Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Review sheet Chapter 6 Skeletal tissues(2)

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Review sheet Chapter 6 Skeletal tissues 1 Why are the bones of the skeleton considered organs 2 What are the functions of the skeletal system 3 Know the difference between cartilage and bone tissue including cell types relative strength flexibility density of matrix vascularization 4 What inorganic substance in bone makes it so rigid 5 What is the difference between an osteoblast and an osteoclast 6 What are the three types of cartilage and how do they differ Be able to identify the cartilage type if given an example e g external ear nose pubic symphysis and also be able to tell where each type is found 7 Which type of cartilage is the most common 8 Which type has the most elastic fibers 9 Which type is able to resist very strong compression and tension 10 What are the two types of cartilage growth Which is important for an increase in girth size Which is important for length increase 11 What are the cell types that make new cartilage tissue 12 Where is new matrix secreted for appositional growth What about for interstitial growth 13 Which has more cartilage an adult or a juvenile 14 What is osteogenesis 15 What kind of cartilage forms the initial skeletal framework in an embryo 16 In a developing fetus which type of ossification is occurring if 1 bone tissue is replacing existing cartilage tissue 2 bone tissue is building on top of a collagen network 17 Explain the process of endochondral ossification Include the following terms diaphysis epiphysis primary center of ossification secondary center of ossification epiphyseal plate periosteal bud 18 What happens when the epiphyseal plates have closed 19 In the appositional growth of bone is new tissue secreted at the periosteum or perichondrium 20 What are the cells involved in producing new bone tissue 21 Be able to draw and label a long bone with the following structures diaphysis epiphyses spongy bone compact bone epiphyseal line periosteum medullary cavity 22 What is the periosteum Where is it located How is this different from endosteum 23 Where is the medullary cavity found What material lines the medullary cavity 24 What are Sharpey s fibers What do they do why are they important 25 Differentiate between compact and spongy bone What part of a bone has compact bone What part has spongy bone 26 What is diploe and in what kind of bone is it found 27 Be able to label a cross section of compact bone including Haversian canals osteon lamellae canaliculi 28 What is an osteon What are the concentric tubes that make up an osteon 29 What is a Haversian canal What is the function job of the Haversian canal 30 What are perforating canals Volkmann s canals What is their job function 31 What are canaliculi How are these different from perforating canals What is their job function 32 Consider the process of bone remodeling How would bone respond to long term weight bearing exercise How might bone respond to long term confinement lack of use To minimize risk of osteoporosis should an individual sit quietly or exercise regularly 33 What property or properties of cartilage make osteoarthritis so painful and difficult to treat 34 What is a bony callus What causes this

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Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Review sheet Chapter 6 Skeletal tissues(2)

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