Classic Myth Study Guide Europa daughter of Agenor king or Tyre in Phoenicia Zeus disguised as a white bull enticed the girl to sit on his back and then rushed into the sea and made his way toward Greece Was raped by Zeus and bore a son Minos Minos son of Zeus and Athena king of Crete Cadmus the brother of Europa he built the city of Cadmeia Thebes around a spot where he saw a cow lie down He married Harmonia and became the father of Ino Semele Autonoe Agave and Polydorus Sowed dragon teeth into ground and Spartoi emerged Thebes Found be Cadmus after he followed a cow there Known for being the location of bad things Cadmeia citadel of Thebes named after its founder Cadmus Spartoi emerged from the seven teeth of the dragon of Ares Fought each other until only 5 were left The remaining five helped Cadmus build the city of Thebes Actaeon a hunter who spied on the goddess Artemis bathing and was transformed into a stag and torn apart by his hounds Dionysus the son of Zeus and Semele god of vegetation particularly the grapevine and wine Also the god of resurrection and leader of mystery cult Raised by the Baccantes Pentheus the son of Echion one of the Sparoi and king of Thebes Agave his mother became a devotee of Dionysus but Pentheus opposed the god Encouraged by Dionysus to dress up as a maenad and infiltrate the rite of Dionysus followers The followers tore him apart under the direction of Dionysus Ladbdacus the son of Polydorus and Nycteis he became the king of Thebes He warred over boundaries with Pandion king of Athens and died young Grandson of Cadmus and was killed by Bachae after disrespecting Dionysus Antiope a Boiotian princess seduced by Zeus in the guise of a satyr She bore him two sons Amphion and Zethos Lauis he was king of Thebes who while a guest in the home of Pelops fell in love with and abducted Chrysippus the son of Pelops His punishment was to have a son who would kill him Xenia ancient Greek philosophy of hospitality guest friendship Jocasta the mother of Oedipus and later became his wife but hung herself when it was discovered that she had married her son Oedipus the son of Lauis and Jocasta Was fated to kill his father and marry his mother Saved Thebes from the Sphinx and became king of Thebes Then blinds himself Polybus king that Oedipus thinks is his real dad Really king of Corinth Also husband of Merope Merope daughter of Atlas and Pleione thus one of the Pleiades Married Sisyphus Sophocles classical playwright wrote Oedipus Aeschylus classical playwright wrote Seven against Thebes and Agamemnon Euripides Last of the great Greek playwrights Wrote Andromache and Hecuba Dionysia festival where comedies and tragedies are shared In honor of Dionysus Aeschylus spoke there Oedipus Tyrannus story of Oedipus written by Sophocles Kills his father and marries mother Oedipus at Colonus second part of the Oedipus trilogy by Sophocles Chronicles the end of Oedipus life Antigone third part of the plays Chronicles the story of Creon and Antigone Polyneices son of Oedipus and Jocasta and brother of Eteocles See below Eteocles the son of Oedipus and Jocasta Was to alternate rule of Thebes with his brother Polynices each brother ruling for one year at a time and then stepping down Refused to hand over throne to Polynices so he led six others against city The brothers killed each other Antigone the daughter Oedipus and sister of Polynices and Eteocles Buried Polynices despite Creon s decree that whoever buried him would be killed Creon confined her to a sealed cave where she would die Ismene daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta sister of Antigone She refused to help Antigone bury the body of Polynices Creon the son of Menoeceus brother of Jocasta and uncle of Oedipus Became king of Thebes when Oedipus s sons Eteocles and Polynices who killed each other during the attack of the Seven against Thebes He decreed that anyone who buried Polynices would be put to death Tiresias blind fortuneteller Prophesied the Seven against Thebes Sphinx plagued the city of Thebes Asked riddles to travelers and killed them when they failed Oedipus solved her riddle Bacchae Play by Euripides Dionysus visits Thebes expecting to be worshipped Pentheus the young king tries to arrest him He is driven mad and killed by the crazy women of Thebes Hubris excessive pride Cornerstone to many myths Eumenides female deities of revenge Correspond to the Furies Seven Against Thebes Written by Aeschylus Third play in the Oedipus trilogy Adrastus son of Talaus and Lyscimache and one of the Seven against Thebes He institute the Nemean Games in honor of the infant Opheltes who died tragically at Nemea Tydeus the son of Oeneus and father of Diomedes One of the Seven against Thebes Gravely injured by Melanippus in the attack on Thebes but killed Melanippus and ate his brains Menoeceus grandfather of Oedipus Amphiaraus father of Alcmaeon Commanded his son to kill his wife He joined the Seven against Thebes knowing it would be fatal to him Epigoni descendants of the Seven against Thebes who avenged the defeat of their forebears at Thebes by attacking and sacking the city Alcmaeon the son of Amphiaraus who was one of the Seven against Thebes He avenged the death of his father by leading the Epigoni in a successful attack against Thebes and by killing his mother who bribed Amphiaraus to join in the earlier ill fated expedition to Thebes Eriphyle Bribed by Polynices with the necklace of Harmonia Wife of Amphiaraus and mother of Alcmaeon Haemon Married Antigone and was killed by Creon Other versions say he committed suicide Tantalus sometimes called a son of Zeus Cut up and served his son Pelops to the gods at a banquet Demeter was only god to not realize it was human flesh and ate his left shoulder Zeus caused Pelops to be put back together and Demter replaced the shoulder with ivory His punishment was to stand in a pool of water that receded whenever he bent over to get a drink Over his head dangled fruit but a gust of wind blew it out of reach when he tried to get some Pelops Fed to gods by Tantalus Demeter ate his shoulder When revived his shoulder was replaced by ivory Wed Hippodamia and killer her father Oenomaus Thyestes son of Pelops and Hippodamia Carried on a bitter feud with his brother Atreus Had affair with Atreus s wife and he was served to his sons by Atreus Atreus the son of Pelops and Hippodamia he carried on a long term feud with his brother Thyestes and served him a banquest of his own sons Iphigenia
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