Ch 13 and 14 Nervous System Cerebrum telencephalon Lobes o Frontal lobe o Temporal lobe o Parietal lobe o Occipital lobe Gyrus hills Sulci valleys Longitudinal fissureo separates right from left hemisphere o Separates the occipital love into two Central sulcus separates frontal from parietal bone o Pre central gyrus anterior o Post central gyrus posterior Diencephalaon White matter 4 ventricles Brain Stem Thalamus o Nuclei within it o Relay station for sensory o Coordinates motor activity o Integrates sensory and motor pathways Hypothalamus know all of functions o All connected to pituitary gland 02 23 2010 Midbrain mesencephalon o Substantia nigra Regulates activity in the basal nuceli Pons Medulla oblongata Meninges covers the CNS over brain and spinal cord Dura mater tough mother o Outer covering most superficial Endosteal layer dura mater Falx cerebri attaches to cristi galle to tentorial cerebeli Tentortium cerebelli Falx cerebelli Diaphragma sellae o Dural sinus Straight sinus There are a bunch collect blood from the brain o Meningeal layer dura mater o Folds of dura mater stabilize position of the brain Arachnoid a spider like film o Outer covering middle but lays over the gyri and sulci Pia mater soft mother o Follows the brain tissue so follows the gyri and sulci Superficial to deep in brain Bone epidural space potential Dura o Endosteal layer o Sinus venous blood o Meningeal layer Subdural space where blood collect Arachnoid o Sub arachnoid space cerebrospinal fluid CSF ventricles CSF goes all the way into the sulci Pia Brain Blood brain barrier Isolates brain tissue from general circulation Astrocytes Intact through the CNS Does not allow for any more than exchange of glucose O2 and CO2 Primary functional areas of cerebral cortex Frontal lobe o Primary motor cortex conscious control of skeletal muscle o Pre central gyrus Parietal lobe o Primary sensory cortex conscious perception of sensation o Post central gyrus o Tough pressure vibration pain temperature and taste Occipital lobe o Conscious perception of Vision Temporal o Conscious perception of Olfactory and smell Corpus callosum connects the hemispheres of the brain Homunculus Somatotopic localization Specific parts of the brain that connect to different parts of the body Parts of the Brain Broca s area Speech center o Motor o Regulates normal speech o If damaged cannot talk o Can understand but cannot talk Gnostic area general interpretative area o Sensory o Understand what is heard o Can talk but not in relationship to what is said Basal Nuclei nucleus of Caudate nucleus Putamen Globus pallidus deep Function o Control of muscle tone o Coordination of learned muscle movents Cerebellum 02 23 2010 02 23 2010
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