerva Mars Ceres Diana Venus Mercurius Neptunus Pluto Apollo 3 Animistic Believed spirits could be in anything and everywhere 4 5 Agricultural mars ceres liber Libera Alot of the main gods goddess were in some form fertility gods Practical Janus mars Ceres each god had a set job and purpose because this was very important to them Luminal There is a god that defined liminality Political There gods affect their politics The Capitoline triad Jupiter Juno Minerva 6 7 Animism There are natural spirits in everything Little and big even inanimate Trees rivers Italian gods Jupiter etymology Ius pater father law or father god God of the state King numa pompilius is Potifex Maximus Potifex Maximus Priest to Jupiter Jupiter optimus Maximus Jupiter Lataris Juno Marrige and childbirth Matronalia march Veiled wears crown and holds scepter Juno Moneta advisor Minerva Mental activities and crafts Janus Ianus Abstract had two heads I looks forward the other back one into the future the other into the past He is the god of thresholds and crossroads Mars Mavors Agricultural Deity lost this and became mostly god of a just righteous war Father of Remus and Romulus Lares Penates Manes Lares Local domestic spirits Lariums at crossroads and atrium Manes Spirits of the dead Dei Mares DM Religious Holiday in February Penates Foreign guardian spirits Oedipus Swollen foot Oidan pous His father Laius mother Wife Jocasta From Thebes Thought his parents were Polybus and Merope of corinth 1 His father is king of Thebes Laius 2 Exposed A child by parents on Mt Cithaeron with spikes through his ankles This was to prevent him from fulfilling a prophecy To know himself and avoid his prophecy 3 4 The servant supposed to get ride of him save him giving him to a Corinthian shepherd whom gives him to the king of Corinth Polybus Faced the riddle of the sphinx Sphinx although he didn t fight it he did confront and defeat it 5 6 7 He tries to avoid the prophecy of killing his father and marrying his mother Incest is a taboo as well is trying to overcome fate He tries to know himself in excess 8 Doesn t go to the underworld 9 He doesn t succeed at avoiding the prophecy however he does manage to know himself 10 Oedipus is pulling out his hair over the fact he supposed to marry his mom whom he thinks is Merope He avoids going to Corinth to so he can t possibly marry her But then the servant who saved him tells him Jocasta is his mom He pains to know
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