Berkeley BIOLOGY 1B - Medical Mycology

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HUMAN MYCOSES Candida albicans cutaneous mucocutaneous systemic Fungi That Invade Keratinous Skin Structures Medical Mycology Bio 1B Instructor Thomas Carlson 1 Tinea imbricata from Trichophyton concentricum Tinea versicolor Pityriasis versicolor Tinea nigra Tinea pedis athlete s foot Tinea cruris jock itch Tinea corporis ring worm Tinea imbicata Tinea capitis Tinea unguium Onchomycosis Tinea barbae 2 Candida albicans infection of tongue 3 4 Candida albicans infection on face of immunocompromized child HUMAN MYCOSES Subcutaneous mycoses Chromoblastomycosis Chromomycosis Verrucous dermatitis Lobomycosis Fusarium Sporotrichosis Basidiobolomycosis 5 6 Chromoblastomycosis infection on leg Fusarium subcutaneous infections There are some Fusarium fungal species that are plant pathogens and if humans scrape their skin or cornea with an infected plant they can become infected with the same species of Fusarium Fusarium subcutaneous fungal infections occur in the skin subcutaneous tissues and corneas of some agricultural workers in California 7 Lobomycosis infection of leg in South America 8 HUMAN MYCOSES Nasal mucosa site of initial mycotic infection Conidiobolomycosis Rhinoentomophthoromycosis Rhinosporidiosis Mucormycosis 9 Rhinosporidiosis infection in nasal mucosa 10 HUMAN MYCOSES Systemic mycoses acquired by spore inhalation Coccidioidomycosis Valley Fever Histoplasmosis Blastomycosis Paracoccidioidomycosis South American Blastomycosis Cryptococcosis Aspergillis 11 12 Blastomycosis in Eastern USA 13

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Berkeley BIOLOGY 1B - Medical Mycology

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