PSY 223 1st edition Lecture 3 8 27 Outline of Last Lecture I History of Social Psych Outline of Current Lecture II Research in Social Psych A Research Questions B Hypothesis III Two Types of Research a Basic Research b Applied Research IV Defining and Measuring Variables a Conceptual Variables b Operational Variables V Stages of Research Process VI Self Reports Current Lecture Research in Social Psych All research begins with a question Can come from many sources including o Own experiences and observations of life o Reading about research already done search literature o Theories Some research questions can be shaped into a hypothesis Hypothesis testable proposition that describes a relationship that may exist between events or variables Ex Two people meeting for the first time will like each other more if they are more similar These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Two types of Research Basic Research test theory and human behavior Applied Research solve real world problems Defining and Measuring Variables Conceptual variables variables in abstract general form ex Self esteem Operational variables the specific way a variable is measured or manipulated o Validity and reliability important in operational variables o Validity measuring what it s supposed to measure o Reliability other researchers findings would be consistent with current study Stages of Research Process Generating a research question or hypothesis Finding a relevant past research theory Select research method Collect data Analyze data Report results Goal of research can be description correlation or causation Self Reports There are different types of self reports o Interviews o Self report questionnaires paper and on line o Telephone interviews Advantages o Ease o Given access to people s beliefs history and past Disadvantages o o o People may not always tell the truth Response may be affected by format or wording Memory prone to error o Correlations do not tell us about causation Two general type of samples for research convenience sample use the population that is convenient to you or random sample everyone in the population being researched has equal chance of being selected
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