Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Cranial Nerves

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Cranial Nerves Twelve Cranial Nerves Need to know number Name Fibers Location o Inferior aspect of the brain stem CN Cranial nerve Olfactory I Smell sensory Optic Nerve II Vision sensory Oculomotor III Trochlear IV Abducens VI All three of them Motor fibers Move the eyeball Trigeminal V 25 02 2010 19 21 00 Maxillary branch Ophthalmic branch Mandibular branch o Motor fibers Innervates al the skin of the face o Sensory Mixed nerve Facial VII The muscles of the face o Obicularis oris ocular buccinators Taste fibers o Sensory Vestibulocochlear VIII Special sensory nerve Glossopharyngeal IX Motor fibers General sensory Special sensory of taste Vagus X Special sensory taste Accessory Motor innervating the skeletal muscles Hypoglossal Can help stick your tongue out Special sense fibers I smell II vision VIII hearing and balance VII taste IX taste X taste Spinal cord Found in vertebral canal Surrounded by meninges Continuous with medulla of brain stem at foramen magnum Tapers to conus medullaris and ENDS AT intervertebral discs between L1 and L2 Has anterior and posterior median sulcus White matter has axons and glia grey matter neural cell bodies and ganglia on inside o Opposite of brain grey on outside and white on inside o Cervical has more grey matter than thoracic o Lumbar has more grey matter than C and T o Sacral has the more grey matter What comes off the spinal cord has roots o In dorsal root On dorsal side dorsal root ganglion Has sensory info o In ventral root Motor info o spinal nerve dorsal root and ventral root come together mixed fibers ventral primary ramus mixed fibers 31 spinal cord pairs o 8 cervical 7 cervical bone o 12 thoracic 5 thoracic bone o 5 lumbar 5 lumbar bone o 5 sacral 5 sacral bone o 1 coccygeal 1 coccygeal pair of dorsal roots pair of dorsal root ganglia pair of ventral root Meninges Provide physical stability and shock aborption Same three layers EXCEPT space between bone and dura called epidural space Spaces Epidural space where epidurals go Subdural space between dura and arachnoid Subanachnoid space where you find CSF o Reabsorbed at arachnoid granulations Filum termanalis In subarachnoid space Fxn Extended pia Cauda equina Collection of dorsal and ventral roots off most distal spinal cord o S1 S5 all within subarachnoid space looks like horse hair Cenus medullaris End of spinal cord Horns Dorsal posterior horn Ventral anterior horn Grey matter Tracts or column White matter How fibers go up and down spinal cord Covers Epineurium whole nerve Perinerium around fascicles Endoneurium around individual axon Ventral primary ramus Continuation of spinal nerve Dermatome Area of skin innervated by ONE of spinal nerve o Goes around body Dermatomal pattern Sensory information Plexuses Formed by ventral primary rami Cervical both sensory and motor o Mainly from C2 3 4 o Come out and form a very complex pattern and then form nerves Brachial know location o C5 T1 o Formed by ventral primary rami o Join and split in a pattern o Join to form superior trunk middle trunk and inferior trunk o Split into divisions and then join into cords 3 cords o Cords split into terminal branches 5 branches know them Muscoluocutaneous nerve Median nerve anterior forearm nothing in arm Ulnar nerve all interosse funny bone nothing in arm Radial nerve extensors musculature of the upper limbposterior to humerus Axillary deltoid and teres minor posterior to humerus o Carpal tunnel median nerve 25 02 2010 19 21 00 25 02 2010 19 21 00

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Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Cranial Nerves

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