Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Social Cohesion II Social Control III Deviance IV Deviance and Social Control V What Strain Theory Looks Like VI Standford Prison Experiment VII Symbolic Interactionist VIII Crime IX Types of Crime Outline of Current Lecture X Stratification XI Views of Inequality XII Standards of Equality XIII Forms of Stratification XIV Ideal Types of Stratification Current Lecture XV Views of Inequality a Inequality is Bad SOC 100 1st Edition Rousseau argued that private property creates social inequality and that this inequality leads to social conflict b Inequality is Good i Ferguson and Miller The Enlightenment 1 emerged from people creating wealth 2 creating wealth and assets creates incentives to work hard a higher degrees of social organizaton and efficiency b foundation of progress ii Malthus though inequality would prevent population growth c Inequality is a Relationship i Hegel Master Slave Dialectic 1 mutual dependce in master slave 2 most social relationships depend on this model 3 slave depends on master and master depends on slave a master has all power and control 4 overtime society would have more free people and this dialect would die out of social relationships ii Human Trafficking i These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best 1 2 3 4 Master slave is persistent social relationship prostitution and sex trade domestic labor food production a fishing industry b palm oil production c farm labor in US XVI Standards of Equality a Ontological Equality i equality is the notion that everyone is created equal to the eyes of b c d XVII a b XVIII a b c God Equality of Opportunity i inequality is acceptable so long as everyone has same opportunities for advancement and is judged by some standards ii we take out artificial stratifying characteristics and everyone has a chance iii main theme in capitalist system and civil rights movement Equality of Condition i idea that everyone should have an equal starting point from which to pursue his her goals ii have to make adjustments iii affirmative action 1 thinking about class system racial and economic standards of a person Equality of Outcome i everyone in society should end up with same rewards regardless of starting point opportunities or contributions ii associated with socialism and communism Forms of Stratification the ways that inequality organize a society i idea that human groups are ranked hierarchically according to social characteristics Intersexuality i systems of stratification overlap ii don t work in isolation they work together Ideal Types of Social Stratification Estate System i politically based system of stratification based on limited social mobility 1 Example Feadualism and Ante Bellum South Caste System i based on hereditary notions of religious and theological purity Class System economically based system of stratification with somewhat loose social mobility based on roles in the production process rather than individual characteristics ii difficult to find boundaries iii Gregory Owens 1 Partner at White and Case a Elite Law Training b Large Law Firm Experience c Mergers and Acquisitions 2 Declared Bankruptcy 3 What class does this guy belong to iv Theories for Determining Class 1 Marx 2 most important classes are proletariat and bourgeoisie a realtionship was antagonistic 2 Wright contradictory class locations people can occupy locations that fall between these pure classes a Foreman Mid Level Management i own capital but don t control labor 3 Weber groups of people are members of a class according to the value of their property or labor in the commercial market place class systems are graded a Example Gregory Owens d Status Hierarchy System iv based on social prestige 2 what society thinks of the particular lifestyle of the community you belong to 3 sociologists are most interested in occupational status 4 sociologists are most interested in occupational status e Elite Mass Dichotomy System iv has few governing elite 2 a few leaders who broadly hold the power of society v Pareto masses were better off in such a system because the most skilled and talented people would reach governing elite vi Mills this system is dangerous and detrimental as it consolidates power in the hands of the few who will act according to their interests i
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