CS250 VLSI Systems Design Lecture 3 Hardware Design Languages Fall 2011 Krste Asanovic John Wawrzynek with John Lazzaro and Brian Zimmer TA Lecture 03 HDLs CS250 UC Berkeley Fall 11 Outline Background and History of Hardware Description Brief Introduction to Chisel Part 1 Next Monday Chisel Part 2 Lecture 03 HDLs 2 CS250 UC Berkeley Fall 11 Design Entry Schematic entry editing used to be the standard method in industry and universities Used in commonly until 2002 Schematics are intuitive They match our use of gate level or block diagrams Somewhat physical They imply a physical implementation Require a special tool editor Unless hierarchy is carefully designed schematics can be confusing and difficult to follow on large designs Lecture 03 HDLs Hardware Description Languages HDLs are the new standard except for PC board design where schematics are still used CS250 UC Berkeley Fall 11 3 Hardware Description Languages Originally invented for simulation Now logic synthesis tools exist to automatically convert from HDL source to circuits High level constructs greatly improves designer productivity However this may lead you to falsely believe that hardware design can be reduced to writing programs Structural example Decoder output x0 x1 x2 x3 inputs a b wire abar bbar inv bbar b inv abar a and x0 abar bbar and x1 abar b and x2 a bbar and x3 a b Behavioral example Decoder output x0 x1 x2 x3 inputs a b case a b 00 x0 x1 x2 x3 0x1 01 x0 x1 x2 x3 0x2 10 x0 x1 x2 x3 0x4 11 x0 x1 x2 x3 0x8 endcase Basic Idea language constructs describe circuits with two basic forms Structural descriptions connections of components Nearly one to one correspondence to with schematic diagram Behavioral descriptions use high level constructs similar to conventional programming to describe the circuit function Lecture 03 HDLs Warning this is a fake HDL Describing hardware with a language is similar however to writing a parallel program 4 CS250 UC Berkeley Fall 11 Standard Design Methodology Hierarchically defines structure and or function of circuit HDL Specification Simulation Synthesis Verification Does the design behave as required with regards to function and timing and power consumption Maps specification to resources of implementation platform FPGA or ASIC Note This in not the entire story Other tools are useful for analyzing HDL specifications More on this later Lecture 03 HDLs 5 CS250 UC Berkeley Fall 11 HDL History Verilog originated at Automated Integrated Design Systems renamed Gateway in 1985 Acquired by Cadence in 1989 Invented as simulation language Synthesis was an afterthought Many of the basic techniques for synthesis were developed at Berkeley in the 80 s and applied commercially in the 90 s Around the same time as the origin of Verilog the US Department of Defense developed VHDL A double acronym VSIC Very High Speed Integrated Circuit HDL Because it was in the public domain it began to grow in popularity Afraid of losing market share Cadence opened Verilog to the public in 1990 An IEEE working group was established in 1993 and ratified IEEE Standard 1394 Verilog in 1995 Verilog is the language of choice of Silicon Valley companies initially because of high quality tool support and its similarity to C language syntax VHDL is still popular within the government in Europe and Japan and some Universities Most major CAD frameworks now support both Latest Verilog version is System Verilog Other alternatives these days Bluespec MIT spin out models digital systems using guarded atomic actions C to gates Compilers ex Synfora PICO AutoESL Lecture 03 HDLs 6 CS250 UC Berkeley Fall 11 Verilog Issues Designed as a simulation language Discrete Event Semantics Many constructs don t synthesize ex deassign timing constructs Your favorite complaint here The real power of a textual representation of circuits is the ability to write circuit compilers Verilog has very weak metaprogramming support Simple parameter expressions generate loops and case Others lead to mysterious results for loops Difficult to understand synthesis implications of procedural assignment always blocks and blocking versus non blocking assignments In common use most users ignore much of the language and stick to a very strict style Large companies post use rules and run lint style checkers Nonetheless leads to confusion particularly for beginners and bugs Gray code to binary code converter module gray2bin1 bin gray parameter SIZE 8 output SIZE 1 0 bin input SIZE 1 0 gray genvar i generate for i 0 i SIZE i i 1 begin bit assign bin i gray SIZE 1 i end endgenerate endmodule Various hacks around this over the years ex embedded TCL scripting Lecture 03 HDLs 7 CS250 UC Berkeley Fall 11 Chisel Constructing Hardware In a Scala Embedded Language Experimental attempt at a fresh start to address these issues Clean simple set of design construction primitives just what is needed for RTL design later support for UTL design Powerful metaprogramming model for building circuit generators Why embedded Why Scala Avoid the hassle of writing and maintaining a new programming language most of the work would go into the non hardware specific parts of the language anyway Brings together the best of many others Java JVM functional programming OO programming strong typing type inference Still very new Bugs will show up Your feedback is needed In class brief presentation of basics Ask questions First tutorial document available online Formal reference later Lecture 03 HDLs 8 CS250 UC Berkeley Fall 11 Chisel Acknowlegements Jonathan Bachrach Principal developer Undergrad research assistant Chisel Developer First actual user translated FPU Verilog code to Chisel Huy Vo Brian Richards Early users for processor design mapped to FPGAs Early user continues to write chisel routers and give feedback Pushed the design given feedback and written the most Chisel code in writing RiscV code Fast C template library that inspired Chisel fast simulator Work on writing and translating net work and memory controllers and non blocking caches Yunsup Lee Andrew Waterman Scott Beamer Chris Celio Chris Batten James Martin and Alex Williams Anonymous Lecture 03 HDLs Participants in first Chisel bootcamp 9 CS250 UC Berkeley Fall 11 Simple Combinational Logic Example simple logic expression out a b a b Notes The associated logic circuits are not executed They are active always like continuous assignment in Verilog Unlike Verilog no built in logic gates Expressions instead The variables a and
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