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HIST 2620 Exam 3 Vocabulary defined in the notes below this is a comprehensive list of vocabulary you should be familiar with The Marshall Plan 4 6 NSC 68 4 6 The Korean War 4 6 Joseph McCarthy 4 8 HUAC 4 8 Sputnik 4 8 Duck and Cover 4 10 Bracero Program 4 10 Earl Warren 4 13 Little Rock Nine 4 13 Greensboro Sit Ins 4 15 Freedom Summer 4 15 James Chaney 4 15 Bay of Pigs 4 17 Cuban Missile Crisis 13 Days in October 4 17 First Indochina War 4 20 Ho Chi Minh 4 20 Ngo Din Diem 4 20 Tet Offensive 4 22 1968 DNC 4 24 Counterculture 4 24 Silent Majority 4 27 Watergate 4 27 Malaise 4 29 Oklahoma City Bombing 5 4 Reaganomics 4 29 Iran Contra 5 1 The Culture Wars 5 1 Rodney King 5 1 Second Persian Gulf War War in Iraq 5 4 Helpful links to study http www digitalhistory uh edu era cfm eraID 16 smtid 2 online textbook http www history com topics watergate Watergate scandal http www historytoday com saki dockrill america and vietnam war Vietnam war Why did communism cause so much anxiety in early cold war America HIST 2610 EXAM THREE PREP Friday April 17th Review of Cold War JFK served in ww2 Assassinated in 1963 First catholic president Only acknowledges war injuries Appoints Bobby Kennedy as attorney general Missile gap urges US to build more missiles not originally communist 59 Fidel in charge in Cuba instillation of communism bay of pigs invasion not good Fidel Castro Bay of Pigs Berlin wall October 62 Korean War hoped to inspire a revolution overthrow of Fidel secret CIA operation violation of international law Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 finally gets something right avoids nuclear war won JFK a lot of support built to keep people in krustzev makes people nervous Kennedy in response builds more missiles picture produced showing missiles aimed at US Kennedy leaves tour to deal with missile crisis People get very nervous part of the Cold war fight over policies of Korea 49 China has gone Red will all of Asia go red War 50 53 Monday April 20th Ho Chi Minh north Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Ngo Din Diem south supported by US until assassination in 63 First Indochina War Vietnam First Indochina War strong nationalism what is best for the nation Ho Chi Minh strong nationalism communist Different than Chinese or soviet communism French Vietnam Domino Theory need to stop spread of communism French lose in 1954 Dien Bien Phu Geneva Conference 1954 creates N and S Vietnam N Ho Chi Minh Communist nationalist wants to unify nation S western Ngo Din Diem Wednesday April 22nd Who was responsible for US involvement is Vietnam Ike initial support to French during French Indochina war sends first advisors 2 000 on the ground JFK sends 14 000 advisors lots of money green berets build up of US bases around the world LBJ over confident gulf of tonken resolution 65 real military commitment Rise in contrast between anti pro war civilians difference in songs LBJ is told by advisors that he must escalate abandon campaign promise enter more troops sec of def McNamara wants 100 000 troops ends up committing 50 000 troops Guns Butter economic issues domestic v foreign money spendature the father of war documentary destroy the village to save it hard to tell soldiers from civilian Vietcong Tet offensive turning point jan 31 68 Vietnamese holiday NVN launches massive attack us bases Walter Cronkite made Americans weary of the war Monday April 27th Just How left Were the Sixties Hubert Humphrey 1968 DNC Silent Majority Southern Strategy Watergate 1968 with such a liberal left public how did Nixon get elected Dem lots of possibilities LBJ incumbent refuses to run after Tet offensive early 60 s Humphrey similar values to LBJ Gene McCarthy wants out of war asap to far left for most wants a clean American youth Robby Kennedy anti war Rep Richard Nixon similar to Eisenhower briefly Reagan former California governor George Romney changes opinion about war Ind George Wallace super racist 68 DNC Chicago protesters yippies run Pegasus the Pig for president RFK MLK killed this year Nixon peace with honor very ambiguous Nixon the silent majority Appeals to the normal citizens Comes up in a moment aw order politics Watergate major political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s as a result of the June 17 1972 break in at the Democratic National Committee Nixon had two men break into the headquarters got caught 17 minutes of office tapes missing Wednesday April 29th Malaise Reaganomics Evil Empire Iran Contra Strategic Defense Initiative End of Vietnam War Jimmy Carter US has basically been training S Vietnamese men to fight We will contribute bombs not soldiers Paris peace accord US mostly leaves Vietnam Dem but doesn t make many changes Malise Speech very boring uninspiring Iranian hostage crisis Carter really fucks up nobody stands by him Reagan self made man back cutting taxes better off than you were years ago against Carter 1980 election supply side economics wants to cut programs like student loans overspending on defense star wars political cartoons 2 trillion Friday May 1st Reagan Nicaragua sandanista government in late 70 s sandanista v contra Reagan supports contra they aren t communist USSR support sandanista congress will say no more funds to central America US trades guns for hostages Middle east Iran Contra Scandal Oliver north idea sell money to Iran at triple cost use profit to fund Nicaraguan contras Reagan denies any involvement Oliver takes blame American guy contra scandal video Culture Wars American public split over issues Abortion rap lyrics CIA director under ford Struggle to end the cold war Berlin wall will come down in 89 Bush Desert Storm Iraq had borrowed lots of money from Kuwait and refuses to pay it back Margaret Thatcher you have to stop bullying HW Bush this will not stand this aggression against Kuwait Why don t people freak out people lost their shit over Vietnam because of the draft we aren t really in Kuwait long switch to All Volunteer Force The 90 s Culture wars abortion gay rights women s rights family values republicans in the late 90 s become divided between people who care about fiscal issues cultural issues Anti abortion violence Matthew Sheppard Death student gay bashing 98 hate crime laws Murphey Brown birth out of wedlock family values Obscenity cuss words in music Clinton fiscally conservative democrat third way Due to republican split democrats make their way into office King is beat in arrest no charges are placed on cops Film evidence come out officers charged with

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