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Exam II Study Guide CLT3370 08 Spring 2012 Primary Texts We Have Read Aeschylus Agamemnon Libation Bearers Seven against Thebes Bacchylides Dithyramb 17 18 Epinician Ode 5 Catullus Carmina 64 Callimachus Hymn 5 Euripides Bacchae Electra Herakles Heraklidae Ion Medea Phoenissae Hesiod Theogony Homer Iliad Odyssey Homeric Hymns to Pan Demeter Herakles Ovid Ars Amatoria Metamorphoses Pindar Isthmian Odes 4 Nemean Odes 1 7 Olympian Odes 1 9 Pythian Odes 9 10 12 Seneca Thyestes Sophocles Antigone Electra Oedipus Tyrannus Oedipus the King Oedipus at Colonus Trachiniae Statius Thebaid Mortals and Demi Gods We Have Encountered Acrisius King of Argos warned by oracle that his daughter s son would kill him later killed by Perseus Aegeus King of Athens and father of Theseus thought that Theseus had been killed by Minotaur Theseus forgot to change boat sail drowned himself Aegean Sea Aegyptus Son of Belus brother of Danaus given kingdom of Arabia Agamemnon Brother of Menelaus powerful king of Mycenae helps Greeks in the fight against the Trojans Alcmena Wife of Amphitryon impregnated by Zeus with Heracles mother of Iphicles with Amphitryon Alcides Another name for Heracles Andromeda Wife of Perseus was to be sacrifice to save the kingdom Cepheus which was brought upon by her mother s hubris saved by Perseus was to be married to Phineus uncle but Perseus turned him to stone Antigone Daughter of Oedipus gave brother symbolic burial and condemned to death by Creon Ariadne Daughter of King Minos of Crete loved Theseus gave him thread to help him find his way out of Labyrinth betraying father left on island of Naxos where Dionysus found her and made her his wife Atlas condemned to hold sky on shoulders by Zeus helped Heracles obtain apples of Hesperides Perseus turned him to stone became mountains Atreus Son of Pelops and Hippodamia had feud with brother Thyestes over kingmanship of Mycenae Whoever has fleece of Golden Ram can rule has sons Menelaus and Agamemnon Augeas King of Elis had large herd of cattle but never cleaned stables offered half the cattle for cleaning the stables to Heracles lied Heracles killed him Autono Daughter of Cadmus Celeus King of Eleusis Demeter distraught from her daughter being gone visited their house sought to make Demophoon their son immortal Metaneira ignorant of this interrupts Demeter and angers her keeps him mortal Cassandra Daughter of King Priam of Troy promised gift of prophesy by Apollo if she slept with him refused and Apollo spit in her mouth has gift but no one believes her Cassiopeia Mother of Andromeda claimed to be more beautiful than Nereids angered Poseidon who sent flood Cadmus Built city of later Thebes city built where cow laid down married Harmonia and became the father of Ino Semele Autono Agave and Polydorus Cecrops Born from the earth snake from waist down first king of Attica Cepheus husband of Cassiopeia attempted to sacrifice daughter to sea monster to appease Poseidon from his wrath Chiron Centaur teacher of Achilles Peleus Heracles etc skilled in medicine music archery and use of plants herbs accidentally wounded by Heracles poisoned arrows exchanged immortality for mortality of Prometheus so he could die Creon King of Corinth Medea sent a crown and robe to his daughter that would burn her to death as daughter was dying he embraced her burning to death as well Chrysaor Son of Poseidon and Medusa sprang from Medusa s head when cut off by Perseus fully grown and with a golden sword Daedalus Constructed Labyrinth that had the Minotaur has son Icarus Dana Daughter of Acrisius locked up by Acrisius for fear of her having a son impregnated by Zeus with son Perseus Danaids Fifty daughters of Danaus betrothed to fifty sons of Aegyptus promised their father that they would all kill their husbands all except one did so Danaus Son of Belus brother of Aegyptus married off fifty daughters to Aegyptus sons ordered that each kill their husband Deianira Wife of Heracles Nessus centaur tries to rape Deianira Heracles mortally wounds him gives cloak with to Deianira that if she ever wants to immobilize him to put it on him actually deadly cloak that would later make him immortal burn off mortal skin Demophoon Demeter distraught from her daughter being gone visited the house of Celeus sought to make Demophoon their son immortal Metaneira ignorant of this interrupts Demeter and angers her keeps him mortal son of Theseus Dictys rescued Dana and her son Perseus and gave them shelter in his home rewarded for this kindness when he succeeded Polydectes as king of the island Erichtheus Another name for Erichthonius Erichthonius Part snake part man and born from earth Gaia Hephaestus semen Gaia gave him to Athena first king of Athens Eteocles Son of Oedipus and Jocasta was to alternate rule of Thebes with brother Polynices refused to give up throne at the end of the first year Polynices led an expedition against city Eteocles and Polynices killed each other Europa Daughter of Agenor seduced by Zeus and carried to Crete son Minos brother Cadmus searched for her and founded Cadmeia Eurystheus Son of Sthenelus man whom Heracles had to serve for twelve years in order to become immortal Eurystheus born before Heracles bcuz Hera hastened his birth and delayed Heracles Gorgon Three daughters of Phorcys and Ceto Medusa Stheno and Euryale have serpents for hair anyone who looks at them is turned to stone Herakles Son of Zeus and Alcmena plagued by Hera who gave him fits of madness married Megara but killed her and children had to perform twelve labors for Eurystheus lion skin a club and a bow and arrows were trademarks married De anira poisoned by De anira with blood from Nessus that was tainted with toxin from hydra became a god was reconciled with Hera and married Hebe Hesione Daughter of Laomedon was to be sacrificed to save Troy saved by Heracles Hippodameia Daughter of Oenoma s the man who could beat her father in a chariot race wins her Pelops won the race by bribing Oenoma s charioteer Myrtilus to sabotage Oenoma s vehicle Iambe Wife of Hippothoon cheered up Demeter with jokes when Demeter was wandering mourning for her daughter Icarus Son of Daedalus father made him and himself wings made of feathers and wax escape imprisonment flew too close to the sun wax melted fell into the sea Icarian Sea Ismene Daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta refused to help Antigone bury the body of their brother Polynices when she tried to take part of the responsibility for the action

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