UD NTDT 200 - NTDT200 Chapter 9 & 10 Review

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NTDT200 Exam 3 Review Questions Chapters 9 and 10 CHAPTER 9 Describe diet planning methods that would help to increase weight loss for overweight and obese individuals What is leptin Describe the characteristics of a leptin deficient mouse and what happens when this mouse is given leptin Explain how fat cells develop and explain what happens to them with weight loss Is obesity genetic What are the environmental factors contributing to obesity What is the DRI for physical activity What is a fad diet Why do they often work initially What are their risks What drugs are approved for the treatment of obesity how do they work and what are their side effects 1 What surgeries are used to treat obesity and how do the work For a person trying to lose weight what is a reasonable weight loss goal Are herbals and dietary supplements safe and effective ways to loose weight When trying to loose weight if you restrict kcalories too much you risk meeting your nutrient needs As a general rule what minimum number of kcalories should a person trying to loose weight consume per day CHAPTER 10 What are the similarities between vitamins and energy yielding nutrients What are the differences What is meant by the bioavailability of a vitamin and what factors influence bioavailablity What is a major function of the B vitamins Fill in the following table on water soluble vitamins Function Deficiency Toxicity Food sources 2 Thiamin B1 Riboflavin B2 Niacin Nicotinic acid and Nicotinamide Biotin Panothenic Acid B6 3 forms pyridoxal pyridoxine and pyridoxamine Folic Acid Folacin B 12 Vitamin C What is the only vitamin that can be produced in the body from dietary protein For the following situations indicate whether or not the bioavailability of a food s vitamin content would be affected negatively and or positively Choose all that apply Bioavailability Concept Situations Bioavailability Minimal effect on bioavailability Bioavailability Par boiling Microwaving Processed foods Fortified foods Medical condition of individual Amount of food eaten Quality of food eaten Nutritional status of individual Food composition of a meal 3

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UD NTDT 200 - NTDT200 Chapter 9 & 10 Review

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