U of M ANTH 1602 - Ambrona

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Class Slides Set 27A Tim Roufs section Hunting at Torralba and Ambrona in Spain and Living at Terra Amata France Henry de Lumley Prehistoric Times W H Freeman 1983 p 80 Homo Genus Species Homo rudolfensis early habilis early erectus Java Trinil Pithecanthropus erectus China Beijing Homo erectus pekinensis Africa Europe sapiens Major Sites Europe The Ambrona Valley Ambrona and Torralba Spain 400 000 200 000 ybp Acheulian Homo erectus migrations The Emergence of Man The First Men Little Brown 1973 p 111 Time Life Early Man p 92 Major Sites Europe Ambrona and Torralba both kill sites were littered with crude hand axes cleavers scrapers and cutting tools the elephant bones at both sites were buried in clays that were once treacherous marsh Major Sites Europe Ambrona and Torralba were on important game trails between summer and winter grazing areas People of the Earth 10th ed p 97 Major Sites Europe Ambrona and Torralba the hunters preyed on migrating elephants each spring and fall dispersing into smaller groups during the other seasons others believe that the hunters were actually scavenging from animals naturally stuck in the mud Major Sites Europe Ambrona and Torralba hunted elephants but did not exploited small game birds fish or sea mammals on any significant scale Major Sites Europe Torralba yielded most of the left side of a large elephant that had been cut into small pieces Major Sites Europe Ambrona yielded most of the remains of 30 35 dismembered elephants concentration of broken food bones found all over the site elephants had been broken open to expose the brains Ambrona Spain Source The Emergence of Man The First Men Little Brown 1973 p 93 Homo erectus Torralba Ambrona Spain Time Life Early Man p 87 Ambrona Spain The Emergence of Man The First Men Little Brown 1973 p 87 Living floor Map Torralba Spain The Emergence of Humankind 4th ed p 110 Homo erectus Torralba Ambrona Spain Time Life Early Man p 94 Homo erectus Torralba Ambrona Spain Time Life Early Man p 96 Homo erectus Torralba Ambrona Spain Time Life Early Man p 90 Homo erectus Torralba Ambrona Spain Time Life Early Man p 93 Homo erectus Torralba Ambrona Spain Time Life Early Man p 99 Homo erectus Torralba Ambrona Spain Time Life Early Man p 98 Kung san Africa Terra Amata France The Emergence of Man The First Men Little Brown 1973 p 119 Major Sites Europe Terra Amata Nice France 400 000 300 000 ybp most complete reconstruction of Middle Pleistocene life in Europe Terra Amata France Henry de Lumley Prehistoric Times W H Freeman 1983 p 86 Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology Terra Amata France Henry de Lumley Prehistoric Times W H Freeman 1983 p 80 Fire Pit Terra Amata France Henry de Lumley Prehistoric Times W H Freeman 1983 p 83 Kung san Africa Major Sites Europe Terra Amata Henry de Lumley suggests several huts 6 15 meters by 4 6 meters estimates that each hut could hold up to 15 people a hearth in the center of each hut suggests control and use of fire Major Sites Europe Terra Amata occupants no fossil remains allow their identification Homo erectus archaic Homo sapiens Homo heidelbergensis Points and scrapers Terra Amata France Henry de Lumley Prehistoric Times W H Freeman 1983 p 85 Points and scrapers Terra Amata France Henry de Lumley Prehistoric Times W H Freeman 1983 p 85 Choppers and picks Terra Amata France Henry de Lumley Prehistoric Times W H Freeman 1983 p 83 Making a blade tool Terra Amata France Henry de Lumley Prehistoric Times W H Freeman 1983 p 87 Homo Genus Species Homo rudolfensis early habilis early erectus Java Trinil China Beijing Africa Europe Next sapiens

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U of M ANTH 1602 - Ambrona

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