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NTDT200 Final Study Guide Chapter 13 Iron o RDA 19 50 8 mg day for men 18 mg day for women o Function Part of hemoglobin Part of myoglobin Serves as a co factor in many metabolic reactions o Food sources Meats fish poultry dried fruit legumes egg yolk dark green veggies fortified cereals enriched grain Meats beans tomato sauce and foods cooked in cast irons pans have a high iron concentration Meat Fish Poultry vitamin c citric acid lactic acid HCl and sugars all promote iron absorption o Deficiency Anemia Symptoms fatigue weakness paleness Sever depletion of iron stores that results in low hemoglobin Small pale blood cells microcytic Stages o Ferritin and hemosiderin 1st stage o Transport iron decreases 2nd stage o Hemoglobin production declines 3rd Stage o Pica Craving a non food source ice clay o Overload paste absorption Hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder that enhances iron Hemosiderosis comes from long term iron consumption Symptoms are same as iron deficiency o Most iron is recycles o Absorbed during time of need Pregnancy o Difficult to excrete danger of toxicity o Heme iron is absorbed more easily than non heme non heme is o Plays an integral part of thyroid hormones that help regulate growth development and metabolic rate only found in plants Iodine o Food Sources Iodized salt Sea Food Food grown close to the sea o Deficiency Goiter enlargement of the thyroid gland Cretinism congenital disease characterized by mental and physical retardation caused by inadequate maternal intake of iodine Enlarge thyroid depressed thyroid activity hypothyroid o Toxicity o RDA 150 ug day Chapter 14 Components of Fitness Strength Resistance activity performed in controlled manner through Cardio Respiratory Aerobic activity that uses large muscle continuously maintained o Recommendations 3 5 days week o 20 60 minute duration full range of motion o Recommendations 2 3 days week o 8 12 reps of 8 10 different exercises Flexibility Stretching activity that uses major muscle groups o Recommendations 2 7 days week o 2 4 reps of 15 30 different exercises Preferred diet for athletes Carbs 60 70 High carbohydrate diet leads to improved performance Protein 10 20 Fat 20 30 Special nutrition concerns for athletes Consume adequate energy nutrients Maintain appropriate body fat o Women 18 body fat or above less than 18 leads to loss of menstrual cycle o Men 5 body fat or above 10 15 is average Promote optimal recovery from training Maintain hydration status Protein requirements for athletes Adults 80 g protein kg body weight Power Athletes 1 6 g protein kg body weight Endurance Athletes 1 2 1 6 g protein kg body weight Amino Acid supplements are not recommended Water requirements for athletes Drink plenty of water in the DAYS preceding competition Slight dehydration impairs performance Schedule o 2 hr before activity 2 cups o 15 min before activity 2 cups o Every 15 min during activity 5 1 cup o After activity 2 cups for every pound lost Drink sodium in beverage to stimulate thirst mechanism of body Iron concerns for athletes Iron needs must be met Females at risk of anemia which will lead to fatigue Sports anemia Results in strenuous exercises will lead to RBC destruction It is temporary Pre and post meals for athletes Pregame Meals end 3 4 hr before competition contain 300 750 kcal o Plenty of fluids light easy to digest avoid high fiber o Breads potato pasta o Juices blenderized drinks Postgame meal immediately following activity o High carbohydrate foods after competition enhances absorption 60 g carbs o Eating protein immediately after exercising enhances muscle protein synthesis A 1 3 ratio of protein to carbohydrate is recommended Creatine and whole protein supplements Creatine Used to increase high energy compound creatine phosphate in muscles o Studies suggest creatine supplements may enhance performance of repetitive high intensity activity o May improve performance by increasing muscle strength size hydration or muscle loading capacity due to water Muscles may lose water and deflate when off creatine o Some researchers concerned about safety o Discouraged use for anyone under 18 AAP o Not illegal in international competition cannot test because it is naturally occurring in body o ATP PCr system helps gives body energy PCr is naturally in body Whole Protein Better than whey o Generally not needed but may be convenient o Weight training athletes may need significantly higher than the RDA 1 2 1 7g kg day 1 7 is for more high intensity atheletes o Some research to support that athletes need more protein and provide ergogenic effect Whey Protein A waste product of cheese and casein production Not enough research to verify any benefits o Research on subjects consuming 1 2g kg day whey protein shows some increase in LBM but not all o Excess protein is stored as fat not muscle Athletes and Eating Disorders Female Athlete Triad o Disorder eating amenorrhea osteoporosis Muscle Dysmorphia o Occurs in males more often o When a muscular athlete has skewed perception of himself Caffeine facts etc Odorless bitter while alkaloid found naturally in plats coffee cola tea Stimulates nervous system heart function blood circulation and release of adrenaline 8 oz coffee 80 135 mg caffeine 8 oz tea 40 60 mg caffeine Increases utilization and mobilization of free fatty acids thus uses fatty acids as fuel during exercise Only beneficial for those who do not consume caffeine on any regular basis Until 2004 suggested 8 10 mg kg body approx 2 cups of full caffeine a day Highlight 11 cancers Antioxidants and disease prevention and Phytochemicals Under Chapter 18 and Review Nutrition and Disease Prevention and Promotion Cardiovascular Disease Arthrosclerosis o Condition characterized by plaque along the inner walls of the arteries o Fibrous plaques are mounds of lipids o Coronary heart disease is the damage that occurs when blood vessels are occluded and narrowed o Risk Factors Total serum cholesterol LDL cholesterol Triglycerides Obesity Blood Pressure Aim for total cholesterol 200 mg dl Aim for LDL 100 mg dl Aim for triglycerides 150 Aim for BMI 18 5 24 9 Aim for blood pressure less than 120 80 o Food sources of cholesterol Aim for less than 300 mg cholesterol day Animal fats Dairy products Beef pork eggs chicken o Dietary Factors which raise cholesterol Saturated Fats Trans fatty acids Food sources Solid food Butter Margarine fats used in processed foods Unsaturated Fats Lower LDL cholesterol Polyunsaturated Fats

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