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C h 2 Textb o ok N o t e s Nutrition Concepts September 5 2013 Chapter 2 Planning a Healthy Diet 2 1 Principles and Guidelines De nitions Eating pattern customary intake of foods and beverages over time combination of many different foods and beverages at numerous meals over days months and years Added sugars sugars and other kCaloric sweeteners that are added to foods during processing preparation or at the table Added sugars do not include the natural occurring sugars found in fruits and milk products Solid facts fats that are not usually liquid at room temperature commonly found in most foods derived from animals and vegetable oils that have been hydrogenated Solid fats typically contains more saturated and trans fats than most oils Diet planning principles Adequacy providing all the essential nutrients ber and energy in amounts suf cient to maintain health re ects a diet that provides suf cient energy and enough of all the nutrients to meet the needs of healthy people Balance providing foods in proportion to one another and in proportion to the body s needs in the diet helps to ensure adequacy kCalorie energy control management of food energy intake one key to kCalorie control is to select foods of high nutrient density empty kCalorie foods a popular term used to denote foods that contribute energy but lack protein vitamins and minerals Nutrient density a measure of the nutrients a food provides relative to the energy it provides The more nutrients and the fewer kCalories the higher the nutrient density Nutrient pro ling ranking foods based on their nutrient composition Moderation contributes to adequacy balance and kCalories control providing enough but not too much of a substance Variety eating a wide selection of foods within and among the major food groups improves nutrient adequacy Dietary Guidelines for Americans Emphasizes a variety of fruits vegetables whole grains and fat free and low fat milk products Includes lean meats poultry seafood legumes eggs seeds and nuts Is low in saturated and trans fats cholesterol salt sodium and added sugars Stays within your daily energy needs for your recommended body weight A well planned diet delivers adequate nutrients a balanced array of nutrients and an appropriate amount of energy It is based on nutrient dense foods moderate in substances that can be detrimental to health and varied in its selections The Dietary Guidelines apply these principles offering practical advice on how to eat for good health 2 1 Review Page 2

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