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Porter Moore SPC1017 Notes for Exam 2 Exam 2 Chapter 10 Oxford dictionary Verbal Communication Chapter 3 Non Verbal Communication Chapter 4 The Process of Persuasion Persuasive Speaking Chapter 16 Interpersonal Relationships and Communication Chapter 6 Listening Chapter 5 Professional Communication Cover letters Resumes References and Interviews o began by a group taking books and defining each word individually met 1 2 times a year and voted on words o People determine meanings of words Persuasive speech o Two words Influence power or person or thing Motivation stimulation intuition to act Ethical considerations o Treat audience with respect don t talk them down be equal with your audience Ex use we not you o Take care not to distort or exaggerate your facts Ex George Oleary coach of UCF football lost job after 5 years because he distorted facts on his resume o Avoid lying or name calling watch the way you say a name o Avoid suppressing key information o If you have something to gain personally tell the audience credibility is lost when you are not ethical Ex relay for life queen Difficulty in Persuasive Speaking o Dealing with values beliefs and attitudes that are usually firmly held Ex rooting for the gators o You receive so many persuasive interactions every day Ex Facebook ads want you to buy this dog walk me text lets go workout o Occurs slowly over time Ex online is persistent o People are lazy speech email me o Threat to our freedom need to challenge them get them to act ex thank you note don t like to be told what to do make it easy not a threat make it something you just do Strategies for Persuasive Speaking o What am I trying to get them to do o Try to get them to act o Try and get them to continue doing what they re doing o Get them to avoid what they re doing 1 3 26 4 things for language environment o people who s there Who s involved o Their purpose for being there o Rules for which people achieve grammatical rules o Actual talk that takes place what is said So much of communication is ritual Hi How are you Nice to me you Appropriate vs Inappropriate o Profanity o Euphemism Ex I d like a hamburger not I d like a juicy cow passed away not died IRS not government taking your money Kids will take it seriously be honest with them address the situation Johnny died not hide avoid it or use euphemism o Double speak when institution engages in euphemism you might not mean to offend but it depends how the person takes it o sexism gender and language Gender and Language o Rappor Talk speak for intimacy women o Report Talk speak to maintain status men Men are more likely to intrupt or give directives ex write this down Women use more personal pronouns Powerful vs Less Powerful o Men damn good movie women waiting to ask if she liked it o Women I liked the movie Did you like it tag o Hesitations um ya know like o Tag question comes across as less powerful ask question but separately not with the declarative o Dialect British 1 status of dialect Southern is last Virginia vs NC vs SC vs TN vs Tally vs Miami o What do I want to say o How do I want to say it CLARITY to be clear use words that people understand If you use a big one give the definition or explain o Be vivid Paint a picture adults grow away from being vivid o To whom are you talking to Work vs friends o What metamessages are you sending Metamessage submessage o Ethics Ex swearing on social media Nonverbal vs Verbal Communication o Verbal Communication linear o Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication Holistically 1 Cultural Determination taught ex eye contact hand shake the apple doesn t fall far from the tree parents kids 2 May be in conflict with verbal communication sending a mixed message ex tone of voice body language can destroy relationships 3 Unconscious not even aware you re doing it a good way to learn about yourself is to watch yourself on camera 4 Shows you re true feelings and attitudes 5 Varies by gender 6 Displays power ex office size salary etc extrinsic power I need office salary etc internal power personal idc about my office size Spoke about free vs hate speech Types of Nonverbal Communication o 1 Paralanuage everything but what we say way we say things 1 Rate faster intelligent comptent credible but also seen as less honest and trustworthy vary the pace when you speak 2 Pitch High vs Low higher not pleasant Not varing the pitch monotone 3 Volume need to be heard People become quiet because they are devoiced as children pay attention to the audience use your entire body chest abs posture don t speak from just your nose or throat when you re feeling vulurable your body trys to protect itself by closing up psychological effect 4 Quality of your voice tempo energy of voice the residence of your voice fullness articulation pronounce words correctly people tend to start strong and fall off ex ya know Best voice little higher and vary the pace o 2 Body Language 4 functions we do with our body that communicate embloes body language that translates to a word peace sign illustrate things we do to accent emphasis reinforce our words showing how big a fish is regulators things we do with our body to regulate what we say coming over to talk or just turning to show you re leaving knodding slow vs fast looking at your phone distracted or I want to leave displaying feelings facial muscles over 42 muscles in the face 10 000 expressions eye messages attractiveness unrealistic expectations change how you perceive yourself symmetry things we can change clothes hair things we can t change height taller people make more money 45 listening 30 speaking Good Listeners o Prepare o Understand what they re saying or not saying o Ask questions o And respond o Provide feedback o Doesn t criticize Poor Listeners o Judgmental o Changes subject Passive Listening vs Active Listening o SOLER 5 nonverbal things that allow you to listen actively o Square off o Open up o Lean in o Eye contact o Relax Emotional Intelligence Goloman o 1 People who are self aware understand how why they feel don t avoid emotions deal with them being smart about the emotions people respect self awareness o 2 Management of emotions expressing emotions in an appropriate manner learning to deal with anxiety mens brains develop at 26 yo womens brains develop at 18 yo o 3 Motivating yourself resist impulses set a goal and discipline yourself if they fail they don t dwell on the failure o 4 Empathy recognize emotions in others sharing feelings without empathy

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FSU SPC 1017 - Notes for Exam 2

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