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January 6th 2014 Chapter 1 Anthropology the study of human beings NOT DINASOURS archeological cultural linguistic physical biological Evolutionary Theory tries to explain human biology trough evolution and natural selection For example the mating systems of primates determines group size behavior canine size etc the ecology however is what determines the mating system Human genotype is the result on ancestors who reproduced with greater frequency than others Two things to watch out for Naturalistic Fallacy confusing what it is for what it ought to be Genetic Determinism idea that behavior is unchangeable or programmed it is not January 8th 2014 Sexuality How people experience and express themselves as sexual beings Biological intercourse and contact in all its forms Sociologically cultural political and legal aspects includes taboos such as insest Philosophically moral ethical theological spiritual or religious aspects How do we determine sexuality A bit of history In prehistory before writing earliest evidence us increase in symbolic thoughts figurines In ancient writings there are accounts of STD s menstruations circumcision and contraception 1000 200BC The Hebrew Bible had roles about sexual behavior tales of sexual misconduct and marital love It acknowledges the importance of sexuality in marital relations 1000 200BC The Greeks distinguished love and sex Aphrodite and Eros Promiscuous One of the few major civilizations to institutionalize homosexuality Pederasty Men and the male form were idealized male male platonic love Pederasty Older men taking younger boy under his wing and teaching them how to become a man sexuality as well 500 BC AD 700 The Romans viewed marriage and sexual relations as a way to improve social standing Beginning in 400 BC in India they believe in Hinduism karma Kama Sutra was not considered pornography but a moral guideline and way to improve society Beginning 200 BC In China they believed in Ying Yang Yin and yang were considered equally necessary therefore men and women were equal They believed in Polygamy as well which is a little bit contradictory to their ideology 100 800 AD Moche Peru where known for rich iconography and monumental architecture pyramids Also their sex pottery including a lot of phallic symbols Beginning about 50 AD Early Christianity Jesus was liberal in his thinking about sexuality St Paul and his later followers established the Christian view of sexuality celibacy highest love being the love of god etc Their legacy was a general association of sexuality with a sin 500 AD 1400 AD In the Middle Ages all sex outside of marriage was considered sinful it was only acceptable for procreation About 500 AD In Islam they had a strong sense of modesty They were very restricted in terms of union Males completely subjugated females Sometimes the wives were not even allowed to leave the home 1300 AD The Renaissance which began in Italy they started viewing female sexuality as ok By the end of the Renaissance there was a backlash against it 1500 AD during The Reformation Martin Luther blessed marital love However men still subjugated women However John Calvin believed in equality stating that women were men s partners 1700 AD during the Enlightenment sexual pleasure was considered natural Homosexuality still condemned Kept flip flopping 1837 1901 Victorian Era Publicly sexual attitudes were extremely conservative Privately pornography adultery and prostitution 1600 The Colonies Puritans believed in severe sanctions like death for sexual transgressions The entire community was responsible for upholding morality 1700 1800 in the early United States Slaves were not allowed to marry In the West they viewed Native Americans as promiscuous and savage The 19th Century The Free Love Movement saw marriage as the sexual slavery of women Mormon members practiced polygamy The study of sex started becoming more dominant Comstock Act of 1873 prohibited mailing of obscene or indecent writing or ads Early 20th Century The Social Hygiene Movement was a law in which you had to get tested before marrying This was because virtuous women would catch STDs from husbands Prostitution decreased Sexology started around that time Alfred Kinsey viewed sex more important than originally thought Kinsey Scale Masters Johnson studied the physiology of sexual response The Sexual revolution Flapper era 20s and San Francisco 60s Women s suffrage movement promoted birth control and entitlement to sexual satisfaction Stonewall riot spurred gay liberation rights Friday January 10th The 20th Century The Gay Liberation took pace after WWII and it presented a hostile environment to homosexuals Stonewall Riot 1969 in NY The Queer Theory in the 1990 s they started recognizing homosexuality as a legitimate sexual orientation 21st Century Plastic surgery photoshopped images and internet pornography started rising The Sex Industry China is one of the world s larges exporter of sex toys and novelties Germany s legal sex industry makes about 18 billion annually Theoretical Perspectives on Sexuality A Theory is a set of assumptions principles or methods which helps a researcher understand Evolutionary Perspectives Biological theory sexual behavior is primarily a biological process Sociobiological our behaviors are shaped by natural selections Evolutionary Psychology sexual behaviors are a result of both psychological mechanisms Psychological Theories Psychoanalytic theory Id ego superego libido psychosexual development erogenous zones Social Learning theory classical conditioning reward punishment the way we were raised Cognitive theory our thoughts are responsible for our behavior Sociological Perspectives All societies regulate sexuality What is deemed appropriate behavior depends on the culture Only works on humans not animals Symbolic interaction theory sexual behavior is the result of prior learning Reiss s Theory sexuality is linked to kinship power and ideology specific aspects of culture Social Messages About Sexuality Agents of socialization religion family school peers media Actual reality what we really do Ideals of a culture what we say we do The primary explanation of sex and sexuality then will be examined through natural selection The main force driving sexual selection is the instinct to pass on genes to the next generation The Origins of Sex What is Sex sexual activity either of the two categories male or female a process of combining and mixing genetic traits Every male

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