NTDT200 Chapter 1 Questions Which of the following statements is true regarding the di erences between vitamins and minerals 1 Vitamins are considered to be essen1al nutrients whereas minerals are not 2 Minerals are needed in larger amounts than vitamins 3 Minerals are inorganic in nature whereas vitamins are organic 4 Minerals provide energy and vitamins help to facilitate the release of energy in the body The term used to denote the placement of individuals in a research study by arbitrary selection is 1 randomiza1on process 2 experimental group designa1on 3 control group designa1on 4 sample size descrip1on Which of the following statements is accurate regarding nutrient recommendations 1 Nutrient recommenda1ons are based on the daily caloric intake of the individual 2 Nutrient recommenda1ons encourage the use of supplements to meet dietary goals 3 Nutrient recommenda1ons apply to all members of the popula1on 4 Nutrient recommenda1ons are not minimum requirements and may not represent op1mal intakes for all individuals Which source would be considered to be credible with regard to nutrition information 1 Body Building Magazine 2 Internet based website selling nutri1on products 3 Local television news report 4 Nutri2on Reviews Journal Which of the following does the Healthy People 2020 publication recommend be reduced in American diets 1 Calcium 2 Whole grains 3 Sodium 4 Vegetables The process whereby members of a profession assure that the scienti c method has been followed when publishing research is 1 peer review 2 educated process 3 discussion ndings 4 hypothesis tes1ng Which of the following would not be considered as an example of a red ag of nutrition quackery 1 1me tested results 2 personal tes1monials 3 one product does it all 4 suppor1ve creden1als from government agencies In order to establish a RDA for a nutrient the must be evident 1 EAR 2 AI 3 UL 4 BMR A research study is concerned with dieting patterns and is examining individuals who have lactose intolerance compared with individuals who do not have lactose intolerance This would be classi ed as a 1 human interven1on trial 2 clinical trial 3 cohort study 4 case control study Which of the following professionals is likely the most quali ed to provide you with nutritional advice 1 Cer1 ed nutri1onist 2 Diete1c technician 3 Registered die11an 4 Cer1 ed nutri1on therapist
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