Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Chapter 13 CNS Brain review sheet-3

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Chapter 13 CNS Brain Part I 1 What are the functions of the brain general 2 What are the four main parts of the brain 3 What are the three parts of the brain stem 4 What is neurulation 5 Which neural tube defect results from failure of the caudal neural tube to completely close off 6 Which neural tube defect results from failure of the cranial neural tube to form 7 Which part of the neural tube gives rise to the brain 8 What are the three primary vesicles that appear at the rostral end of the neural tube What are their subdivisions the secondary vesicles 9 Why are there flexures in the brain 10 What structure s will form from the telencephalon 11 What structure s will form from the diencephalon 12 What structure s will form from the mesencephalon 13 What structure s forms from the ventral metencephalon 14 What structure s forms from the dorsal metencephalon 15 What structure gives rise to the medulla oblongata Make sure you know these subdividsions starting at fore mid hind brain all the way to the adult derivatives 16 How is gray matter different from white matter 17 How many ventricles are located in the brain Know where each is found how they are connected to each other 18 What is the job of the ventricles of the brain 19 What epithelial tissue lines the ventricles of the brain 20 What material fills the ventricles of the brain 21 What structure separates the lateral ventricles 22 What structure connects the lateral ventricles to the 3rd ventricle 23 What structure connects the third and 4th ventricles 24 What structures enable the CSF to surround the brain 25 What non brain structure does the 4th ventricle connect to 26 What are the general functions of the brain stem 27 Which of the brain stem structures is most caudal 28 What are the pyramidal tracts What is their job 29 Functionally what happens when there is decussation of the pyramids what do the fibers do what is the result 30 What is the olive Why is it important hint olivary nucleus 31 What is the reticular formation What is its role 32 What is the job of the pontine nuclei 33 Where is the midbrain found 34 What is the role of the superior colliculus Inferior colliculus 35 The superior and inferior colliculi together comprise what structure What is the general role of this structure 36 What is the job of the cerebellum 37 What structure connects the two hemispheres of the cerebellum 38 What is the role of the folia 39 In sagittal view what structure in the cerebellum is made of white matter 40 The diencephalon is surrounded by what three structures 41 What structure contains the 3rd ventricle of the brain 42 What is the job of the thalamus Why is it important 43 What is the overall job of the hypothalamus 44 What gland is contained within the epithalamus Part II 1 What are gyri and sulci and what is their job 2 How are gyri and sulci similar in function to the folia 3 What is the role of the cerebrum 4 What are the three functional areas of the cerebrum 5 What is the job of the somatosensory cortex Where is it located 6 What determines how much cortex is used for a particular sense 7 What is meant by contralateral 8 Where is the primary visual cortex located What is its role How does this relate to the visual association area 9 What is the role of the auditory cortex Where is it located What is the job of the auditory association area 10 What is the role of the gustatory cortex olfactory cortex vestibular cortex visceral sensory area Where is each located 11 Where are the motor areas of the brain located What is their job 12 Pyramidal tracts have their origin in which cortex Where do these pyramidal tracts lead How do the axons of the pyramidal tracts facilitate voluntary movement 13 What is the job of the pre motor cortex Where is it located 14 What is controlled by the frontal eye field Where is this found 15 What is Broca s area and where is this found If damaged what might happen 16 What is a multimodal association area 17 What is the job of Wernicke s area If damaged what might happen 18 What is the limbic association area Why is it not a specific area but a more generalized region What is the role of the limbic system 19 What structure links together the different parts of the limbic system 20 The outer cortex of the brain is composed of white gray matter 21 Deep to the outer cortex of the brain there will be white gray matter Very deep to the white matter there will be another layer of white gray matter 22 Commissural assocation and projection fibers are all found in the white gray matter What do these fibers do 23 Hemispheres are connected by which type of fibers 24 Regions within a single hemisphere are connected by which type of fibers 25 Fibers that move from the CNS to more caudal regions are which type 26 What is the corpus callosum 27 What is the difference between ganglia and basal nuclei hint think about location in the nervous system Part III 1 What are the meninges generally Which is the most superficial Which is deepest Which is delicate and follows the contours of the brain Which is tough and fibrous Which contains spiderwebby filaments 2 What material cushions and protects the brain and nourishes the neural tissue 3 What is the blood brain barrier What type of neuroglial cells help form the blood brain barrier 4 Where are dural sinuses located What is their role Which part of the circulatory system receives the blood from the dural sinuses 5 Where are arachnoid granulations located and what is their job 6 What material fills the subarachnoid space 7 Differentiation between subdural space and epidural space 8 What might happen if too much CSF drained out of the ventricles subarachnoid spaces 9 Where is CSF made TRACE the flow of cerebrospinal fluid from its origin choroid plexuses through the ventricles into subarachnoid space through subarachnoid space and out dural venous sinuses Be sure to indicate the importance of the arachnoid granulations 10 What is the role of the spinal cord 11 Is the spinal cord or brain used for reflexes 12 Why is there a cervical enlargement in the spinal cord 13 Why is there a lumbar enlargement in the spinal cord 14 Differentiate between conus medullaris cauda equina and filum terminale 15 Be able to label a cross section of the spinal cord including dorsal root ganglion dorsal root dorsal median sulcus ventral median fissure gray matter white matter gray commissure central canal dorsal horn ventral horn incoming outgoing or afferent efferent or motor sensory fibers

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Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Chapter 13 CNS Brain review sheet-3

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