KU BIOL 152 - Intro to nervous systems
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BIOL 152 1st Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture I Kingdom fungi a Characteristics b Land surface fungi i Types ii Examples II Lichen diversity Outline of Current Lecture I Animal nervous systems II Types of nerve cells III Neuron organization a WATCH PODCAST IV Glial cells a Characteristics function b Myelin sheath V Salutatory propagation in vertebrates a Refer to fig 35 11 VI Resting membrane potential a Depolarization in action potential b Repolarization in action potential VII Action potential propagation VIII Neurotoxins IX Synapses Current Lecture Animal nervous systems 35 3 Nervous systems vary in complexity o As predation became more prevalent cephalization became more common Types of nerve cells Sensory neurons Interneurons Motor neurons These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute all of these neurons differ in shape and size Neuron organization 35 4 WATCH PODCAST Glial cells 35 7 Schwann cells Support cells Surround axon Myelin sheath covers axon and increases synaptic speed significantly Saltatory propagation in vertebrates 35 11 KNOW THE DIAGRAMS FOR Resting membrane potential depolarization and repolarization in an action potential Action potential propagation Axons fire in one direction Refractory period Neurotoxins Can act in multiple ways No known antidote 100x more potent than cyanide Synapses Exitatory or inhibitory signals Positive charge in membrane potential PCMP Negative charge in membrane potential NCMP

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KU BIOL 152 - Intro to nervous systems

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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