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DNA contains the sugar deoxyribose while RNA contains the sugar ribose The main contrast among ribose and deoxyribose is that ribose has one more OH bunch than deoxyribose which has H connected to the second 2 carbon in the ring DNA is a twofold abandoned atom while RNA is a solitary abandoned particle DNA is steady under soluble conditions while RNA isn t steady DNA and RNA perform various capacities in people DNA is liable for putting away and moving hereditary data while RNA straightforwardly codes for amino acids and goes about as a courier among DNA and ribosomes to make proteins DNA and RNA base blending is marginally unique since DNA utilizes the bases adenine thymine cytosine and guanine RNA utilizes adenine uracil cytosine and guanine Uracil contrasts from thymine in that it comes up short on a methyl bunch on its ring Comparison of DNA and RNA While both DNA and RNA are used to store genetic information there are clear differences between them This table summarizes the key points Main Differences Between DNA and RNA DNA RNA Compariso n Name Function DeoxyriboNucleic Acid Long term storage of genetic information transmission of genetic information to make other cells and new organisms Structural Features Compositio n of Bases B form double helix DNA is a double stranded molecule consisting of a long chain of nucleotides deoxyribose sugar phosphate backbone RiboNucleic Acid Used to transfer the genetic code from the nucleus to the ribosomes to make proteins RNA is used to transmit genetic information in some organisms and may have been the molecule used to store genetic blueprints in primitive organisms A form helix RNA usually is a single strand helix consisting of shorter chains of nucleotides ribose sugar phosphate backbone Main Differences Between DNA and RNA and Sugars adenine guanine cytosine thymine bases DNA is self replicating Propagatio n Base Pairing Reactivity The C H bonds in DNA AT adenine thymine GC guanine cytosine make it fairly stable plus the body destroys enzymes that would attack DNA The small grooves in the helix also serve as protection providing minimal space for enzymes to attach Ultraviolet Damage DNA is susceptible to UV damage adenine guanine cytosine uracil bases RNA is synthesized from DNA on an as needed basis AU adenine uracil GC guanine cytosine The O H bond in the ribose of RNA makes the molecule more reactive compared with DNA RNA is not stable under alkaline conditions plus the large grooves in the molecule make it susceptible to enzyme attack RNA is constantly produced used degraded and recycled Compared with DNA RNA is relatively resistant to UV damage

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Berkeley BIOLOGY 1B - DNA and RNA

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