A Achilles The son of Peleus and Thetis His mother tried making him immortal two different stories In the first she was burning his mortal flesh when Peleus walked in and freaked out so she just left him In the second she dipped him into the river Styx by his heel He will later be an important player in the Trojan War and will die from a wound to his heel Acis A man who was in love with Galatea one of the Nereids Galatea returned his love but Polyphemus a Cyclops who also loved Galatea was jealous of Acis so he picked up a rock and smashed him Galatea was upset and turned her loves blood into a river Actaeon A guy who was out hunting with his friends While separated from them he stumbles upon Artemis naked and bathing He is turned into a deer even though he tries to look away and not disturb her and the hunting dogs once they pick up his scent tear their master limb from limb Adamant What the sickle was made out of that castrated Uranus It was the strongest metal ever made and it was invented by Gaia and given to Chronos to overthrow his father when he came to lay with Gaia Adonis The ancestral son of Myrrha and her father Aphrodite really liked Adonis and sent him to Persephone to raise him until he was older Both adored the child They went to Zeus and he said they should share Aphrodite made it so that she would get the child more but on his coming out he was to bag an animal Aphrodite told him not to go after anything that didn t fear him but he went after a boar anyway and was gored to death Adrastus Is the son of Talaus and Lysimache He was one of the kings at Argos He also fought in the war of the seven against Thebes and was the only survivor thanks to the quickness of his hoarse Aegis Was the shield of Zeus that thunders whenever he shakes it It was also work by Athena and sometimes had the head of Medusa attached to it which could still petrify people Aeschylus Was the writer of Prometheus Bound and the other two lost books in the trilogy He was also a revolutionary tragedian because he was the first to have the actor interacting with the chorus His other two Prometheus Unbound and Prometheus the Firebringer works were lost after Athens was sacked in 480 BCE Agave The mother of Pentheus She says that Dionysus isn t a god also along with most of the rest of the family and when Dionysus leads all the women into the woods she will be the one who will kill her son She rips off his head and pikes it and their family is later banned from Thebes Aglauros Was given a baby in a box by the goddess Athena She was ordered to never open the box by Athena but did anyway When she and her sisters opened the box they went insane and jumped off the Accropolis Alcyone Was the daughter of Aeolus the god of the West wind and the husband of Ceyx the king of Trachis Her husband goes away to fight in a war which she tries to stop him from going and when he washed up on shore Alcyone asks to be reunited with her husband and they are both transformed into Kingfishers The Halcyon Days are held in their honor in December Amazonomachy Is a battle on the side of the Parthenon which the Amazons fight the Greeks Because the Amazons represent uncivilized society and the Amazons are also not Greek they will lose the fight to the Greeks They show the struggle between Misandry and Misogyny Amazons Are a mythological group of only female warriors They represent uncivilized society and many non Greek cultures They will lose a lot based on these two facts They are shown on the Parthenon in the Amazonomachy which is a battle which they will lose Amphitrite The wife of Poseidon and one of the daughters of Nereus Poseidon first scares her and then tries to woo her with shiny things but finally he wins her by creating a dolphin to talk to her Their child is Triton Poseidon Triton and many of the other male sea gods have gotten confused by those who study this Anchises Aphrodite brags about her power to bring any of the other gods to their knees except the 3 virginal goddesses Anchises was a shepherd and a Trojan and Zeus makes Aphrodite fall in love with him Once he realizes it s her he fears enfeeblement They have a child named Aereas After talking about his relationship with Venus Zeus strikes him lame Aniconic Refers to avoiding certain things in order not to bring bad luck on one s self or family Aniconic objects were kept around in order to turn the evil eye and to keep bad things from happening to a family Such practices were common in ancient Greece personal use only Anthropomorphic Is the act of giving human characteristics to animals things natural phenomena or other non living things Examples include Poseidon the sea Helios the sun Cupid Eros erotic love and Aries war Aphrodite Venus Her name means sea foam as she was born of the sea foam after the castration of Uranus She is the goddess of intellectual and physical love She is also the mother of both Eros Cupid and Priapus who are both good fertility gods as well She has power over all of the other gods except the 3 virginal goddesses Hestia Athena and Artemis Zeus put her in her place after bragging about this by making her love Adonis Apollo Was the god of many things including music art archery light and medicine He is a very important god in the Greco Roman Pantheon and is the son of Zeus and Leto He has a twin sister Artemis and his most important oracle is at Delphi Apotropaism apotropaic Part of the practice of aniconism something that is apotropaic has the power to avert the evil eye In ancient Greece such objects included the erect penis amongst other things and were put in many places to ward off the evil eye including temples and sanctuaries Arachne She gets into a weaving contest with Athena In her hubris she weaves the gods sexual exploits while Athena weaves the contest of Athens Athena then severely beats her for the content of her tapestry and Arachne tries to kill herself In a moment of forgiveness Athena turns her into a spider so that she may weave again Arcas The son of Zeus and Callisto Hera punishes his mother by turning her into a bear Later on when he met her in a field and she approached him still in bear form he felt threatened and prepared for the kill Zeus couldn t allow this so he turned them both into constellations Hera also didn t like this because she d always have to look at them but oh well Archetype …
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