UNT HIST 2620 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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HIST 2620 1nd Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 7 Fill in the Blank Terms and Phrases Presidential Reconstruction o The goal of the president is to being the Union together and Lincoln believed in his 10 percent plan as the solution to reconstruction of the South After Lincoln s death Andrew Johnson held onto the former President s ideology When congress was not in session president Johnson developed a Reconstruction plan that extended pardons and restored property rights to most southerners swearing an oath of allegiance to the union and the constitution Southerners had to ask to be able to vote and Northerners initially supported the Johnson Plan Wade Davis Reconstruction Bill 1864 o A bill proposed by congress that required a majority of southern voters take an oath of allegiance and Southern states would have to repudiate war debts which is going to bankrupt these rich plantation types that started the civil war NO ONE who vowed loyalty to the confederacy could vote hold office or vote EVER again The bill ended slavery but no provision for black voters o The bill was Pocket Vetoed by President Lincoln Passed by congress but stopped by Lincoln Wade David Manifesto o A manifesto written by radical republicans Wade and David that accused Lincoln of trying to appease rich landowners to gain votes in the South and of usurping congressional power This backfires Davis is not reelected but his ideas do affect congressional radical republican opinions that lead to Andrew Johnson s impeachment Congressional Reconstruction o Congress was dominated by radical republicans who believed that the South should have to repudiate their debts and all loyal to the confederacy should not be able to hold office The congress believed they should pay for the casualties of their war After the President had passed lenient laws Congress passed the 14th and 15th amendments to give equality and assert the freedom of southern blacks They also created the freedman s bureau to increase former slave lives They also passed the Tenure of office act to keep the president from halting their progress in the South by preventing the repeal of certain officeholders by the President Black Codes o Restrictions on the freedoms of these freed slaves enforced by Southerners during reconstruction after Andrew Johnson passed lenient policies Civil Rights act 1866 o In an attempt to respond to black codes The republican dominated congress passed the civil rights act of 1866 and the 14th amendment The Freedman s Bureau o First fore of United States government into the welfare system This was the first attempt didn t work perfectly Freed slaves had no contact with families and needed technical skills to integrate into society so this bureau would facilitate these people being able to receive education and assistance Black southerners viewed the war as a victory for freedom and reconstruction as a time of help The Tenure of Office Act 1867 o Passed by congress against President Andrew Johnson who was opposed by the James Z George and L Q C Lamar Policy of Concentration Board of Indian Commissioners 1869 Dawes Severalty Act 1887 Williams Vs Mississippi 1898 o This case was questioning the legality of Mississippi s poll taxes and literacy requirements for blacks prior to voting The U S Supreme Court upheld the disenfranchisement provisions As far as precedent goes this made these provisions constitutional and LEGAL Munn Vs Illinois 1877 Interstate Commerce Act 1887 o The Interstate Commerce Act outlawed Pools and discriminatory rates You have to charge groups of customers the same rates Long haul vs Short haul differentials Railways argued they charged them higher price per mile because they were usually a short distance from the destination The congress said TOO BAD Low rates must be maintained Railways also couldn t give rebates to favored shippers Corporation o A company usually owned by many people where each person that buys a share of stock becomes part owner When you buy this stock you are now involved in the ownership of the company The stockholders will elect a board of directors to manage the enterprise This type of business allows for minimum liability for the owners and makes corrupt practices hard to prevent Pool o Corporations form larger units called pools where competing companies make n informal agreements to fix prices share profits or divide the market for their product In 1870 each company involved in pool promises not to compete in certain areas etc so that they could cut down on competition and protect the bottom line They soon became common practice in railroading and other industries This issue with pools is they were commonly broken due to the lack of legality and thus enforceability Trust o A giant business combination consisting of a number of corporations engaged in the same field or in related fields This is the evolution of the pool system One would sign stock over to the board of trustees receive a TRUST CERTIFICATE and then be entitled to a proportional share due to this trust The best example is The Standard oil trust in which by 1873 John D Rockefeller eliminates most of his competition by outcompeting other companies If one did not take their offer to buy one s company they would destroy the company and then buy it for pennies on the dollar MOST POWERFUL MONOPLOY IN 18TH CENTURY AMERICA The trust is a type of business that will cut the competition and improve the bottomline The board of trustees is not interested in upholding philosophy they just want profit returns to the people of the trust Holding Company o Held a controlling stock interest in a number of related enterprises These enterprises were called subsidiaries The majority shareholders devoted themselves to directing operations by using the power they had to influence management They are defined by their ownership of securities generally in form of common stock NOT for investment purposes in other companies The holding company was created 1887 as a sort of replacement for the trust Not exact replacement Holding companies Did not directly engage in the production and distribution of goods and services Progress and Poverty 1879 o Henry George Progress and Poverty 1879 He saw rising Land values to be the source of inequality in the U S He argued that a single land tax should be put in place Ultimately the social progress would come from a land tax that would ultimately end monopolies Looking Backward 1888 o Edward Bellamy Looking

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UNT HIST 2620 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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