UD NTDT 200 - NTDT200 Diet Analysis Project

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1 NTDT 200 Dr Alisha Rovner Personal Dietary Analysis Assignment FALL 2013 Name Section Date Your project MUST be submitted in a 2 Pocket Folder with your name and section clearly on front Project are due in class on Tuesday April 23rd Ten percent per day will be deducted for late work no acceptions The following should be included and placed in the respective side of the folder Left Side Personal Dietary Analysis Assignment 11 pages Right Side 3 Day Dietary Intake Records 3 pages Computer printouts from each day STAPLED together i e all Day 1 together all of Day 2 together etc Profile DRI Goals do NOT need to be stapled to any certain day Intake Spreadsheet for each day For each day three day average Intake vs goals MyPlate Analysis Profile DRI Goals For day you select Macronutrient Ranges Fat Breakdown Grading of the project will be based on the following All computer printouts securely submitted with the Personal Dietary Analysis in a FOLDER Name and section must be clearly written on all sheets AND front of 2 Pocket Folder Foods accurately entered into the software program Complete Dietary Intake Record Day1 Day2 Day3 Accurate answers on the Personal Dietary Analysis Assignment 1 2 This sheet must be submitted as the first page of the project on the LEFT side of the folder Personal Dietary Analysis Assignment NTDT 200 Section Name Directions Review your computer printouts and answer each question below Show all work and calculations WORK MUST BE SHOWN FOR CALCULATIONS OF CARBOHYDRATES PROTEINS AND FATS Label units of measure on all answers One point will be deducted for each blank answer missing calculation and or missing unit Note that you will be using the Intake vs Goals to answer questions about the RDA this is written as DRI on the Intake vs Goals sheet Kcalorie Energy How many kcalories did you consume Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 3 day average How many kcalories do you require daily according to your personal profile kcals day Did your actual intake fall within 200 kcals a day compared to your personal profile estimate place check in appropriate column Yes No Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 3 day average If your average fell within 200 kcalories of your estimate use your 3 day average to answer all of the questions in this project If your average did not fall within 200 kcalories of your estimate use the day which was closest to your estimate to answer all of the questions in this project Will you be using the average or a particular day to answer the questions in this project Indicate below You will use this to answer the following questions MyPlate Based on the MyPlate 3 day average Did you fail to meet meet or exceed the recommendations for minimum number of servings for the various food groups check appropriate blank Food Group Grains Fruits Vegetables Milk Meat Beans Discretionary Calories Fail to meet Met Exceeded 2 3 List three benefits of meeting the guidelines for fruit and vegetable intake 1 2 3 Carbohydrates How many grams of carbohydrates did you consume Always include units How many kcals from carbohydrate does this represent Always show calculations kcals from carbohydrate What percent of your total kcal intake came from carbohydrate kcalories from carbohydrate How does this figure above compare with the dietary goal that 45 65 of your kcaloric intake should come from carbohydrate Explain the concept that carbohydrates are needed to spare protein in the body Use the intake spreadsheets and information you learned in class for this question List the foods you ate that contained the most carbohydrate Place a to indicate if the carbohydrate in the food was primarily starch or primarily sugar Food or beverage Starch Sugar Food or beverage Starch Sugar Define the term empty kcalorie and give two examples How much fiber did you consume Day 1 Day 2 3 4 Day 3 What is the recommended fiber intake per day Name the three foods that contributed most over your three days to your fiber intake Which type of fiber is thought to help maintain desirable blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels List two sources of this type of fiber Which type of fiber is thought to help promote the health of the large intestine List two sources of this type of fiber Lipids How much total fat did you consume How many kcals from fat does this represent kcals from fat What percentage of your total kcal intake is from fat of kcalorie were from fat The 2002 DRIs Acceptable Macronutrient Range for fat in healthy diets is 20 35 of total kcalories How did you do appropriate blank 35 over the guideline 20 35 on the guideline 20 lower than the guideline For each day list the foods which contributed most to your total fat intake Day 1 Fat Day 2 Fat Day 3 Food beverage grams Food beverage grams Food beverage Fat grams For 3 foods you consumed with the highest fat content 1 per day list a lower fat alternative 4 5 Day 1 Food beverage Fat g Day 2 Food beverage Fat g Day 3 Food beverage Fat g High fat food Lower fat altern Use your spreadsheet to list the total fat saturated fat monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat of each food eaten on the day you selected on page one of this project If you have been using the 3 day average use day 1 Food Beverage Total fat grams Sat fat Mono fat grams Poly fat grams grams List some health effects of a diet with excess fat List some health effects of a diet with inadequate fat Define trans fatty acids By changing to fat free or reduced fat foods you can reduce your total fat and saturated fat intake Suppose you are trying to decide if you should switch from whole to skim milk You normally drink two cups of milk per day How many total fat grams will you save daily if you switch grams Use appendix in book for food composition data How many saturated fat grams will you save daily if you switch grams Based on the information you just provided do you think you would switch How much cholesterol did you consume 5 6 Experts recommend Americans should consume less than mg of dietary cholesterol per day List three foods which contributed the most to your intake of dietary cholesterol 1 2 3 Other than dietary cholesterol list two components in food which are detrimental to your blood cholesterol levels List two components in food that may help reduce your blood cholesterol levels Proteins How much protein did you consume How many kcals from protein does this represent kcals from protein What percentage of your kcalorie came from protein kcals from protein Calculate your RDA for protein using the

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UD NTDT 200 - NTDT200 Diet Analysis Project

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