1 ANT 2301 0001 02 04 2015 Section1 Exam 1 Review 1 What do Anthropologists study o They study Human Beings Anthropos Human being Logia Study of 2 What are the four subfields o Cultural Anthropology Studies living cultures and present their observations in ethnography Studies past cultures specifically the materials they let behind o Archaeology o Linguistic Anthropology Studies language o Physical Anthropology Studies human evolution and variation Also known as biological anthropology 3 What is Naturalistic Fallacy o The error of deriving what ought to be from what is Human behavior won t help determine all animal s behaviors o The idea that behavior is unalterable programmed and 4 Genetic Determinism unchangeable This is untrue 5 What is Sexuality o How people experience and express themselves as sexual beings o Biologically Sexuality can include sexual intercourse and sexual contact in all its forms o Sociologically o Philosophically It can cover the cultural political and legal aspects of all things sexual It can be the moral ethical theological spiritual or religious aspect of sex 6 How do we determine societies sexuality o In prehistory Biology of the body Art and symbolism o After writing Literature and art 7 Ancient Mediterranean 2 o Concept of what is sexual is determined o There is evidence of STD s Menstruation Circumcision Contraception 8 Ancient Greeks o They recognize that there is a difference between love and sex o Pederasty Homosexuality An older man trained a young boy in sexual acts o The male form was idealized 9 Romans o There wasn t really any love o Marriage and sex were about rising socially and economically o Very few restrictions sexually 10 India o Kama sutra Sex Love Family o Patriarchal 11 China o Tao Yin and yang Men and women equal o Sexuality is natural o Polygamy 12 Moche Peru 13 Thomas Aquinas o Well known for their sex pottery o Defines what is natural and unnatural in sex o Anything that leads to procreation is natural 14 Male vs Female sensuality ideals o Flip flopping 15 Victorian Era o Publicly Very conservative sexually o Privately Not nearly as conservative Pornography adultery and prostitution were very common 16 Puritans o Extremely conservative o Death penalty for sexual transgressions 3 o The entire community was responsible for upholding morality o Prohibited the mailing of obscene lewd lascivious and indecent 17 Comstock Act of 1873 writing or advertisement 18 Social hygiene movement o Action taken against prostitution o Blood tests were required before marriage to make sure neither party had an STD 19 Women s suffrage o Birth control o Entitled to sexual satisfaction 20 Stonewall riot o 1969 NY Greenwich Village o Led to the gay rights movement 21 Evolutionary Theories o Biological Theory Sexual behavior is primarily a biological process o Sociobiology o Evolutionary Psychology Sexual behaviors are result of natural selection in evolution Sexual behaviors are result of psychological mechanisms and environmental influences Id ego superego libido psychosexual development erogenous zones 22 Psychological Theories o Psychoanalytic Theory o Social Learning Theory Classical conditioning Reward punishment o Cognitive Theory Our thoughts are responsible for our behaviors 23 Sociological Perspectives o All societies regulate sexuality o What is deemed appropriate behavior depends on the culture o Symbolic Interaction Theory Sexual behavior is the result of prior learning o Reiss s Theory Sexuality is linked to kinship power and ideology 24 The Riddle of Sex o Darwin s Theory of Natural Selection There is variation among individuals There is competition for survival Those with favorable traits survive and reproduce The favorable traits get passed down to the next generation 4 25 Adaptation o Adaptation is the evolutionary process whereby a population becomes better suited to its habitat This takes place over many generations 26 The costs of sexual reproduction o You have to search out a mate o You risk injury fighting if you re a male If you re a female being in the way could hurt you during a fight o STD s o Can be eaten during sex o Recombination breaks up successful genotypes 27 Red queen hypothesis o It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place o The Red Queen by Matt Ridley o Leigh Van Valen coined the term Section 2 1 Intra vs Inter a b Intersexual Selection i Female choice Intra sexual Selection i Male Male competition 2 Sexual strategies a Male Strategy males b Female Strategy i Mate with every available female without getting hurt by other i Choose the most fit male to mate with 3 Female choice Which traits are they choosing a The female chooses the most beautiful male b Beauty happens to correlate with good genes i The Fulani c The 3 kinds of traits favored are i That directly increases fitness of the female 1 Defend good territory protect provision ii Indicates good genes which will lead to offspring fitness 1 Peacock eyespots iii Non adaptive but conspicuous 4 Stumpf and Boesch Chimpanzees of the Tai Forest 1 Frog mate call that is easiest clearest to hear a Could females actively choose whom they wanted to mate with i Yes they mated with the preferred males during the highest conception risk time 5 5 Mitani What is the primary determining factor for the level of dimorphism in a species a OSR 6 What is sexual dimorphism a The difference in size between the two sexes b The strong selection pressure that makes males bigger than females i Often happens when polygamy is present 7 Which type of mating system has the most body dimorphism a Polygynous systems 8 Which type has the most sperm competition a Promiscuous 9 Trivers amendment a The ones who are the choosier in sex are the ones who invest the most time in the offspring 10 What is infanticide Why do we see this a Occurs so the mother can become fertile again b Males do not kill their own infants c Females have evolved responses to infanticidal threats d Has been documented in about 40 primate species e Appears to be part of sexual selection as males achieve reproductive benefits Is associated with changes in male residence or status f 11 What do we see in dimorphism from Australopithecines Lucy to Humans a Australopithecines had larger dimorphism than humans 12 Kohn and Mithen What are females selecting for a Hand axes i Skill ii Symmetry iii Heritability of the skill iv Quality of hand axe Section 3 1 What are Primary characteristics a Genitals i Male ii
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