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Longitudinal axis with expanded ends i Ex femur tibia metacarpals tarsels humerous A Tissues of the bone 1 Osseous 2 Cartilage 3 Dense fibrous 4 Nervous 5 Blood B Types of bone based on shape 1 Long bones a 2 Short bones a 3 Flat bones Length and width about equal i Ex carpels tarsels a Flat with broad structures i Ex ilium skull ribs 4 Irregular bones a Variety of shapes i Ex vertebrae facial bones 5 Sesamoid bones a Round bonds i Knee C Parts of a long bone 1 Epiphysis 2 Diaphysis D Compact bone a Covered with cartilage at ends b Articulate with other bones 1 Cortical bone 2 Provides strength and resistance to bending a Covered with periosteum except in articular cartilage

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Pitt BIOSC 0150 - Tissues of the bone

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