KU BIOL 152 - What makes an animal an animal?
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BIOL 152 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Current Lecture I Case study II Oomycetes III What makes an animal an animal IV Plants and animals a Similarities b Differences V Biological feedback a Homeostasis b Positive and negative feedback Current Lecture Check LaunchPad for the case study information Oomycetes Water molds white rusts and downy mildews o Decomposers and parasites of plants and animals Historically considered fungi What makes an animal an animal Eukaryotic cells Multicellularity specialized cells Heterotrophs Sexual reproduction Energy processors Cleavage during development O2 respiration Sensory system Collagen integrin Plants vs animals Similarities These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Specialized cells Diploid generation Cellular respiration Mitosis and meiosis Hormones Defense system Motility Differences Autotrophs vs heterotrophs Alternation of generations Cell walls Indeterminant vs determinant Primary producers vs consumers Nervous systems Cell to cell communications Cell structure Non biological feedback loops Cruise control Flush mechanism Stock market A spring Biological feedback Human body temperature thermoregulation Metabolism Regulation of body sugar Insulin glucagen Homeostasis Stimulus sensor control effecter Negative feedbacks are usually seen in a loop fashion Common positive feedbacks are labor and blood clotting

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KU BIOL 152 - What makes an animal an animal?

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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