BSC 160 1nd Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture 1 Prokaryotes 2 Specific Names 3 Types of molecular bonds Outline of Current Lecture 1 Hydrogen Bonds 2 Oxidation Reduction 3 Organic Compounds 4 Macromolecules Current Lecture Water is a universal solvent Solution Solvent solute Hydrogen bonds are weak but in numbers are very strong Because of Hydrogen bonds Cohesion Stickers together water Hydrogen bonds makes water have a high specific heat High heat of vaporization bc it takes so much energy to heat steam cools down water Chemical reactions Occur when chemical bonds form or break among atoms ions or molecules Reactants Products When enzymes are involved CO2 H2O enzyme H2CO3 Substrate Product Oxidation Reduction reactions LEO GER Losing elections oxidation Gaining electons redox PH These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Higher than 7 basic less protons Lower than 7 acidic more protons Organic chemicals Compound containing Hydrogen Carbon handed together Ex CO2 C6H12O6 Having C H O N P S defines that it is organic Tetravalent Carbon can share 4 electrons Functional Groups of organic compounds Accessory molecules that bind to organic compounds Confer unique reactive properties on whole molecule bc it changes shape Shape is everything in the biological world Macromolecules sugars carbs proteins lipids nucleic acid Monomer Amino acids Building block Polymer Building Monosaccharides put together are 2 di 3 tri 4 poly saccharide Carbs Energy Nucleic Acid Nucleotides Information DNA Proteins Busiest macro Acids Bases Charge around 7 Charger only react w Charged DNA RNA Protein Lipids Made up of glycerol backbone fatty acid tail and head group Fatty acids nonpolar Fat molecules w water are not Head group Glycerol are polar only shape that there are 2 polar with nonpolar Ampipathic Portion will interact w water part wont
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