Nutrition Concepts Class N o t e s Se p t e mbe r 16 2 013 Choking Pharynx shared tube Esophagus for the digestive system Food commonly associated with choking mostly children Hard candy Mozzarella sticks Hot dogs Marshmallows Grapes Chew slowly eating food thoroughly relaxing while eating Vomiting Can be symptom of disease Fluid loss is highly acidic Dehydration infants need to make sure that infant goes to get IV uid to replace the uids lost Salts are important because they need to be replaced Self induced leads to uid and salt imbalance teeth erosion cell erosion in mouth esophagus etc Diarrhea Similar concern with uid loss Fluid loss is neutral vs acidic Infection side effects of disease Olestra and Olean fat substitute that isn t absorbed which causes diarrhea through intestinal tract Sugar Alcohol Sorbatol isn t absorbed either Rehydration treatment Irritable Bowel Syndrome Discomfort Cause is unknown but there are triggers such as non digestible bers certain mono or disaccharides Food elimination system Treatment identifying and avoiding trigger foods Colitis Sometimes colon has to be removed if not treated Celiac Disease Autoimmune disorder means when your immune system recognizes something and attacks its own cells Villi are damaged becomes malabsorption and malnutrition as well GI Symptoms diarrhea bowel etc Gluten foods are the trigger gluten wheat barley rye contaminated oats Constipation Everyone goes a certain amount so it depends on the person what their level of constipation is Re ned foods low in ber lifestyle Recommendation of ber 20 25 g or 11 and 1 2 g per 1000 calories Treatment ber which attracts water into digestive tract which moves digestive track alone easier Intestinal walls develop weakened area and also bulged areas which can trap waste and become infected diverticulosis surgery One laxative is mineral oils and others are prescriptions not something to use long term because can have a dependency on them Prune juice and ax seeds are natural laxatives Colonic irrigation washing out intestine which can cause intestinal perforation contamination from the machine infection Nutrition Concepts Class N o t e s Se p t e mbe r 16 2 013 Belching and Gas Sodas can increase belching Slowing down chewing relaxing can help Heartburn Caused by eating or drinking too much at one time eating and bending over or lying down smoking or medications tight clothes Weight gain and overweight Defect not as common as other reasons Indigestion Overeating that leads to upset in peristalsis Antacids masking the acid what s in a lot of them Micronutrient mineral calcium high risk pregnant woman have iron de ciency megadoses from antacids blocking more of iron absorption when already have issues with low iron Ulcers Bacterial drugs excessive gastro acid secretion Good highlight of why we shouldn t self treat Nutrition Concepts Class N o t e s Se p t e mbe r 16 2 013
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