The Water Soluble Vitamins B Vitamins The Vitamins An Overview Vitamins organic essential nutrients required in small amounts by the body for health vitamins regulate body processes that support growth and maintain life Vita Vital to life Amine containing nitrogen Some of the rst vitamins discovered contain nitrogen Similarities to energy yielding nutrients Vital to life Organic contain carbon Available in foods Bene cial in appropriate amounts harmful in excess Vitamins from macronutrients without vitamins Small amounts needed Individual units Do not yield energy Measured in milligrams mg or micrograms mcg or g Macronutrients Linked together strings of glucose amino acids fatty acids Yield energy Needed in larger amounts Measured in grams g Assist in the release of energy from macronutrients can t get these energies Ef ciency of digestion people who are not consuming enough nutrients and energy aka anorexia More simply Quantity provided by food and the amount absorbed and used by body Factors in uencing bioavailability The Vitamins An Overview Bioavailability rate at which and extent to which a nutrient is absorbed and used where GI tract breaks down and becomes less ef cient also elderly reduced absorption due to reduced stomach size gastric bypass patients need to absorb some of those body knows what to absorb more of if there is any competition Precursors Method of food preparation microwaving destroys some and is better option for others Source of nutrient greater amount of ber breaking down bioavailability of a nutrient Other foods consumed at same time Vitamin C increases absorption of iron Nutrition status if de cient in certain vitamins and minerals in general body better at knowing we Substances that precede others Organic can be destroyed during storage and in cooking in comparison to minerals which are not organic Provitamins inactive form can be converted into active vitamins Heat light oxygen can destroy nutrients Stability and not susceptible to this destruction during cooking How to minimize nutrient loss after small amount of water Add vegetables after water has come to a dishes such as casseroles and soups avoid refrigerate fruits and vegetables to slow degradation store items cut in airtight wrappers to minimize oxidation of vitamins prevent vitamin losses during washing rinse fruits and veggies before cutting Table 10 2 study this The B Vitamins Vitamins do not provide the body with fuel for energy help release energy Part of coenzymes Assist enzymes with release of energy minimize vitamin losses during cooking use a microwave oven or steam vegetables in a not boil use the cooking water in mixed high temperatures and long cooking times Without coenzyme an enzyme cannot function Without B vitamins coenzyme cannot be formed lack of energy with a lack of B vitamins B Vitamin Sources Different B vitamins are found in a variety of foods in all of the foods groups B12 is only found in animal products de ciency in vegans who do not eat any animal products Interactions among the B Vitamins De ciencies Single B vitamin de ciencies rare usually multiple de ciencies Poverty illness alcoholism decrease intake of food in general decreased nutrition Tongue is sensitive beginning of GI Tract so represents the rest of it The B Vitamins In Concert Toxicities Food sources should be rst choice rather than supplements because of that concern For most excess eliminated through urine excretion More is not necessarily better Levels higher than UL a concern for niacin B6 folate First choice should be foods rather than supplements Review Keep or remove the following pre xes Vitamins support growth and maintenance of life De ne precursor and name another word that can be used that is relevant to vitamins Vitamins are in organic and non essential substance that precede others provitamin De ne bioavailability rate at and extent to which the nutrients are absorbed and used by body Some of the B vitamins form part of coenzymes which are complex organic molecules that assist enzymes in the enzymes activity Speci cally B vitamins assist in the release of energy from carbohydrates protein and fat If B vitamins are de cient these coenzymes are produced in insuf cient amounts and can lead to a lack of energy Which of the B vitamins have toxicity concerns Niacin B6 and Folate How can nutrient loss be minimized for B vitamins Refrigerate reduce exposure to heat and water when boiling wash before cutting microwaving and steaming better Conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA macronutrients need Thiamin to do this TCA cycle Thiamin Part of coenzyme thiamin pyrophosphate TPP Nerve activity and muscle activity Energy metabolism The B Vitamins Thiamin Recommendations can be met with food De ciency Toxicity no adverse effects No UL Malnourished Alcoholics intake excretion De ciency Beriberi Dry damage to nervous system Wet damage to cardiovascular system Pork grains small amount in many foods Food sources Prolonged cooking destroys thiamin Leaches into water when boiling or blanching foods Cooking with little or no water conserves thiamin The B Vitamins Ribo avin Serves as coenzyme in energy metabolism help us do that Steaming microwaving grilling to maintain the thiamin in foods Both coenzyme forms accept and donate H to TCA cycle hydrogens help convert ADP to ATP need ribo avin to In ammation of membranes of mouth skin eyes GI tract Flavin mononucleotide FMN Flavin adenine dinucleotide FAD Recommendations met or exceeded with normal dietary intake De ciency Toxicity no harm in excess No UL Food sources Destruction of ribo avin Ultraviolet light destroyed in microwave Irradiation Not destroyed by cooking except in microwave Milk and milk products better for milk to be in opaque container Grains dark leafy greens The B Vitamin Niacin Two coenzyme forms NAD and NADP Participate in energy transfer reactions Metabolism of glucose fat alcohol Recommendations stated in niacin equivalents NE Body manufacturers from tryptophan No harm Diarrhea dermatitis dementia death Only occurs after protein synthesis needs have been met Naturally occurring form found in foods Nicotinic acid found in supplements or drugs De ciency Pellagra 4 Ds Toxicity Potentially protective against heart disease Food Sources Not as vulnerable to losses during food prep and storage as other B vitamins Half can be made from tryptophan but diet normally provides enough niacin Meat poultry sh legumes enriched and whole grains Niacin rich
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