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Nutrition Concepts Class N o t e s Oct 14 2 013 October 14 2013 When you eat protein carbs and fat can all be made into Acetyl CoA and storage form of fats triglycerides They are hydrolyzed Excess metabolism favors fat formation Excess carbs not as ef cient to go to fat formation as is excess fat Lose 25 of energy when we take in through metabolism Lose 5 of energy when take in fats Fuel mix balanced diet Excess carbs and proteins increases their oxidation Excess fat does not increase fat oxidation it increases storage Carbs in Excess dramatic fuel shift to carb use more than excess protein Glucose oxidation adjusts to diet supply what you do on a regular basis body gets used to Carbs fat is energetically expensive does not occur in great amounts Spare dietary fat carbs sparing carbs and fat are protein sparing which maintains overweight and obesity Protein in excess can not store extra amino acids Replace normal daily loss but no extra storage Protein in excess increases muscle growth but mostly by use of those muscles Increase protein oxidation and displaces fat in fuel mix Amino acids deaminated and carbons are used to make fatty acids stored as triglycerides which leads to weight gain Feasting glucose glycerol and fatty acids are used then stored as glycogen and triglycerides fats Tel H o me Ph o n e Fax H o me Fax Ph o n e Email H o me E mail Fasting state draws on glycogen and fat to provide glucose glyercol and fatty acids for energy Basal metabolism work that maintains all life processes by cells change by how much exercise people do disorders etc Sleeping breathing by cells 2 3s of your energy expenditure Fasting vs starving fasting is choosing starving is not by choice Adaption creating an alternate fuel Carb fat protein all eventually used for energy Release of glucose and fatty acids broken down into acetyl CoA to make ATP later to enter energy pathway later low blood glucose levels signal fat breakdown release of amino acids from muscles WE need different sources to get different end products We have a glycerol backbone and three fatty acids fat structure glycerol is 5 and the fatty aids are 95 Just the backbone can be used to make glucose Blanket statement of triglycerides can t make glucose is not true only fatty acids can t Page 2

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