KU BIOL 152 - Insects and Deuterostomes
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BIOL 152 1st Edition Lecture 24 Outline of Last Lecture I Animal Diversity II Sponges III Cnidarians IV Nematocysts V Ctenophores VI Lophotrochozoans a Annelids b Mollusks VII Gastrapoda VIII Cephalopods IX Phylum Arthropoda Outline of Current Lecture I Insects II Deuterostomes III Chordata a Vertebrate characteristics Current Lecture Insects Why are they so diverse and successful Modular body small body size o More niches cheap circulation respiration Short generation time Wings escape dispersal Resource use Metamorphosis 44 22 o Incomplete grasshopppers The young resemble the adults o Complete butterflies Larvae in different niche benefits use temporary resources stages don t compete Deuterostomes These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Hemichordates 44 24 10 species Enchinoderms o Pentaradial symmetry 44 25 6 o All marine sedentary or sessile lifestyle o Larvae are bilaterally symmetrical o Water vascular system locomotion prey capture o Organs complete digestive tract external fertilization 5 MAJOR GROUPS 1 MINOR Major 1 2 3 4 5 Asteriods sea stars Ohpinoids brittle stars Echinoids sea urchins Holothuroids sea cucumbers Crinoids sea lilies Minor 1 Concentricycloids sea daisies a Massively impact ecosystem Chordata 44 23 All chordates Notochord Dorsal hollow nerve cord Pharyngeal slits Muscular post anal tail Some species only possess these traits at the embryonic stage Vertebrate characteristics Developed brain eyes Cranium jaw Pharyngeal slits gills Paired fins Vertebrate Cephalochordate 44 26 Urochordata Vertebrata Ex Hagfish lampreys jawless Chondrichtynytes sharks Osteichthytes bony fishes Amphibians Amniotes Mammals Milk mammory gland Hair keratin Differentiated teeth 3 groups o Monotremes platypus o Marsupials kangaroos o Eutheria placentral mammals Largest group of mammals most diverse

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KU BIOL 152 - Insects and Deuterostomes

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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