Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - ch 6 and 7 skeletal system

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Ch 6 and 7 The Skeletal System 19 21 00 28 01 2010 Integumentary System Lecture Friday January 29th 2010 at 4 30 p m in lecture 3 Session on Bones Sunday January 31 2010 at 1 00 3 15 in Room 300 third floor of the Medical School Lengthening of the bone at the diaphysis Epiphysis cannot increase in length but can increase in size and all of it becomes spongy bone Metaphysis lengthens Bones 206 but most on both sides 80 in axial skeleton 126 in appendicular skeleton skull cranial facial associated bones look at skull page on website KNOW them all Foramen do not need to know what goes through them but you need to know what bone they are in Will have diagrams on the test and not color coated Lateral aspect sphenoid bone o greater wing o lesser wing Zygomatic arch Zygomatic bone cheek bone Temporal bone o Squamous part with squamous suture Continues onto the zygotmatic arch Mandibular fossa Articular tubular joint between mandible and skullprevents the mandible from going forward and getting dislocated o Mastoid portion behind ear o Tempanic External auditory meatus and external canal o Styloid process many broken of Frontal aspect Frontal bone o Superior orbital foramen Maxilla pushing onto the edge of the nose Hole of the anterior nasal abtichure WTF Septum perpendicular plate of the ethnoid bone Concha Orbit socket o Frontal bone zygotmatic bone and maxilla bone surrounds it Manidble body and ramus Maxilla Palate the hard palate Maxillary sinus Where teeth are aleovlar process Located in the face orbit oral cavity and nasal cavity Palatine Located in oral cavity and nasal cavity Posterior to maxilla Horizontal plate Pull apart suture before ossified and crank on it in order to make more room in your mouth to keep them straight Ethnoid Bone Located in nasal cavity orbit and cranial cavity In center of skull Perpendicular plate of the ethnoid makes up nasal septum Middle concha Sphenoid bone Greater wing looks like bats wings Lesser winger on top of greater wing Located in external lateral nasal cavity orbit cranial cavity Temporal Look at above for parts but added to 5 total Petrous part External lateral blah blah blah Lateral view and frontal comparing Maxilla Zygomatic Temporal only a little Frontal Ethmoid as septum in frontal and in orbit as lateral Orbit Cone shaped with widest part on the outside Frontal zygotmatic and maxilla make largest part of cone Deep laterally sphenoid bone greater and less wing o In less winger have a round opening for optic canal o Superior orbital fissure in the orbit found between the lesser and greater wing Medal lesser wing frontal orbital plate of the ethmoid bone and lacrimal bone Inferior Maxilla and palatine Temporal Styolid masto foramen Occipital bone Foramen magnum where brain stem becomes continues with spinal cord Between occipital bone and temporal bone jugular foramen o How venous blood goes back to the heart More rounded opening carotid canal o How you get aretial blood up to brain o In temporal bone Sphenoid o Oval shape Foramen ovial o Posterior shape Foramen spinousum Midline sagittal view Bony septum deep within the nasal cavity Lateral wall of the nasal cavity Concha Maxilla Anterior and posterior nasal apendture Inferior concha diferent bone Superior and something else are part of the ethmoid bone Cranial fossa where brain sits Depression in the cranial floor Calverium skull cap Anterior cranial fossa o Frontal bone ethmoid bone sphenoid bone o Orbit and nasal cavities are deep Middle cranial fossa o Sphenoid bone temporal parietal Posterior cranial fossa o Parietal temporal and occipital Crystal gallie Foramen ovali in greater wing of sphenoid Hypoglossal canal next to foramen magnum Jugular foramen just lateral to hypoglossal Body of sphenoid in the center of the skull Cellaturshka pituitary gland sits in here Mandible Body Alveolar process lower teeth maxilla has one too for upper teeth Condyle or head of the mandible which connects for TMJ Frontal section Hyoid bone Floating bone only attached by muscle Only bone that doesn t articulate with another bone Breaks when you hang yourself Vertebrae Cervical 7 Thoracic 12 Lumbar 5 Sacral 5 fused Coccyx 3 or 4 fused Curvature of the spine One for each part of the spine Primary thoracic and sacral Secondary cervical and lumbar Scoliosis when vertebrae doesn t go straight sways left to right Kyphosis hunchback a pronounced curvature of the thoracic Lordosis type of it when pregnant swaybacked lumbar Vertebra Body anteriorly Neural arch posteriorly Transverse process Spinous proess Lamina Pedicle connect body to neural arch Articular processes one superior and one inferior Vertebral foramen hole in center for spinal cord Cervical vertebra Typical o Bi ped spine o Large hole o Short transverse process o Has transverse foramen ONLY IN CERVICAL Atlas C1 holding the skull o Widest o does not have a body o anterior and posterior arch o no lamina o articular process where condyle of occipital bone on it Axis c2 o Has a body lamina spinous shorten transverse o Dens sticks up into atlas held in by transverse ligament Articulates with anterior arch Gives you ability to turn head in no position Christopher reeves broke this Thoracic 12 Large body Long spinous process oblique in shape Where ribs articulate Lumbar Largest strong and heavy bone Spinous process looks like rectangle Vertebral canal where spinal cord sits Intervertebral foramen space between vertebrae and is where nerves come out Sacrum and coccyx Curvature important in Ribs 12 pairs o 1 7 are true ribs connects to sternum o 8 10 false ribs tag along with the 7th rib o 11 and 12 floating ribs never attach even by costal cartilage costal cartilage connect ribs to the sternum attach at an angle attach to transverse process sternum manubrium top part articulate with rib 1 manubrium body junction articulates with rib 2 body 3 7 xiphoid bottom part 28 01 2010 19 21 00 28 01 2010 19 21 00

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Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - ch 6 and 7 skeletal system

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