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Lecture 9 Poseidon Athena Characters Poseidon aka Neptune son of Cronus and Rhea brother of Zeus and Hades in Hesiod the eldest o he had the right to kingship but their was a casting of lots Earth was to remain common to all others were to be assigned o Poseidon got middle lot the sea o Poseidon uncertain Pelagaeus Ennosigaeus Gaeeochus Hippius Basileus o Sea divinity god of earthquakes correlated with horses and bulls o Weapon Trident given to him by Cyclopes o Personality traits defensive of his dignity rebellious forceful weaker than Zeus wife is Amphitrite o sea goddess Titles of Poseidon Characteristics of Poseidon Divine children o Proteus Shape changer Prophetic power o Triton Half man half fish Blows conch shell Amphitrite s son Shape changer o Otus and Ephialtes Mortal children o Theseus o Bellerophon o Alcinous grandson Exploits o At Troy King of Scheria gave hospitality to Odysseus o w Athena o w Odysseus Helped Apollo build Troy s walls punishment from Zeus or test for mortals Payment withheld by Laomedon Troy s King Poseidon sends seamonster Apollo sends plague P lost contest to see who patron of Athens P created salt water spring on Acropolis with Trident A created olive tree O blinded Polyphemus P s son P harassed O by cursing his journey home with companions and trouble locating house Themes o Wildness of Sea Fickle nature unstoppable power o Kingship Conferred by fate follows Zeus subordinate to higher power much power authority in own sphere Amphitrite Theseus Wife of Poseidon Mother of Triton mortal son of Poseidon Hero of Athens Fought the minotaur Bellerophon Polyphemus mortal son of Poseidon Corinthian noble Killed Chimera w help from Pegasus winged horse monstrous child of Poseidon name many much voices uncivilized Cyclops Odysseus opponent Medusa lover of Poseidon created many legendary monsters together o Pegasus o Chrysaor o Cerberus o Hydra o Chimera o Sphinx snakes Athena aka Minerva Titles of Athena Attributes the head on Athena Zeus aegis Medusa had great hair and compared her beauty to Athena s Athena turned her hair into o Pallas Parthenos Glaukopis Nike Nikephoros Polias o Goddess of weaving arts and crafts o Goddess of war Carries Zeus aegis o Patroness of heroes Heracles Odysseus o Defender Promoter of civilization Leading fighter in Gigantomachy Establishment of Athenian justice battle with Zeus Connections to Athens o Erechthonius her attempted rape created him he is King of Athens and promotes her worship o gift of olive treee from contest with Poseidon result was her control of Athens olive oil important for cosmetics bathing cooking lighting etc o establishment of the Areopagus court younger generation of gods championing progress and the advanced enlightenment of civilization in Aeschylus Oresteia on Apollo s side for the acquittal of Orestes appeased and silenced before the court presumably forever the old social order of family vendetta represented by the Furies tried murder cases in event of a tie Athena s vote lets defendant go free Themes o Ideal of womanhood Skilled in handicrafts Supports male heroes No anxiety about reproduction No one wanted her male beauty o Chastity as source of strength Self control and rationality o Civilization vs Anarchy Helps gods against giants Helps heroes against monsters swallowed by Zeus after pregnant with Athena afraid that she would bear a son who would have power to overthrow him Metis mother of Athena means wisdom Arachne mortal skilled at weaving committed hubris against Athena tapestry off Greek agon contest o must depict a Greek myth Athena did her contest with Neptune for the lordship of Attica did 4 mini pics of mortals fighting gods and being turned into other creatures surrounded by an olive tree Arachne did less honorable gods conquests of deceiving goddesses and mortal women trailed with ivy Athena tried to teach her lesson of being humble listening to ones elder disguised herself as old lady o Arachne bragged better than gods and refused to listen Arachne won Athena became jealous turned her to a spider Moral even justified hubris is hubris Erechtheus Early King of Athens Created through attempted rape of Athena by Hephaesteus when Athena wiped his seed onto the ground he was born from the earth Promotes worship of Athena Epithets Poseidon s Ennosigaeus Hippius o Earthshaker o of the Horses Athena s Parthenos Polias o virgin o temple of Athena on Acropolis of Athens different regions of temple dedicated to her feats o ruler of the city Pallas o maiden o daughter of Triton helped raise Athena too o childhood friend of Athena used to practice arts of war together o accidently died in quarrel Athena was wearing aegis creation of Palladium statue captured honored by Trojans in Troy o took name cause she felt bad Nikephoros o Victory Victory bearer Victorious in war deity of war city guardian Other terms aegis in Greek means goat breastplate w Medusa s head on it supposed to strike fear into enemy o story of Pallas belonged to Zeus Athena always wore it agon contest Athena s vote o ex Arachne vs Athena in tapestry off her vote lets alleged defendant in murder cases go free Lecture 10 Hermes Minor Gods Characters Hermes aka Mercury son of Zeus and Maia lord of Mt Cyllene the Arcadian mountain o Cyllenian slayer of Argus Argeiphontes God of Attributes o Commerce herdsmen travelers messengers rogues luck o wore a petasus sun hat caduceus o carried his kerykeion and it conveyed dreams to mortals and shades to Hades o wore talaria his winged sandals is his winged wand that was the symbol of the herald o Agoraeus Argeiphontes Epimeleus Dolius full of tricks Psychopompus Titles Cyllenius Exploits o Homeric Hymn to Hermes Invented the lyre musical instrument made from tortoise shell theft of Apollo s cattle sacrifice of the Olympians Confrontation b Apollo and Hermes Aftermath Apollo gets lyre and cows back Hermes get caduceus and becomes messenger of the gods o Killing of Argus Panoptes all seeing Argus set up as guard for Io Hermes lulls all 100 of his eyes to sleep o Battle of the gods Faces off against Leto Begs off the fight o Assisted Odysseus Relayed Zeus message to Calypso Helped Odysseus against Circe Magic root moly advice o Birth of Pan Pastoral divinity Born to nymph Dryope So ugly his mother ran away Hecate Hestia Ananke Tyche Erinyes Salmacis weakens and softens limbs touched by its waters water nymph fountain Hermaphroditus son of Hermes and Aphrodite lust object of the naiad

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FSU CLT 3370 - Lecture 9: Poseidon & Athena

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