Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Review Sheet Chapter 17 Endocrine(4)-2

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Review Sheet Chapter 17 Endocrine 1 What are the endocrine glands and what is the function of each 2 What is the difference between and endocrine and an exocrine gland 3 What is a target cell and why is this important for hormone function 4 What are the three triggers for hormone secretion Explain how each stimulus works 5 What is a positive feedback loop Name one hormone that exhibits this type of feedback 6 What is a negative feedback loop What is a positive feedback loop 7 What is the relationship between the pituitary and the hypothalamus What hormones does the hypothalamus secrete 8 Does the hypothalamus control the pituitary or does the pituitary control the hypothalamus 9 Where are these two structures located 10 Name the hormones and functions secreted by the pituitary Be able to identify the hormones of the adenohypophysis and the neurohypophysis 11 What is extremely different about the hormones of the adenohypophysis and the hormones of the neurohypophysis hint where are they made 12 Developmentally which of the two parts of the pituitary gland is actually neural tissue 13 What is the hypophyseal portal system How do hormones intended to affect the adenohypophysis reach it 14 What is ADH vasopressin How does it work 15 Explain the positive feedback loop involved in the physical response to oxytocin 16 What is a tropic hormone 17 Where is the thyroid gland located What is the shape of a healthy thyroid 18 What are the hormones secreted by the thyroid gland Which of these is involved in calcium metabolism Which of these is involved in metabolism more generally 19 Is the thyroid gland under positive or negative feedback control Explain the role of the hypothalamus the pituitary and the thyroid in this feedback cycle 20 What is a goiter Why does this develop 21 Where are the parathyroid glands What is the job of the parathyroid 22 Explain the interactions between the thyroid and the parathyroid in terms of calcium homeostasis 23 Where are the adrenal glands located How are the cortex and medulla different glands what tissue is each derived from 24 What is the function generally of both the cortex and the adrenal glands 25 What is the pineal gland and where is it located What is its function 26 Where is the pancreas Why is it considered by an exocrine and an endocrine gland 27 Explain the role of beta and alpha cells in glucose metabolism 28 What are islets of Langerhans 29 How are the causes of Type I and Type II diabetes different 30 What is the job of growth hormone 31 What causes of pituitary dwarfism Gigantism How does acromegaly differ from gigantism 32 What are the effects of the hormone prolactin 33 FSH and LH act on what structures Where are these structures located What hormones are these structures stimulated to produce 34 What is the role of estrogen Progesterone Testosterone

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Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Review Sheet Chapter 17 Endocrine(4)-2

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