1nd Edition BSC 160 Lecture 29 Outline of Last Lecture 1 Adaptive Immunity 2 Errors of the immune system Outline of Current Lecture 1 Humoral Immunity 2 Cell Mediated immunity 3 T Cells Current Lecture Humoral Immunity Ab IgD Presented in B cells IgG Most versatile most abundant Ig 75 o Can cross placenta Placental transfer o Internalize tagged cells o Opsonin Tagging cell antigen Key to be phagocytose IgE Involved in allergic reactions o Binding can bring out responses to allergens Severe allergic response o Role in infection by Parasitic Worms Used as sign of Ab Diversity Big Picture Mutation recombine areas Ab Reactions These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Cell Mediated Immunity T Lymphocytes o To be functional has to recognize antigen o Regulation of immune system o Help deal with threats that involve our own cells MHC I Major histocompatibility proteins Self antigens o Coding regions found on chromosome 6 o On all cells of body interact primarily with lymphocytes showing CB8 protein MHC II Cells of immune system present to cells containing CD4 T Lymphocytes Must know self from non self o Programed to death unless it is saved o Thymus o Show tolerance 3 ways T cells Maturing fit certain criteria or you die 1 Clonal anergy becoming unresponsive to antigen 2 Ts T suppressor Shut down immune response once antigen is dealt with 3 Sequestration Hiding stimulatory antigen in part of body that immune system doesn t monitor 2 sub populations CD4 proteins on cell surface o T Helper cells 1 2 Role in cell immunity recruitment regulation CD8 proteins on cell surface o Tc Attack other cells but have to be activated first B Cell Maturation Bone marrow T cell activation Might help to look for explanation video on YouTube
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